Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 531: back to the village

   Chapter 531 Back to the Village

  Chen Ningya was relieved to hear it, "My son has really grown up, this idea is more right than me, it's true! Since you don't feel bad for those pearls, the mother will have the cheek to ask you for some."

"Take it and take it, you can take it in whatever color you want." Wen Yuanjing asked Weichun to take the pearls and explained, "It was originally two large boxes, but I left a small half box beside me. , and the rest have been sent back to the capital."

   Even this small half box is estimated to have several hundred pieces.

  Chen Ningya twitched the corners of her mouth, played with two at will, and asked Weichun to take a few kits and pack them.

   About an hour later, Mrs. Ye and the others went back and forth, one by one, like the Chinese New Year, carrying chickens and ducks or fish and shrimps. Zheng Cui and Lan Shu came together with a sheep.

  The servants of the Wen family built a fire around the open space at the side gate of the yard. Others were busy curing meat. Everyone was chatting and laughing.

  Chen Ningya saw that they couldn't finish eating so many things, so she simply asked Ye's family to bring all the children at home, which was very lively.

   After many years, Chen Ningya was shocked when she saw Ye's children, "These two children are growing up really fast!"

   Ye Shi pursed his lips and snickered, "You don't even think that you are all grandmothers, they must be all grown up."

Ye's eldest daughter is called Sun Baoer. The ten-year-old girl has bright eyes and white teeth. She is sensible and well-behaved. It is rare that her eyes are alive. She knows how to take the initiative to help when she comes here. like little adults.

   Ye's youngest son, Sun Yao, is now eight years old, and he seems to be studying.

  Chen Ningya asked casually, "This child is also studying in the village school?"

   Mr. Ye nodded, looking at his son's eyes with light, "No! The village school is so convenient, so of course he wants to let him go. The husband said that the child has some shrewd roots, study hard, and should be able to get a name back.

   Our family has gone on for several generations, and all of them are muddy legs. If we can produce a scholar, we will be able to wake up laughing when we dream! "

Chen Ningya nodded clearly, said some words of encouragement to the children playing in the yard, and then asked Lan Ling to fetch the kits and stuff them into the arms of Ye Shi and others, saying: "These are the beads I brought from Lingnan. It's not a good thing. It's rare. You can bring it back and see if you can do anything."

  Since there are children studying in every household in the village, Chen Ningya is naturally not stingy, and gave each of those children a set of four treasures of the study, which made the children happy.

   Even Ye Shi and others are so happy they can't see their teeth but not their eyes.

   While we were talking, the chicken, duck, and fish were all roasted, but the Kaoquan sheep took a little longer, so I guess it should be reserved for dinner at night.

   In order to wait for the whole lamb to be roasted, all the women and children stayed at Wen's house until midnight before going back.

   Zheng Cui entered the house and saw that the candles in the room were still lit, so he pushed the door and went in.

  Tao Deren turned over and asked, "Why so late?"

   Zheng Cui didn't hide it from her, and told her about the sheep slaughter, "Head of the family, I'm a big spender today, and I slaughtered one of our sheep at once. Will you be angry with me?"

  Tao Deren just frowned and said, "You are always serving these sheep, even if you give them away, I have no problem, but I didn't expect you to be so generous."

   After all, a sheep is worth a lot of money. They all suffered, and it took him many years to get to where he is today. He was already used to Zheng Cui's frugality, and he couldn't understand it suddenly.

Zheng Cui sneered and said: "It's not that I'm not generous, it's just that I can't get up, hey! Our family is not all dependent on the Wen family for what we are today. I'm so grateful for Aning, but it's just that I couldn't repay it. , I happen to have an opportunity today, if I miss it, I don't know when I will be able to express one or two in the future.

  I know that this is something that people may not see in the eyes, but at least it is my intention. I feel comfortable in my own heart. "

   Also her stingy mother-in-law is gone, otherwise knowing that she slaughtered a sheep for this reason, she would be able to skin her alive!

  Tao Deren saw that she was reminded of the bad things she had done in the past, and hurriedly comforted: "It's all over! By the way, what are you carrying in this bag?"

Zheng Cui looked down, and hurriedly put the things on the table carefully, "It was given by Aning, said to be the beads from Lingnan, and a set of the Four Treasures of the Study, for our son, there are all the children in the past today, our son because I didn't get to study, and Aning didn't let him go, so I brought it back."

   After saying that, Zheng Cui opened the bag and took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

  Tao Deren came over to take a look, and gasped, "These things are not cheap!"

Don't ask him how he knew it. The poor are afraid of poverty. In order to support their sons to study, they have to pay for money. If they can save, they can save money. He has seen these things in the study room before. It's not as good as these, the four treasures of the study alone are enough to offset the sheep's money.

   Zheng Cui was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened the bag and poured out small colorful pearls.

   "This is." Zheng Cui said in surprise.

  Tao Deren picked it up and took a closer look, then said uncertainly, "Pearl?"

   "How can there be such a beautiful pearl! Isn't the pearl white?" Zheng Cui was confused.

   The couple peeked at each other, and no one could tell why. When Tao Lin came back, the couple hurriedly pulled him into the room to ask.

  Tao Lin was also surprised when he saw the pearl. After a long time, he said, "It should be a pearl, but I'm not sure. Why don't I take it to the county town tomorrow and ask?"

  Zheng Cui thought about it and refused, "Forget it, no matter what it is, this thing must be valuable. I will keep it well. By the way, you bring back this set of four treasures of the study. It is your Aunt Wen's intention. Go back and study hard."

  Tao Lin was overjoyed to receive this set of four treasures of the study, solemnly thanked his parents, and withdrew.

When he walked into the yard, he looked up at the Wen family halfway up the mountain, remembering what his grandmother said before he passed away, a self-deprecating chuckle appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured, "Grandma, if you know what the Wen family looks like today, would you still think about it? Will there be Xiao's original thoughts? It's ridiculous that I took every word of what you said so seriously in my heart. Now it seems that it is simply ridiculous!"

After   , he shook his head, sighed, and turned back to the room.

  Chen Ningya and Wen Yuanjing received news from Wen Yuanhong after only four days in Fushan Village.

  The mother and daughter hurried back immediately. As soon as they entered the yard, Chen Ningya couldn't wait to ask Shumo, "Where's your second master?"

Shu Mo was already prepared and took Chen Ningya to the carriage, "Madam, the second master said that as soon as you come back, the youngest will take you there. They stay in the deep mountains and are very remote, so they have only made one for half a year. The mountain road that can barely pass the carriage, the mountain road is bumpy, you can take more care in a while, now let's go, you sit firmly."

   (end of this chapter)

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