Wen Family Has a Wife

Chapter 575: cattle and sheep

   Chapter 575 Cattle and Sheep

   "Then I'm welcome!"

   After saying that, Zheng Ying's eyes immediately became like those of hungry wolves when he looked at these cattle and sheep.

Wen Yuanhong looked a little embarrassed, and immediately asked his servants to lead him a few times. He couldn't count the rest of his books, and he suddenly had a headache. After thinking about it, he quickly ordered his colleague: "All rushed to Zhuangzi in the suburbs. On, remember to take good care of these livestock, and don't let them spoil the crops."

   After he finished speaking, he realized that Wen Yuanxing was gone, and quickly asked the guards to chase after him.

   Wen Yuanxing was already slaughtering cows and sheep in the kitchen.

   When Wen Yuanhong ran into the Moon Arch, he happened to see a group of servants encircling Wen Yuanxing in a half circle. Wen Yuanxing neatly solved the cattle and sheep in the center, watching his actions

  Wen Yuanhong's eyes turned red for no reason, he slowed down and approached, and when he calmed down, he asked, "Who did you learn this skill from outside?"

Wen Yuanxing immersed himself in his work and said, "Who else can I learn from? Naturally, it was brought by my unreliable master. I have followed him around the world over the years, often encountering emergencies. If I didn't have the skills, I would have starved to death. !"

   Wen Yuanhong was furious when he heard this, and couldn't help but scolded: "How could a Chinese Taoist treat you like this? My parents asked him to take you away because they trusted him, how could he... how could he."

Seeing that Wen Yuanhong was really angry, Wen Yuanxing hurriedly explained: "Second brother, don't be angry with Master, he treats me like his own son, I really don't have to choose! I eat outside, dress well, use It was all given by Master, and he didn’t miss me even in pocket money. Even though he was used to poor food, he didn’t pay much attention to diet and daily life, but I’m different! I’m growing! I can’t let me stay Like him to eat those tasteless wild fruits and roasted mushy and burnt pheasants and hares?

For my own sake, and also to honor my master, I learned to cook specially. It's really not that difficult to kill cows and sheep, plus I'm pretty good at it, it's not a problem to do this, by the way, I'll bake it in a while. I'll give you a taste of the whole sheep, it's even better than what we used to get in the village.

Since the Tibetans returned to Daqi, Master and I have been wandering around there a lot. I didn't have any spices here, but I brought back a lot. You can try it when you like it. If you like it, you can get some and plant it on Zhuangzi. Is there another way to do business?"

  Wen Yuanxing rambled on, but Wen Yuanhong just listened silently, and even went over to help. Although he was in a mess, he also deeply experienced the difficulty of Wen Yuanxing.

   In such a short time, he has forgotten the original intention of coming to Wen Yuanxing just now.

   Chen Ningya received the news, she just kept silent, and didn't pursue the matter of those cattle and sheep.

   The steward then came in and reported cautiously: "Madam, the third master brought back dozens of boxes in addition to these cattle and sheep, all of them are precious medicinal herbs and supplements, and jade, you see."

  Chen Ningya has lost her temper after being worn down, and with a long sigh of relief, she said quietly, "Send it to the yard for whoever it's for, and if it's for the second lady, send it to another yard."

   The steward followed his words and left.

   When it was dark, Wen Yuanxing’s tossed roast whole lamb and beef stew finally came out of the pot. One sheep and one cow could not be eaten even by dozens of people. Everyone really opened their stomachs to eat this time, and they were amazed while eating.

   "Yuanxing! Uncle really convinced you! The taste of this beef and mutton is enough for me to remember for a lifetime!" Huang Ergou exclaimed sincerely.

Sun Laifu immediately agreed: "No! This meat is really different from what we bought there, let's not talk about beef, we can't slaughter cattle arbitrarily in Daqi, and most of what we eat is beef that has died of old age and disease, which is wood and dry. , I was fortunate enough to eat it once, and I really didn't feel it. It's not as good as the pork that we raised at home!

   But your beef tastes amazing! Now I finally understand why those rich people only eat beef and mutton, and look down on pork! "

  Tao Deren only cared about eating, but couldn't make time to talk.

   Zheng Cui said enviously to Chen Ningya, "Yuanxing is such a filial child. Just because he has tasted delicious food, he even drove the cattle and sheep from the southwest. This is for you to eat so much!"

Chen Ningya covered her mouth and smiled, "We know that he is filial, you don't have to boast any more, let's go on, this kid may have his tail up in the sky, just now the steward of Zhuangzi came to report and said that after counting, there are nine hundred cattle. Ninety, and the number of sheep is the same, so many, we can't finish it even if we eat it every day, if you like it, take a few back with you when you go."

   These words made everyone excited, but before everyone was dazzled, they all shook their heads, "It's okay to eat here, even eat and take it, what kind of words!"

Wen Yuanxing also said at this moment: "Mother, these cattle and sheep came from the southwest, and we can't raise them here. I let the herdsmen take care of them carefully so that they did not die of illness. If it is summer, these cattle and sheep will not die. I can't stand the heat here, I'm afraid I'll die."

  Chen Ningya felt a sudden shock, her face full of worry, "So much, we won't be able to finish it even in summer!"

   "Mother, don't worry! There are many people who want to eat! Just wait for the money."

   Before Chen Ningya could react, the steward came over again, "Madam, there are several people outside, asking if we sell the cattle and sheep today?"

   "Why is it so sudden?" Chen Ningya was a little stunned. It's been less than a day since these cattle and sheep capitals, so who would be so impulsive? Besides, this is the mansion of An Guogong, and they dare to come and ask!

   Seeing Chen Ningya's surprise, the steward quickly replied: "Today, Commander Zheng took away a lot, and after returning, he simmered it directly. Those who have tasted it can't sit still, so."

  Chen Ningya suddenly looked at Wen Yuanxing and asked amusingly, "You already planned this?"

Wen Yuanxing shook his head innocently, "No! My original intention was to bring it back for you to eat. I don't have any opinion on what you want to do with it, but if I sell it, I have said it in advance, and it can't be less than one thousand taels per head. Otherwise I won't sell it!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and even the manager looked like he was terrified, and said in a negotiated manner: "Third Master, we have a sheep here that is only a dozen taels, and two or three taels in the sky, and those cows that die of old age and disease are no more than one tael. Two or three hundred taels, if you sell it for a thousand taels, you will definitely not be able to sell it!"

  Wen Yuanxing said stubbornly: "My cattle and sheep are worth this price, one thousand taels for a sheep and two thousand taels for a cow. If the price is too low, I will not sell them, and refuse to negotiate the price!"

  Look at how clearly he won't change his mind.

   The steward was helpless and had no choice but to answer. He wanted to see who would buy it! If no one buys it and can't finish it, it's not a matter of lowering the price or giving it away!

   (end of this chapter)

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