Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 62 - 62 Fight in San Francisco and good boy

I get to the city once it's dark and make my way downtown where the Mutos are.

I carefully run between large buildings to avoid knocking them over.

I see Godzilla fighting the Hokmuto while I can sense Femuto is laying its eggs.

As Godzilla has Hokmuto handled, I go towards the female.

As I'm about to get there, I notice a group of soldiers taking cover behind some cars, hiding from the Femuto.

I walk over them towards her, quietly. She doesn't notice me until I'm within striking distance.

I get down low and jump at her, snapping my jaw shut around her throat. She tries to stab me with one of her hooked claws but it doesn't even pierce my skin.


Before she tries again with her other claw, I start shaking my head violently, rending her flesh to shreds.

I let go, lean back my head and snap my mouth shut around her neck, decapitating her.

'That was anticlimactic... again. Fighting these mindless beasts has become too easy. Even if I have to be more careful not to cause too much damage or hurt civilians.'


A few minutes earlier.

Lieutenant Brody is hiding behind a car along with a team of soldiers as he sees the female Muto laying eggs.

Just then he notices something moving in the car window's reflection.

He turns around and sees a gigantic white wolf, much larger than the Muto.

The wolf looks at him for a second before refocusing his attention on the Muto. He then quietly continues and attacks the Muto.

"Alright let's move it."

The soldiers all start moving towards the nest.


They get to the center of the nest where they find the warhead.

"How much time we got left?"

"We have twenty-seven mikes."

"Okay Lieutenant Brody, you're up."

As they prepare the warhead they try to pry open the shield that's protecting the timer.

"It won't budge. It's sealed shut. We need time to get this open."

"We don't have time! We have to get it on a boat and away from the city.

Grab the warhead! Let's move!"

"Holy shit!" One of the soldiers shouts as he's looking up. The others follow his line of sight and look up when they notice the wolf staring down at them.

The wolf then immediately ignores them and starts eating the eggs.

"What. The. F.u.c.k. Did that just really happen?"

"Brody! Disarm the device, now!"


After helping the soldiers and eating some Muto caviar, I notice Godzilla is still fighting the Hokmuto.

'Oh come on man, it's not that hard.'

I circle around them, towards Hokmuto's back. As they're busy fighting each other, I sneak up on him and jump on his back, pushing him into the ground.


I rip off both his wings as Godzilla raises one of his legs and stomps on Hokmuto's head.

'Not bad. Effective and without mercy, just the way I like it.'

Godzilla immediately starts looking around for the Femuto but quickly notices her corpse. Realizing I must have killed her, he stares at me for a while and communicates a feeling of annoyance.

'Oh, piss off. Without me you would've barely made it out of that fight.'

After a while he just decides to return to his business as he walks back towards the ocean.

I drag Hokmuto's corpse towards that of the Femuto as I start munching on them while secretly, instead of swallowing, I put their corpses in my storage space one piece at a time.

When I'm almost done 'eating' the Mutos I hear some people yelling close by.



As I walk past a skyscr.a.p.er, I see a woman holding a little girl in her arms while her husband is looking through rubble, screaming out 'Andrew' over and over again.

I walk towards them when the little girl notices me.

"Look mommy, big d.o.g.g.y."

The woman turns around and gasps in shock when she sees me.

Ignoring her and ignoring the little girl calling me a dog, I lower my head towards them and get their scent.

I then do the same to the father and notice all three of them have another scent on them that doesn't belong to them.

'That must be Andrew.'

I take a whiff of the air and locate him easily under a large pile of rubble.

The man, understanding what's happening, immediately starts trying to dig out his son.

He soon gets to a large block of concrete he can't lift.

I lower my head, take it between my teeth and lift it up, revealing a young boy, curled up in a ball.


I look around and notice there are quite a few buildings that have collapsed. Not nearly as many as there would have been without my intervention but still about half a dozen or so.

"Thanks d.o.g.g.y." The little girl says as she waves goodbye.

'Ugh, I'm a wolf!'

I spent the next few hours digging people out from the rubble.


Back in the command center north of the city, before Fenrir started digging out survivors, Lieutenant Brody and the other soldiers are reporting to Admiral Stenz.

"What do you mean he helped you? Helped you how?" Admiral Stenz asks a little confused.

"Well sir, the warhead was damaged by the Muto and the shielding covering the timer was sealed shut. We couldn't get it open and then the wolf showed up, dug one of its claws into the metal plate and tore it off, allowing us time to diffuse the bomb."

Admiral Stenz stares incredulously at Lt. Brody for a few seconds before he looks to Captain Hampton. "I want these men to undergo a medical evaluation, they may have been exposed to something that made them hallucinate."

Before Captain Hampton can respond, a woman runs inside. "Sir! You need to see this." She says as she gets behind a keyboard and changes one of the monitors to show the news.

Displayed on the monitor is Fenrir, digging people out from under the rubble and debris from Godzilla's fight with Hokmuto. "Unbelievable. He's... a good boy?"

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