Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 22 - 22 Preparations and the night before

A few days after we saw Irina, we were all sitting in the living room listening to Edward playing piano while Renesmee and Lucas were playing together with Bree in the backyard when Alice walked in with a vase. Suddenly she drops it and gathers everyone's attention.

"She's having a vision right mommy?"

"That's right sweetheart. We have to wait until the vision is over and then we can ask aunt Alice what she saw."

The vision only lasted a few more seconds before Alice was back with us.

"The Volturi are coming for us. All of them. They're with Irina."

"Why?" Carlisle asked.

I answered, "Because Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child."

Later that night after Renesmee and Lucas went to bed we all gathered in Carlisle's office to discuss everything.

"They're not coming because of Renesmee, she's just an excuse. They're coming to get rid of me and to add Alice and Edward to their collection of gifted vampires."

"Are you sure about that Fenris? If not, we may be able to reason with them. We have friends all around the world, I could reach out and ask them to witness on our behalf. When they see for themselves that Renesmee is not an immortal child they will lose their excuse and they won't be able to just kill us, Aro would lose all the trust he built over the centuries in the vampire community if he did."

"Alright, that might be worth a try."

Later that night when Alice and I were alone..

"Why didn't you tell Carlisle that it doesn't matter if we have witnesses? I saw quite a few possible outcomes of the confrontation with the Volturi and every single one of them ends with you slaughtering them all. It doesn't matter what happens, you've already made up your mind, so why bother with the witnesses?"

"Why didn't you tell Carlisle?"

"Because he wouldn't agree with your approach, but when he sees that Aro doesn't care if there are witnesses, he won't mind so much that you kill them all."

"I figured as much, Carlisle is a pacifist by nature, and he used to be with the Volturi."

"Alright then, we let the others gather witnesses, but we both know it doesn't matter. So what do we do?"

"Prepare for our journey to other worlds, we gather everything we think we might need. I've been buying a lot of gold over the last few years because gold is a universal currency, I don't think there's a place where it isn't valuable. I have every material I can think of in bulk, metals, precious minerals and everything you might think of, if I don't have it, I have the materials to make it. I've gathered an armory filled with weapons and vehicles of every kind. From a luxury sedan up to a tank and a simple cropduster plane up to an AN-225. Every kind of firearm you can think of, melee weapons and explosives from hand grenades up to a nuclear missile."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You have a nuclear missile?!"

"Yes, a few actually."


"Never know when you might want to nuke someone. Besides, we don't really know what to expect when we go to these worlds."

"Where are you keeping all this stuff?"

"Magic. I have an unlimited storage space, I can put anything in and take it out whenever and wherever I want."

"Oooooh, let's go shopping right now."

"It's midnight, I'm pretty sure the stores are closed."

"Let's go shopping tomorrow."

"Why not. You sure got over the nukes pretty fast though huh?"

Over the next few days the others came back with a lot of vampires, eighteen in total, most of which fed on humans.

"Uncle Fenris, the house is full of people now. It's too hard to steal without being caught."

"Try using distractions or you can use the environment to your advantage. You're small, you can use that. Point is, there are plenty of things you haven't tried yet.

But how about for now, we don't use punishments if you fail, but rewards if you succeed instead. With every meal you successfully steal without being noticed you'll get 1 glass of my blood."

"Yay, I'll try super hard. Thanks uncle, love you."

"Love you too kiddo, now off to bed. It's way past your bedtime."

"Okay, night-night uncle."

"Haha, night-night sweetheart."

After a week of preparation, during which Bella found out about her shield ability and developed it further, we were camping close to the battle ground for the next day. Everyone was sitting around the campfire telling war stories at Jacob's insistence.

I walk over to Renesmee's tent and enter.

Looking at my face, she can tell something's wrong.

"Uncle Fenris? What is it?"

"You know some of what is going to happen tomorrow, people are going to come because they want to kill us."

"They're coming because of me, right? Because they said I'm an immortal child or something. Is it my fault?"

"No, it's not. They're just saying that so they have an excuse to come. They want me dead, and your father and aunt Alice captured. It is NOT your fault.

I'm telling you all of this because I want to warn you for what's going to happen tomorrow. I need you to know that there is absolutely no need to be afraid, none of us are going to die tomorrow. But the people who are coming will never give up, as long as they are alive, they are a danger to you and everybody else. So tomorrow, I'm going to kill them all by myself."

"How many will there be?"

"Aunt Alice said about two hundred, why?"

"Can you beat them by yourself?"

"Haha, why did you want to become a Spartan?"

"Because they're the strongest."

"Exactly, I'll be fine sweetheart, I promise. But you are going to see me kill many people and I just need you to know that you don't need to be scared of me. Ever. I would never do anything to hurt you."

She walks over to me and hugs me..

"I know, don't worry I won't be scared."

"Good, now get some rest. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow."

After tucking her in I walk out of the tent and notice Jacob standing close by.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just... nothing."

"Mmm hmm, you can't really lie to me."

"What do you mean?"

"As the Alpha, the other wolves can't hear your thoughts unless you let them. But you're not my Alpha. I can hear your thoughts just fine, whether you want me to or not. I know you imprinted on Renesmee. I strongly suggest telling Edward and Bella, although I'm pretty sure Edward already knows you should still tell them."

"Yeah, alright. Thanks."

"If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a little nap before the slaughter begins."

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