Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 19 - 19 The double wedding

After spending a long and wonderful night together with Alice, we're lying in bed with her lying half on top of me.

She slowly and gently c.a.r.e.s.ses my scars before asking..

"Fenris, if you can heal from pretty much anything, how come you have these scars?"

"Unlike every other werewolf that has ever existed, I wasn't born a werewolf. I was a Spartan before I became a werewolf.

To become a Spartan warrior, you had to go through something called the agoge. It was basically a fifteen year long training regimen and education provided by the state that started at the age of seven.

At a few points during the agoge, you would be dropped off in the middle of nowhere by yourself and you were expected to return with something you had hunted. But it couldn't be normal game like deer or bunnies or anything you'd normally hunt. It had to be a predator, like a bear, mountain lion or a wolf. But it could be anything really, as long as it had the ability to kill a man it would suffice.

The scar on my c.h.e.s.t came from a bear and most of the others came from wolves.

After I was turned into a werewolf, I never gained another scar but I didn't lose the ones I already had either."

"That must've been so hard."

"Looking back it wasn't much fun, no. But back then I didn't think like that. Nobody did. It was just the way things worked. I'm sure a few thousand years from now people will look back and think people from this day and age were nuts too.

But enough of that. How are the preparations going for the wedding?"

"Everything is going well, we're well ahead of schedule."

"And you're sure they were okay with your idea?"

"Yes of course, and they didn't take nearly as much convincing as you."

"Well, to me it just always seemed like brides always want the focus on them on their wedding day, so it's just hard for me to believe Bella is okay with having a double wedding."

"It's not a popularity contest Fenris and you can let Bella and me sort out the details. Are you sure you're not having cold feet?"

"Yeah, I'm 100% certain it ain't that. Things are moving a little faster than I thought they would but I'm okay with that. In fact, I'm happy we're getting married so soon."

"Good, because it's only two weeks away. I'm very excited."

"So am I."

2 weeks later Edward and I are both waiting at the altar for our brides to arrive when Rob suddenly asks..

"You nerveus kid?"

"No, not really."

"Hmph liar. I know all, remember?"

"Then why'd you even ask?!"

"Distraction. You're not nerveus now, are you?"

"Hmm, thanks... I think."

"You're welcome kid. Here they come."

Edward and I both watch as Bella walks arm in arm with Charlie while Alice does the same with Carlisle. And I gotta say, Alice looks amazing. She's been letting her hair grow out for a few months now so it comes down to just below her shoulder, now don't get me wrong I loved her pixie cut, but right now she looks truly gorgeous.

When they made their way to the altar, Edward and I stood across from our brides and Rob began the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to unite these four people in

marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish."

Alice and Bella had decided together that Bella and Edward would make their vows virst which was exactly like in the movie and then it was our turn.

"I Fenris, promise to love and support you Alice and live each day with kindness, understanding, devotion and passion through sorrows and joys, hardsh.i.p.s and triumphs for all the days of my life. With this ring I thee wed."

I then take Alice's hand and place the ring on her finger.

Then it's Alice's turn.

"I Alice promise to love and support you Fenris. I promise to honor and tenderly care for you, cherish and encourage you and to stand by your side through sorrows and joys, hardsh.i.p.s and triumphs for all the days of my life. With this ring I thee wed."

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts of all- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long and prosperous.

I now pronounce you husbands and wives. Gentlemen you may kiss your brides."

After the kiss there is a standing ovation.

Later in the evening Alice and I were dancing until Carlisle cut in.

"Fenris, may I borrow my daughter for a dance?"

"Of course Carlisle."

I exit the dance floor and find my way to Rob who is standing near the tree line.

"So where are you going on your honeymoon?"

"Nowhere, knowing what's to come I convinced Alice to consider our journeys to new worlds as one big honeymoon. And considering that those journeys may last centuries for us she didn't argue."

"Makes sense I guess. Well I wish you and your wife all the happiness in the multiverse. I have to get back to doing what I do. When you get to Fairy Tail there will be something waiting in your system, consider it a wedding gift."

"Thank you Rob, for everything."

"Farewell kid, try not to have to contact me again until you get to One Piece."

"Uhh, sure. I'll try."

Even though Alice and I postponed our honeymoon until we start our travels, we still spent the next 3 weeks or so in our home (what was formerly MY mansion) cooped up in our bedroom, except for when we needed food and blood.

But on the first day of the 4th week we got a call from Carlisle.

'Guess they figured out Bella is pregnant.'

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