Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 574: Wen Yuanxing returns

   Chapter 574 Wen Yuanxing Returns

   Everyone was amused by Sun Laifu's words.

   "Uncle, don't compliment me! Also, my marquis is real, so it's hard to say the marshal." Wen Yuanliang said with an open-minded smile.

  Everyone lost their joking heart and died.

Mrs Li asked worriedly, "What's the matter? The emperor won't let you lead the troops to fight? You don't know, the people in the village heard that you drove the Huns away, and almost built a stone statue for you at your door. The archway!"

Wen Yuanliang was so frightened by Li's depiction that he shivered, "Forgive me! Grandma Sun, please help me keep an eye on it when you go back, but don't let them mess around! I just did what I should do, when No, everyone is holding on like this!

Besides, my marshal is also rushing ducks to the shelves. He is not a serious military officer. I can find a hereditary marquis in this position. I am very satisfied, so I do not plan to continue to lead troops, Zhezi All were presented, just waiting for the emperor to arrange a proper handover to Mobei. "

  These people in Fushan Village don't understand, and they are speechless when they hear Wen Yuanliang's words.

  Tao Deren said slowly: "It's not bad not to fight, after all, swords have no eyes, who can guarantee that they will never be injured on the battlefield, and it's good now!"

Wen Yuanliang nodded, "Uncle is right, I didn't have this ambition in the first place, but my ambition has always been in the court. A first assistant or something, it turns out that people are not as good as heaven, but now it seems to be better than being the first assistant, hahaha"

   "You're optimistic!" Mrs. Li smiled strangely and shook her head.

Wen Yuanliang said: "Grandma Sun, I have already told the uncle that you want to see the uncle, but now both inside and outside the palace are busy with the empress' wedding, the uncle probably won't have time to come to see you after that. "

  Li's expression remained unchanged and he nodded slightly, with a look of anticipation in his eyes, "It's okay, grandma is not in a hurry, he is busy with business."

   "Okay, let's not talk about that, the food has already arrived, everyone eat it while it's hot." Chen Ningya greeted a group of people to take a seat.

   Everyone is from the country, and there are not so many rules. In order to let them eat more comfortably, Chen Ningya removed all the servants. Everyone was talking and laughing, and it was really comfortable.

  Wen Youshan saw everyone happy, and it was rare to drink too much, but he was completely drunk.

   Wen Yuanxing came back from outside three days before Wen Yuanjing got married.

   That little brat back then was an adult in a blink of an eye, wearing a black brocade robe and a jade crown.

   "This is Yuanxing?" Ye Shi exclaimed.

   Wen Yuanxing and Chen Ningya were reminiscing about the old days. Hearing the words, he looked back and showed a big smile at Mrs. Ye, "Aunt Sun, long time no see. I heard you all came before I went to Beijing. How are you, but are you still adapting?"

   "How can you not adapt to adapting? The capital is really good!" Ye Shi laughed hard.

  Wen Yuanxing's smile also deepened a lot, "If you like it, stay for a while. After the second sister enters the palace, I will accompany you to go out for a walk."

  Chen Ningya knocked on his head angrily, "I just came back, and I just wanted to go out. I'm really not used to it, aren't I?"

  Wen Yuanxing deliberately covered his head exaggeratedly, begging for mercy again and again, "Mother, I'm just a host, don't be rude, my head can't stand your beating!"

Seeing that funny look, Mrs. Li was very happy, and immediately said distressedly: "Yes, yes, we Yuanxing are still young! Don't beat him! Grandma, look, is there a bag on this head? ?"

  Chen Ningya: "." Did she hit it with a hammer? Otherwise, why would you pack it?

On the other hand, Wen Yuanxing also cooperated with Li's grievance and acted like a spoiled child, which really made Chen Ningya angry enough, and the excitement of reuniting after a long absence disappeared, leaving only his stomach full of thoughts on how to treat this slippery autumn, and there was no one in his mouth. Honest brat.

  Wen Youshan saw that his wife was being bullied, and immediately glared at Wen Yuanxing, "Stinky boy! I'll beat you all over again!"

   Wen Yuanxing immediately became honest when he heard it, sitting upright as if it was a different person, making the crowd unable to return to their senses.

Just when everyone was stunned, I heard him say seriously: "Daddy, I came back from the southwest this time, and I brought some things for you all, even the second sister's makeup. Ready."

"Cough, cough," Chen Ningya was so frightened by the word "add makeup" that she coughed violently. What did the second sister bring?"

  Wen Yuanxing showed a meaningful smile to Chen Ningya.

  Chen Ningya suddenly had a bad feeling.

  The housekeeper hurried in at this moment, and reported panting heavily: "Master, ma'am, it's not good! A flock of cattle and sheep came outside our house. There are probably thousands of them."

Chen Ningya only felt a flower in front of her eyes and almost fainted, but Wen Yuanxing asked hurriedly, "How many are there? Tell you, these are the mutton sheep and beef cattle that I specially ordered with the herdsmen. I can’t get tired of eating it every day in the southwest, Mom and Dad, let’s kill a few heads and try it first.”

  Chen Ningya almost cried because of Wen Yuanxing's sharpening stance, "Oh my god! What the **** did I give birth to! It's terrifying!"

  Wen Yuanxing: "????? Mother, your son is so filial, how can you say such hurtful words! Humph! If you don't believe me, I'll go get a sheep and a cow right now for you to taste."

   Wen Yuanxing ran away.

  Chen Ningya leaned helplessly in Wen Youshan's arms, "What should we do? Will our family become the laughing stock of the capital?"

  Wen Youshan swallowed hard and shook his head uncertainly, "It shouldn't be."

   When he said this, he felt empty, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately ordered the servants: "Go and call the second master, let him stare at the third master, and don't cause trouble for me!"

Outside the mansion of Anguo, those cattle and sheep attracted a lot of people to watch, Zheng Ying held a saber while chasing Wen Yuanhong silently and said: "What's the matter with your third child? It's so good. In the capital of cattle and sheep, my dignified commander of Wu Ji has become a herder of cattle and sheep for your family."

Wen Yuanhong was very apologetic, and when he saw the complaining words in his mouth again, his eyes couldn't stop drifting to those cattle and sheep, as if the harassers were about to flow out, he had an idea, and immediately said: "Commander Zheng has worked hard, my little brother is out in the wild. I'm used to it, some do whatever I want, don't understand the rules, I've worked so hard for you, and I'll leave in a while, but be sure to bring a few back to have a taste."

   (end of this chapter)

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