Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 63 - 63 Finishing SF and showing the King who's boss

After a few hours of digging people out of the rubble, I decide to take a little nap and head back to my cave in the morning.

I pick a nice, quiet spot away from the city, in the forest, lay down and close my eyes.

Unfortunately, my rest does not last very long, as I start to feel small vibrations from the ground that are pretty much imperceptible to humans.

At first I thought maybe it's an eathquake but once I used my senses to make sure, I noticed what's about to come.

I start running back into the city while making sure not to hurt anyone and start to growl and snarl at people.

The people think I'm going crazy and start running away from the city center which is exactly what I want.

Meanwhile the tremors are gradually becoming stronger as the people start feeling them as well.

Within minutes it almost feels like an actual earthquake.

While people are getting away from the downtown area and even rescue workers stop and evacuate, I prepare myself.

The tremors continue to become stronger and more violent by the second until an enormous insect-like monster rises from the ground.

Muto Prime. This must be that female I let go millions of years ago. She evolved into Muto Prime, the final stage of a female Muto's life cycle.

Knowing the sheer destructive force this Titan can produce, I decide not to f.u.c.k around considering that despite my going crazy and the tremors, people only had about ten minutes to evacuate. There's still police and firefighters trying to help people get away.

This time I can't sneak up on her so I just take a direct approach. I start running at her, while carefully anticipating her attack.

As I get close she swings her giant hooked claw at my face. I duck underneath it and as it flies past my ears, I jump at her from below, tackling her up and backwards.

She lands on her back, leaving her exposed.

I jump at her neck to finish it, but as I'm flying towards her, she raises her giant, orange foreleg and slams it to the ground, causing the ground beneath her to collapse.

'Not bad, this one's not as stupid as the others... maybe...'

She immediately tries to get away by burrowing underground.

'...guess not.'

While she's digging her hole, her back may be exposed but it is still protected by her razor sharp spikes.

So instead of attacking her back, I bite down on one of her hind legs and drag her out of the hole.

She starts to kick me, and stab me with her hooks, all to no effect.

Meanwhile the orange scales on her legs start shining brighter as they're being charged with energy.

Once I've dragged her out of the hole, she stands up, raises her legs and slams them down as hard as she can.

If I let her slam the ground it would cause an earthquake that could wipe out San Francisco along with half the west coast entirely, killing millions.

I jump at her and take the hit myself. One of her legs hits the lower end of my spine as the other one hits the back of my head.

As my brain rattles around in my skull, I get seriously dizzy but luckily I don't lose consciousness.

While I'm dizzy and disoriented I try to get away from her for a few seconds to regain my focus.

Before I take my second step, she slams her forelegs into my side, knocking me over.

'Alright, I've had it with this oversized c.o.c.kroach.'

I shake my head and notice her other leg coming towards my face. I bite down as hard as I can, savagely ripping off the entire leg as she cries out in pain.

I stand up and bite down on her other leg, ripping it off as well.

She tries to turn and run to her hole but as she turns, I jump at her side, pushing her to the ground.

I bite down on her neck and savagely rip it apart.

Done fighting, I again start munching down on the Muto corpse while putting it in my storage space.

Since most people had already evacuated, there were only a handful of survivors to dig out.

As I head out of the city I see the news displayed on a large billboard. The title reads 'Good boy Ralph saves San Francisco.'


Once I was done in San Francisco I decide to change my plans. Instead of heading right back to Norway, I decide to visit Skull Island.

Instead of swimming all the way, I head east towards the Rocky Mountains. Once I'm there, I enter a cave that leads down to the Hollow Earth.

When I get there, the first Titan I run into is Nagoraiar who greets me respectfully and continues to go about his business.

I'm also quickly greeted by the Kongs who all gather around. There are two little newborn Kongs who both climb on my back and start playing with my hair and ears.

After spending some time with them, I leave for Skull Island.

I get to the surface but immediately notice that the tunnel I dug has collapsed.

I apply some pressure and easily break through the boulder blocking the entrance.

Once I get out, I notice two Kong skeletons.

'What the hell happened here?'

I close my eyes and smell around the cave and despite the amount of time that has passed, I can still paint a picture of the events that occured in this place.

'Skullcrawlers. I thought I killed them all.'

I get out of the cave raise my upper body and slam it back down on the ground, causing tremors across the island.


It doesn't take long before I hear a horde of Skullcrawlers stampeding towards me.

As they're about pass the treeline, I start running at them.

Over the next few minutes I tear apart over fifteen Skullcrawlers.

This time I want to make sure I got them all, so I spread a thin coat of my aura across the island, enough to sense everything but not enough to affect anyone or anything.

I sense a few white Spirit Tigers with antlers on their heads and red fur around their mouth, making them look as though they're dripping with blood.

I also sense a single Kong is making his way towards me, fast. 'He looks pissed off. Guess I'll have to put this youngster in place.'

He appears from a crevice between two mountains as he slings around the side of one of them.


He quickly and skillfully makes his way to the top, jumps off and lands in front of me, slamming his fists into the ground and roars in my face.

I wrap my fist around his neck, turn it back into a paw and push him firmly down on the ground.

I keep him down until he calms down and for just a second I release a f.u.c.kton of aura, ensuring he understands who's in charge.

I take King Kong down to the Hollow Earth where he gets to interact with his own kind for the first time since the demise of his parents.

It was actually quite touching.

After spending time with the other Kongs, a few of them decided to move back to Skull Island. And with the path now cleared again, they can easily travel to and from whenever they want.

With the babies latched to my back, along with their parents and King Kong, I go to Skull Island for a while.

I use my time to create peace between the Kongs and the Spirit Tigers and eradicate every single Mother Longlegs on the island, along with a few other pests that serve no ecological purpose like Giant Wasps, Psychovultures and Leafwings, creating a much more sustainable ecosystem.

While I was hunting down all these creatures, I noticed a 'rock' was following me around.

I'd walk for a while and look back and every single time I'd see the same rock.

I walk behind a large boulder, losing the creature. As I circle around, I see a goofy-looking, little kaiju covered in smooth armor plating that can transform into a rock like substance. He's looking around, trying to find me.

I walk up to him and as he notices my shadow on the ground he curls up into a ball and rolls away.

He stops and looks at me. He slowly comes close to me before he curls up right next to me and just starts sleeping.

'There's something seriously wrong with this one. Is he mentally impaired or something? It is kinda cute though. In a weird way.'

He's got really big ears and a horn on his forehead.

'Why does that seem familiar?'

Thinking about it for a while, I finally figure it out.

It's Baragon.

I touch the little guy to see his memories.

'Aww, he's not mentally impaired. He's only a few weeks old. His mother was killed by Skullcrawlers, so when he saw me kill them all he decided to follow me.

Don't worry little one. I'm gonna keep you.

Ha, I kind of feel like I just got a puppy.'

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