Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 21 - 21 Nessie's Agoge

The next 2 years passed by peacefully and the family expanded with 1 new child. Rosalie became pregnant shortly after Renesmee was born. It's a boy and his name is Lucas.

Renesmee grew up exactly like I said she would, right now she's physically 6 years old. I've taken up the task to home school her.

"Uncle Fenris, can I become a Spartan warrior like you?"

"Haha, sorry sweetheart but women weren't really allow..."

Before finishing that sentence I feel a chill down my spine. Looking around the room I notice all the women in the family looking at me with a judgemental look.

"... Suuure, of course you can be a Spartan Warrior sweetheart. We'll start training soon."

"Yaay, did you hear that mommy. Uncle Fenris is going to train me to become a warrior."

"Yes honey, that's great.

Fenris, can we talk?"


"Yeah sure Bella."

We move to another room to talk privately.

"Why does Renesmee know about you? She's a little young for that, don't you think?"

"Yes, that's why I told her a PG version."

"Why did you even tell her in the first place?"

"Because she asked me. It's my job as both her teacher and her uncle to entertain her with stories. But if you want someone to blame how about your husband. He told Nessie that I was the oldest living creature in the world, so of course she was going to ask."

"Alright, fine. But now you promised to turn her into a Spartan. How are you going to do that?"

"We're going to recreate an Agoge. I'm going to teach her how to survive anything nature can throw at someone, then I'm going to teach her how to steal and fight. It'll be like a real Agoge except she'll remain at home with you guys."

"Alright, but I'm going to be there every step of the way."

"Sure, no problem."

The next day I arrived at the Cullen residence after making a plan for Renesmee's Agoge.

"Alright Nessie, back in my day we'd start by learning how to fend for ourselves. We would no longer be given food once the Agoge had started and we would have to steal it. If we got caught stealing, we would get beaten half to death.

If you get caught you will be confined to your room for 48 hours."

"Gulp. Uncle Fenris is a meanie. Moooom, do something."

"Sorry sweetie, you wanted to be a Spartan Warrior. Now you have to deal with the consequences."

"Hmph. Mommy is a meanie too.

Uncle Fenris, does this mean you won't give me your daily lunch blood anymore?"

"Yes, I've thought about that. I will not give it to you anymore. But that doesn't mean you can't take it from me. If you manage to sneak up on me from behind and latch your arms around me, we'll consider that stealing. You can then drink as much blood as you want without consequences."

"How long does this Avo.. Alo.. Afo..how long does this training last?"

"Haha, A-go-ge. And it will last until your 7th birthday, you'll be fully grown by then which is when the agoge would normally end. You can stop stealing once you' ve learned what I want you to learn from it.

For now, fending for yourself is all you need to learn. In a few weeks I'm going to teach you how to properly hunt."

"Okay uncle Fenris. When do I start?"

"Right now. It's only 1 hour until lunch time so you can have my blood. But it's the last meal you'll be given for quite some time. You'll have to get dinner for yourself. Failure to provide food for yourself will result in confinement. Understood?"

"Yes uncle. Wrist please."

I hold out my wrist and she starts nibbling, looking for the sweet spot.

'Hehe, so cute.'

"What are you going to do for dinner?"

"Who do I steal from?"

"Us. You don't have to go into town or anything. You're just supposed to take food without anyone seeing you and then you eat it when you're supposed to, breakfast at 8, lunch at 12:30 and dinner at 6."

"Can I take more than I need, so I won't have to do it again for a while?"

"Yes, of course."

"Alright. I'll make it work. Thanks uncle, I can't wait for the fight training to start."


Renesmee's diary.

'Dear diary, today was day 6 of my training. Uncle Fenris continues to escape me, it has almost been a week since I've had his blood. Getting normal food is easy enough, after failing the first few times I think I've figured it out. I guess uncle Fenris wants me to learn how to sneak in and out of places without being seen or heard.. like a ninja.

Now I must find a way to catch uncle Fenris off-guard and drink my favorite snack, this won't be easy.

Dear diary, today was the 10th day of my training. I finally managed to catch uncle Fenris off-guard. I had been observing him for days and I noticed he enjoys kissing aunt Alice a lot and they cuddle a lot too and whenever they're doing this he doesn't notice people getting close until they're already in the room. So today I waited patiently until they were cuddling on the couch and uncle's attention was focused on aunt Alice. Needless to say I had my fill of blood today. I had almost forgotten the sweet savory taste of uncle Fenris' blood that leaves me wanting more every time.

Uncle Fenris said he was super proud and I'd learned the meaning of the exercise so we're going to start the next part of my training tomorrow. Although he also said that you must never stop polishing your skills because there is always more to learn and then he said 'A true master is an eternal student'.

Dear diary, it's been a few days since I've written. Uncle Fenris and Mommy have been taking me into the forest to learn many cool things like how to track and how to lose trackers and how to escape from a stronger and bigger opponent. But uncle Fenris hasn't taught me any fight moves, he says I'm not ready for that yet. Oh and today I also saw a cousin, mom called her Irina. She was super pretty but she left as soon as she saw me, uncle Fenris acted a little weird when this happened. When we came home Daddy called our other cousins to ask what's going on and I learned that uncle Fenris hurt somebody named Laurent because he was going to do bad things to Mommy, and apparently cousin Irina was in love with him and that's why she left, I hope they make peace again. I hate thinking someone doesn't like uncle Fenris, he's too awesome for that, everyone should like him.

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