Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 13 - 13 Luna and vengeance

The next day the wolf slowly regains consciousness.

"You're safe, there's no danger here. Just relax. I treated your wounds and your cubs are all healthy."

Ignoring the strange creature talking to her, she curiously looks at her unfamiliar surroundings.

"Thank you, where am I? Is this your den?"

"Humans live in houses not dens."

"You may look like them but I can tell you're definitely not human. You smell more like a wolf."

"I'm both, a hybrid between both species."

"So you turn into one of those really big wolves like the others?"

"I can, if I want to."

"I see, so what's going to happen to me now?"

"That's what we're going to figure out together"

"What's to figure out? My life is in your hands, I won't make it out there on my own. In a few weeks I won't even be able to hunt.

So I either depend on you, or I'm dead anyway."

"So the other two wolves were the only members of your pack?"

"Yes, we were always a small pack."

"Did you attack a young human a few weeks ago?"

"The reason there are so many hunters now is because a few weeks ago a young human was attacked by a wolf pack. He barely survived."

"That wasn't us."

"Alright then, you can stay with me. At least until you've given birth to your cubs.

Do you have a name?"

"No, never had a need for such things. My mate, the alpha just called us both beta."

"I'm not calling you that. Your mate was an alpha huh?

Then how about Luna?"

"Luna?... I like it. You can call me that."

"Nice to meet you Luna, my name is Fenris."

Before Bella's birthday party starts, Edward pulls me aside to talk..

"Thank you for your help in taking out James and protecting Bella, I've been thinking about giving you a token of my gratitude and could only come up with one thing. So I used some of our contacts from around the world trying to find out where Vladimir and Stefan are. I couldn't find out where they are but I do know where they're going to be. Portland, Maine two weeks from now. They're still running from the Volturi so they won't be there for long, they'll most likely just be passing through."

"Thank you Edward, you've given me an opportunity to avenge my family. This means more to me than you will ever know."

Bella's party happens just like in the movie, Bella gets a paper cut, Edward pushes her away from Jasper and she gets injured in the process. This event opens Edward's eyes to the dangers Bella is in every day she's with him, so the Cullens decide to leave Forks and go to Alaska.

"I want you to come with us Fenris."

"No, I'm going to hunt down Stefan and Vladimir. And then I'm coming back here to help Luna give birth. Afterwards I'll come to Alaska, but I won't stay there permanently. I'll travel in between. For me it's just a 15 minute run between here and Anchorage anyway. Alright?"

Alice is definitely not happy with my decision, but she doesn't say anything else and leaves with her family.

Portland, Maine

As soon as I arrived near the town, I smelled 2 vampires. Using my senses it was very easy to find exactly where they were.

"Hello Vladimir, Stefan."

They both look at me with surprise, shock and fear, especially fear.


"You remember, good. Although I guess it would be very hard to forget someone you had to seal away just because you couldn't find a way to kill him."

I slowly walk towards them in a treatening manner, one by one transforming my features to be more wolf-like, starting with my fangs and claws.

Meanwhile Vladimir and Stefan walk backwards clearly feeling my aura suppressing them.

"We didn't want to do that, Fenris. You know how things worked back then, you either cooperated with the vampire elders or you died."

"That's your excuse? Really? You killed my children and grandchildren all so you could seal me away. And let me guess, you didn't actually want to round up and kill almost all my other relatives after it was done either. Huh?"

Realizing where this is heading they both try to run. But before they turn around I already had my hands firmly wrapped around their hearts.

And in one clean jerk I rip out both their hearts.

As I turn around and walk away they both fall to the ground and break into pieces as though they were nothing but fragile porcelain dolls.

As I run west towards the White Mountains I notice tears falling down my face, and no matter how much I try I can't seem to get it under control.

'I never really treated my memories as my own, so subconsciously I always kept my memories of my past life seperate from my memories of this world. But now that I' ve avenged my family the memories are merging, becoming one.'

I run up to the highest peak on Mount Adams and let out a very cathartic howl, unleashing all bottled up emotions I didn' t let out because I didn't accept my memories.


At the same time all over the world every single animal looks in one direction and all the wolves start howling as well.

The next morning I wake up on top of Mount Adams and I notice a few things have changed. Ever since I woke up 20 years ago and read my status for the first time I noticed that something was wrong, it felt like for some reason I didn't have access to the full extent of my abilities.

But now I literally feel a seemingly infinite power flowing through my body.

Let's see what I'm capable of.


Name: Fenris Kallikrates

Race: Werewolf Lord

Age: 2700+ years old


Nature's Call - The ability to talk to animals and command them to do your bidding.

Werewolf Lord's regeneration: The ability to regenerate entire bodyparts in mere seconds.

Werewolf Lord's aura manipulation: As a Werewolf Lord you possess a very powerful aura, and the ability to manipulate it and use it to attack your opponents. Due to awakening to your true nature you can now create aura constructs. (Like a Green Lantern's light construct)

Fangs of The Sun & Moon Devourer: Rob has graciously bestowed upon you the fangs of The Sun & Moon Devourer, these fangs can cut through anything, even concepts such as life, death, space, and time etc. e.g. If you were to bite a person who is dead you can devour the aspect of death from their body and return them back to life. Due to awakening to your true nature the fangs have gained an extra function. The ability to grant anyone a portion of your power (you will gain it back within days). There are also no longer any setbacks from using the power of your fangs.

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