Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 8 - 8 Info on the Volturi and checking in on the wolves

After our kiss, I asked her..

"So, how about a date? Say, tomorrow?"


"What? Why not?"

"I don't want to wait that long, how about right now?"

"Hahaha, eager are we? Well, everything in town is closed by now. But how about some dinner?"

"Uhm Fenris, you know I don't eat."

"Yes, but I'm talking about hunting together."

"YES! I would love that."

"Alright, let's go then. But first I still need to ask Carlisle a few things."

After I said this the other Cullens all walk into the room.

"You do know it's rude to eavesdrop, right?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah... Right.

I wanted to ask you about the Volturi.

How much do they know about me?"

"Hmm. Not that much actually. When they took over from the ancient vampires they killed them all, and these vampires didn't keep any kind of records so most knowledge about you went lost when they got killed. All they knew were the stories of your creation and your imprisonment. They also knew where you were imprisoned, when I was with them it was my job to make sure someone was watching the Parthenon at all times. So it's safe to assume they continued doing so."

"So they know I'm out."

'This changes things. For now I can still act under the assumption that everything will work out like it did in the movies but I should definitely come up with a plan B.'

"Yes, most likely. They also know you're stronger than any vampire, but they don't know exactly how much stronger. And there's one more thing you need to know Fenris.

When magic in the world started declining, the vampires asked their allied witch coven to call upon their magic one more time in order to make a weapon that could help them defeat you.

The ritual they performed imbued Jane with the power to inflict pain on anyone just by willing it to happen. According to them it should even work on you, although they could never test it for obvious reasons.

When the Volturi learned of this, they decided to spare Jane, and keep her as a trump card in case you would ever escape."

"That's interesting."

'Another thing that's changed, perhaps I might have to actually work to complete my mission.'

"Fenris, if you don't mind my asking, when did you get out?"

"20 years ago, after getting out I found my way to New York, which is where I got my bearings. I studied about the history of the world, the culture, technology and the sciences. After 6 months of doing so, I made my way to Boston where I studied at both Harvard and MIT for a decade. Afterwards one of my professors at MIT became a department head and offered me a faculty position. I spent the next 9 years teaching and doing my own research, until people started asking why I don't age. I waited until the world series was over, and now here I am."

"I see, I was wondering why you seemed so well-adapted, but now it makes sense."

"You like baseball?" Jasper chimed in.

"According to our precognitive weathergirl Alice, there's a storm coming in a few weeks, which is the only time we can play. Would you like to join us?"

"Yeah I would love that."

Realizing Jasper let some info slip, I act surprised and ask..

"Wait a second, did you just say 'precognitive'?"

"Yes, Alice why don't you explain."

"Uhh... Right, well I can see the future."

"That's a pretty cool ability. Did you see me coming too?"

This time Emmett answers. "Ha! See you coming? Dude, she's been talking about you for the last 80 years. Hahaha."

This time Rosalie slaps him on the back of the head, and he actually has the decency to look a bit guilty about revealing such s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e information.

I put my finger under her chin and lift her head. We look each other in the eyes.

"Sorry I kept you waiting so long."

We lean towards each other as I put my hand on her cheek. And we share another kiss.

After talking for a bit longer, Alice becomes impatient so we go out and start hunting. 2 hours later after Alice's thirst had been sated, we go to my house together.

We lie down on my bed and continue telling each other about our past. I tell her about the 200 years before my imprisonment and she tells me how she became a vampire after she was being hunted by James.

Hearing the story from her instead of just reading it, it's pretty sad.

By the time she finished, we realize it's already morning. I step into the shower and when I'm done I go downstairs, to find Alice waiting for me with the breakfast she'd prepared.

I walk over to her, sit down and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Alice."

As I dig in I notice in the first bite that there's eggshells in the scrambled eggs and the bacon is burnt.

Looking at her, she has a hopeful expression on her face and I just couldn't bring myself to let her down.

"Mmm.. Delicious!"

"Really? I was kind of worried I messed up a little. When I was still human people pretty much just boiled everything."

"Don't worry it was good. We should probably get going, I'd like to stop by the reservation before we go to school."

"You know I'm not allowed to go there, right?"

"You're with me so you don't have to worry about that."

"Okay, if you say so."

We step into my car and make our way to the reservation.

"What are you doing?"

"I should stay in the car so you can talk to them."

"Don't be ridiculous. Come on."

She reluctantly gets out and takes my hand.

We walk to the front door and knock.

A few seconds later Billy opens the door, but to my surprise he's not in a wheelchair anymore.

"Morning Billy, guess you decided to become a werewolf huh? Congratulations!"

"Morning Fenris, yes I did. Thank you for telling us how."

"You're welcome Billy."

This is when he notices Alice standing next to me.

"So that's where that smell comes from. Why'd you bring a vampire on our lands Fenris?"

"Careful there Billy, I imprinted on her. You insult her, you insult me."

"You imprinted on a vampire?" he asked in shock.

"I did, but I didn't come here to discuss that. I wanted to know how many Quileutes decided to become a werewolf."

"Right, sorry about that. Everyone under 25 pretty much decided right away to become one. And among the older ones only 5 decided to do the same including me."

"So that's... 18 new wolves right? Not bad. I expected less. And the others might still change their mind."

Right then Jacob walks towards us wearing a backpack, probably on his way to school.

"Hi Fenris, after the other day dad told me and the others who didn't know, who you are and where you came from.

So should we like, call you grandpa now?"

"Not if you want to live a long life."

"Awww what about pop-pop?

" Get the f.u.c.k outta here, don't you have school or something?"

"Hahaha, Yeah I do. Don't you?"

"Yeah, you're right we should be on our way if we don't want to be late."

Then Alice and I got back to the car and she said..

"I'm driving."

"Fine, but any scratches and you'll have to pay."

"Pay? Pay how?"

"Favors, you know 'those kind'."

"Hehe, you do realize you're just tempting me to total your car."

"You little vixen."

I throw Alice the keys and we went on our way towards the school.

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