Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 12 - 12 Slaughtering James and the hunters

"Hello Alice, how was baseball?"

"Fenris, we have a problem and we need your help."

"What happened?"

"Do you remember what I told you about James the hunter?"

"The guy responsible for you becoming a vampire? Of course I remember."

"He came here with his mate and a friend. They interrupted our game and they noticed Bella. According to Edward, James now wants to hunt Bella.

We've come up with a plan. A few of us are going to lead James away, but Edward wants you and me to take Bella to Pheonix, Arizona."

"I'll be right there."

I quickly arrive at the Cullen residence where everyone is preparing to leave, Esme and Rosalie are wearing Bella's clothes so they can leave a trail for James to follow.

Bella, Alice and I step into Carlisle's Mercedes and go our way towards pheonix with me masking Bella's scent.

The drive takes about a day because we had to stop a few times for me and Bella to eat and for toilet breaks.

We eventually make it to a hotel in Pheonix where we check in.

In our room Alice suddenly has a vision of a ballet studio.

In the evening after Bella and I had dinner, she slips away from us after she recieves a phone call from James.

Alice notices because of a change in her vision, and warns me about it. Of course I had noticed already.

I arrive at the ballet studio and see James with a camera in his hand.

"Too bad Edward didn't have the strength to turn you.

You could have been an apex predator. Instead he kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel, really."

'Did he just say 'apex predator'? Hah, if he thinks that's what he is, he's got another thing coming.'

James snaps Bella's leg and says

"Tell Edward how much it hurts.

Tell him to avenge you. Tell him!"

"No, Edward, don't!"

"Tell him! TELL HIM!!"

In the ensuing fight there is a lot of unnecessary jumping and throwing. And watching this, all I can think is 'this is such an ineffective and inefficient way of fighting.'

After throwing Edward away, James makes his way to Bella as he is about to bite her I make my entrance and grab him by the neck and hold him up in the air.

"Who the hell are you?"

Not missing an opportunity to turn his own words back at him, I answer..

"Always such inane questions,

'Who are you?'

'What do you want?'

'Why are you doing this?'

You and I have one thing in common James.

Realizing what I just said I quickly correct myself.

"Well I don't really wanna eat you actually, but you know what I mean."

'Shit, I just totally ruined the psycho vibe I had going on.'

I protract my claws and elongate them with my aura, pretty much turning my hand into a sword. Next I cut off his arms and legs, which earns me a few loud, painful screams.

"Aaah! Shit! Just kill me, asshole! Get on with it."

After neutralizing him I drop him to the ground.

"Apex predator huh? What are you now, James? This legless, armless thing, rolling down the street like a turd, in the wind.

Apex predator my a.s.s.

I, am an apex predator.

I am the apex of apex predators!

I am Death, Destroyer of Worlds!

I am the Demon Wolf!"

'hehehe thank you Deucalion from Teen Wolf for the beautiful psycho rant. Always wanted to do something like that. Hmm maybe for next time I should come up with my own. Food for thought.'

Deciding I had my fun, I decapitate James with one last slash of my claws.

Right then Alice appears by my side.

"You didn't tell me you had so many titles, demon wolf, Alpha of alphas and the one I liked the most Death, Destroyer of Worlds, hahaha."

"I was just having some fun with it.

I coulda killed him without him ever knowing I was there but where's the fun in that?"

After we burned James' corpse, we brought Bella to the hospital. Edward stayed with her while the rest of us all went back home.

A few weeks later, after the prom, junior year was over.

It's now the middle of summer and as Alice and I lay on the couch, watching the news, suddenly something piques my interest.

"In Washington, the state has decided to temporarily lift the ban on hunting wolves. This after a pack of wolves recently entered the town of Port Angeles and maimed a 5 year old boy.

The wolf pack had it's territory in the Olympic National Park, where there have been many reports over the last few weeks of strange animal behavior. This reached a tipping point last friday when the 5 year old boy was attacked. The state officials have not yet confirmed how long the ban lift will last."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. The gray wolf may not be on the endangered species list but I don't think that makes this okay. If hunting these animals is allowed it will increase the chance of people running into the Quileute wolves or you guys when you're hunting."

"You're right but there's nothing we can do about that, we'll just have to be more careful"

A few weeks later I left Alice at the Cullen residence so she can have a 'girls night' with Rosalie, Edythe and Bella. On my way home I hear gunshots followed by the whimpering cries of wolves. So I climb into a tree and follow the sound to investigate.

Now, I probably shouldn't judge them considering the way I slaughtered James but these wolves are different. Animals usually only attack humans if they have a good reason to do so. More often than not in the case of a fatal animal attack, the fault lies entirely with the human. I would never derive p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from killing an innocent creature.

By the time I arrived and made sense of the situation they had already killed the second wolf, now they were moving towards the last one.

This is when I decide to intervene.

Not bothering to 'play' this time, I make these hunters' deaths quick, but not quite painless.

After taking care of these monsters, I move towards the wolf. To my surprise though, I hear multiple heartbeats, she's pregnant.

As I come closer she bares her fangs.

I release my aura and fill it with positive intent, now realizing that I'm no threat, the wolf loses consciousness.

I take her home and treat her wounds to the best of my abilities.

After explaining everything to Alice once she comes home, she asks..

"So, what are you going to do with her? If those 2 wolves were her only pack members, she has no one to take care of her when she gives birth."

"I know, we'll have to discuss this when she wakes up."

Alice then looks at me like I've gone senile. So I quickly explain.

"Right, I guess I never told you but I can talk to animals."

"You're like a Russian nesting doll, you know that?

Everytime I think I know everything about you, you make another big revelation."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Absolutely not, it's something I love about you. It makes life with you interesting. Maybe a little weird at times, but definitely interesting."

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