Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 18 - 18 Consulting Rob and popping the question

A few days after the fight against the newborns. Edward and Bella revealed that they were going to get married.

They enlisted Alice's help in arranging everything so she would be busy for a while.

Which gave me time to imbue every one of Luna's cubs with my power at her request.

The cubs are 2 males named Beowulf and Duke, and the 2 females are Athena and Twilight.

After conversing with me quite a lot over the last year she has learned to understand normal human speech, so she can now understand Alice as well although she can't communicate herself so it's a one way street.

I already talked to Luna about what I'm going to do after killing the Volturi, and she wants to join me on my travels along with her cubs. She started treating me as the alpha after I gave her my power so I suppose that makes her and her cubs my pack.

Even though I only gave her a fraction of my power it was apparently enough to put her on equal footing with the werewolves, she's as fast and as strong as any of them, and like me, she has the ability to change her size. Although she can't turn into a 23 foot giant wolf like me she's still pretty tall standing at 8 feet, at least taller than any of the werewolves.

After empowering the cubs, I am weakened for a few days. During that time I stayed at home while Luna was very protective of me, which was just adorable to me.

It also gave me time to think about me and Alice, something has been bothering her lately.

I know what it is, but addressing the issue would require me to tell her about me traveling to different worlds and asking her if she's willing to come with me. The problem is, I'm not sure I want to hear the answer to that question. What if it's no? I don't know what I would do if that happens.

After a few days of soulsearching I decide to do something billions of people do every day, pray.

I go to a local church in Forks and try to establish a connection with Rob.

I'm not actually sure if the church helps at all but I figured it wouldn't hurt.

After 10 minutes of praying with my eyes closed, I didn't notice anything.

'Oh well, it was a longshot anyway.'

But when I open my eyes Rob is sitting right in front of me wearing a black suit with a priest's collar. He's got an amused smile on his face from watching me try so hard while failing to notice him sitting before me.

"Hey kid, how's your new life been so far?"

"It's great. I found love and family. I've never been happier."

"That's fantastic kid. But people never pray to me when things are great, they pray to me when they need something, so let's get down to business. What do you want to know?"

"When I leave this world will I be able to come and go as I please?"

"No, just like wiping out the Volturi in this world, every other world you travel to will require you to complete a main mission before you can travel between worlds again. But after you've completed the mission in the next world, you can come back to this one and travel between as much as you want, until you go to the 3rd world, where you will have to complete another mission. You already set Earth Land as your next world, there you'll have to kill Acnologia and Zeref. I realize this could take a while but you don't have to worry, the rifts you'll travel through are rifts between space and time. Meaning you can come to this world only seconds after you left while having spent centuries in Earth Land."

"So that means if I leave without Alice, I'll be seperated from her for however long it takes me to complete my mission."

"I'm afraid so. I can't help you there. But if you want my advice, man up and just talk to the girl. You're a werewolf lord for christ sakes, and you're afraid of rejection? Just explain it to her properly and remember the background story about the world traveling I made for you."

"Alright, thanks Rob. It was good seeing you again."

"Same here kid. If you marry the girl I'll officiate."

"Haha, how many people can say they got married by god?"

"No one, I've never done it before. Good luck kid."

"Thank you."

I quickly made my way to the Cullen residence where Alice is orc.h.e.s.trating the wedding preparations for Bella and Edward's wedding.



"I would like your blessing to ask Alice to marry me."

This conjures a big bright smile on Carlisle's face.

"Of course you have my blessing Fenris. I was wondering when you'd get around to it."

"You were?"

"Yes, we all were. We thought you guys were ready a long time ago. We figured there might be some reason you were holding back."

"There is, but I should probably just discuss that with Alice first."

"Right, yes, of course. She's in her room upstairs."

"Thank you Carlisle."

"Good luck Fenris."

I walk up to Alice's room and knock.

"Come in."

"Hi beautiful, we need to talk."

"Okay, about what?"

"Right, I'll just get right to it. My mother used to tell me about other worlds besides ours, and that centuries before I was even born, when magic was truly abundant in this world, there were witches and warlocks who had enough power to open a rift in space they could use to travel to these worlds. There are worlds where magic is so abundant that dragons and all manner of magical creatures can be found and there are fist-size crystals that contain more magic than this entire world ever had. Or a world where there is no magic at all, but the people use different powers they get from eating special fruits.

Once we get to such a world, it would take time before we could travel back here, but once I can open another rift, we can travel back to the exact point we left so that way no time passes here really. So you don't have to miss anything."

"That is a lot to take in Fenris. The idea of traveling to unknown worlds with you is incredibly exciting, but for us time will still pass normally so I'll still be separated from my family for very long periods of time, won't I?"

"Yes, that's true."

"I'll do it. But I want to get married first. So, Fenris Kallikrates, will you marry me?"

"Aren't I supposed to be the one to ask? I mean, I got permission from Carlisle and everything. I even have a ring."

"It's not 500 BC anymore sweetheart. It's the 21st century, so answer the question.Oh but I do want that ring."

"Yes Alice, I'll marry you."

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