Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 20 - 20 Half-human half-vampire

Alice and I quickly made our way to the Cullen residence where Carlisle is waiting for us.

"Hey Carlisle, what exactly is going on?"

"Bella is pregnant, they came home a few hours ago and we have no idea what to expect so we were hoping you might know something."

"I do. Where is she?"

When we got to the living room everyone was gathered around Bella arguing about what to do with the baby.

"Alright that's enough! Fenris said he knows something. Fenris?"

"A human-vampire hybrid baby grows at an accelerated rate. It will be born in 3 months and it will be fully grown after 7 years, afterwards the aging stops permanently like that of a normal vampire.

Bella, during the pregnancy you will have to drink blood as well as eat human food in order to get the nutritional needs for both you and your baby, but even then the chance of you surviving childbirth is slim to none. This is where you come in Edward. After she delivers the baby you will have to turn her before her heart stops."

"Thank you Fenris, and I'm sorry we had to interrupt your uh... You know."

"Haha, you're welcome Bella. You just take care of that baby. I'll explain the situation to the wolves."

After explaining everything to Jacob and the rest of the pack they seemed okay with the situation.

Everything seemed to be going as planned, over the next few months Bella's pregnancy went a lot smoother due to her drinking blood from the beginning. A few weeks before the baby was born, Edward started hearing its thoughts and slowly he was able to make the baby understand not to hurt Bella by moving too much.

Throughout this ordeal I've noticed Alice being absentminded every now and then when it's just us alone.

"Alice, is everything alright?"

"I realized there are a few conversations we should have had before we got married."

"About what?"

"Children for starters. I can't give you any."

Looking at her right now, I can see how much pain she's in just having to admit this to me and even herself. Seeing this I want only one thing, to take it all away.

"Alice, come here."

I pull her into my arms and move my face towards hers. I can see her clearly preparing for a kiss so she closes her eyes in anticipation of my lips but the sensation she's waiting for never comes, instead I pull her head to the side and bite her neck like a vampire would.

"What are you doing?!"

Ignoring her question I devour the aspect of death from her body.

"Blergh, I will never get used to that vile taste. Luna was only dead for a few minutes, you were dead for over a century making the taste more potent."

"What taste? What are you talking about and why did you bite me?"

"My fangs, they can cut through- and devour anything. Even concepts like death. I devoured death from your body just now, turning you into a living vampire. You now have a human heartbeat and you can eat human food if you want. But most importantly you can give birth if you want."

"Fenris... I love you. Let's go make one right now."

Alice starts running upstairs to our bedroom dragging me along.

"Wait! We're both immortal. There's no need to be impatient. Besides something tells me that it's going to take a lot of time before we get you pregnant. Don't forget, we are both different species.

How about we just continue like we normally would and don't use contraception."

"So, leave it up to fate?"


"You do want a baby right?"

"Yes, of course I do. Nothing would make me happier. But I also think it would be nice if we could first enjoy each other for a few years."

"Alright, we'll leave it up to fate then."

A few days later Alice had told Rosalie what I'd done. So naturally she asked for the bite too and to my surprise so did Edythe and Esme.

Of course I obliged, they are my inlaws after all and it doesn't take much for me, just a bite and a horrible taste.

After I bit them Carlisle came in the room apparently looking for me.

"Fenris, most of us haven't hunted in weeks and the baby can come any day now so I don't feel comfortable leaving Bella here to go hunting. Do you think you could gather some animals for us like you did when we were preparing for the newborns?"

"Sure, no problem."

A few hours later I'd gathered a few deer, bears and mountain lions so I made my way back to the family.

Walking into the living room I see Rosalie sitting on the couch with a little baby in her arms surrounded by pretty much the whole family except Carlisle, Edward and Bella.

"Damnit, I missed it. How's Bella?"

"She's transitioning right now. Carlisle and Edward are with her."

"Alright. So? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl, Renesmee. Here, you hold her."

"Hi little one, I'm uncle Fenris."

While I hold her in my arms she bites my hand and starts s.u.c.k.i.n.g blood.

"Aww, so cute. Look Rose, she's drinking my blood."

"WHAT?! But you're a werewolf, stop her."

Little Nessie, scared from auntie Rose screaming starts crying.

"Waah! Waah!"

"Look what you did, there is no problem with her drinking my blood. You guys don't do it because werewolves smell bad to you. Have you never noticed how I don't smell like them? Other than that there is no real reason not to drink werewolf blood.

Besides, Alice drinks my blood all the time."

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely. Otherwise I wouldn't have let her drink in the first place."

"Alright then. At least now Carlisle won't have to get blood bags. And we won't have to bring her animal blood either. If she's hungry she can just nibble on uncle Fenris."

"Or you can just fix her a sandwich. She' s half human remember? She can eat normal food."

"Sure but looking at her s.u.c.k.i.n.g your hand dry like that I don't think she's going to want to switch any time soon."

"That's okay, my body will produce more blood than she could ever drink. I'm like an unlimited supply of Nessie's special baby formula."

"Haha, Nessie? Like the Loch Ness monster?"

"Uh huh, exactly."

Edward and Carlisle join us in the living room while we all wait for Bella to wake up. An hour or so later she does and goes hunting with Edward to get her bloodl.u.s.t under control. After they're done she comes to meet her daughter for the first time.

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