Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 9 - 9 School and the wolves' self-control

As soon as we arrive at school, we draw a lot of attention.

Ignoring this, we walk over to the other Cullens, while holding hands.

"So. You guys have fun last night? Huh?" Emmett asks with a wide grin on his face.

"Nothing like that happened, not yet. But I did learn something interesting about Fenris this morning."

'No, she wouldn't.'

"The wolves in the reservation are calling him pop-pop."

At this joke everyone starts laughing, even Edward managed to let out a chuckle, which is a welcome change to his usual brooding.

"Yeah, ha, ha, ha, very funny. Let's not mention this ever again.

I gotta get to class babe, see you at lunch?"

"Okay" Mwah

She gives me a quick peck on the cheek before we seperate and I walk towards the school. But before I'm out of earshot..

"See you at lunch pop-pop."

Ignoring Emmett, I just keep walking like I didn't hear him.

The classes were similar to yesterday, boring. So I decide to spend this time coming up with a backup plan on how to deal with the Volturi in case it's necessary.

At lunch time, I go find Alice and her siblings and together we enter the cafeteria like in the movie.

We sit down and I start eating, while they pretend to eat. Meanwhile, Alice sits on my l.a.p leaning into me.

I notice how Edward stares at Bella's table, and a grin forms on my face.

'Seems like he figured out that he can't read her mind, and now he's reading the minds of those around her trying to learn as much about her as he can.'

After lunch everything else happens like in the movie, Edward storms out of school after Biology because he feels like he can' t control himself around Bella. And his family is left wondering where he's going.

'I can't really tell them not to worry about him because he's safe with the Denali coven. I mean how the hell would I even know that?'

So for the next week, the Cullens were all extremely worried about Edward, while I spent the week teaching the Quileutes about their ancestors and how to control their powers and use them more efficiently.

Although nothing s.e.x.u.a.l has happened yet, we are slowly getting there.

After the week is over, Edward returns and the Cullens all become overprotective of him because he won't tell anyone what's going on.

That day after school, I stand hand in hand with Alice amongst the other Cullens, while they all stare awkwardly towards Bella.

The next moment I see Tyler's van entering the parking lot at a high speed and I get ready just in case the story has changed so much that Edward won't save her, or he's too late. But to my relief this was unnecessary, because as soon as Edward notices the van he sprints across the parking lot and saves Bella's life.

I realized recently, that if I want to take down the Volturi all at once during the events of the last movie, most things between now and then should happen exactly like they would if I wasn't there.

I can still make things a lot easier on them, like single handedly taking out the newborn army and taking care of James before he sinks his fangs into Bella.

But when it comes to the Volturi I should probably steer clear of them until they gather together here in Washington to take out the Cullens. And IF I do meet the Volturi, I'll need them to be under the impression they have an advantage over me, which means even if Jane's powers don't work, they need to be under the impression that they do.

Otherwise they wouldn't want to fight me, it would just be suicide if they tried and besides Marcus, the others don't seem so suicidal to me.

A few weeks later after Bella found out about the existence of vampires, she and Edward become an official couple and Edward invites her to meet his family. And Alice invites me too, saying since I'm with her, that makes me a part of the family.

"It's okay Fenris, you're not alone anymore and you'll never be alone again."

Touched by her words, I hug her back and we just stay like that for almost thirty minutes until Alice breaks up the hug.

"Alright, so tomorrow night at 6 o'clock come to our place, and we'll be making dinner for you and Bella."

Realizing something I quickly tell Alice..

"Make sure Edward tells Bella about that, otherwise she might eat beforehand knowing you guys don't eat food."

"Okay, will do. See you tomorrow."

"What? You're not staying over tonight?"

"Nope, I'm going hunting with my family to make sure we're well fed when we meet Bella. It'll reduce the risk of one of us succ.u.mbing to our thirst.

Besides for the last few weeks, we've been together 24/7 a little seperation will do us good."

Well, happy hunting babe."

I give her a deep, long kiss and then she runs off toward the Cullen residence.

As I watch Alice leave, I decide to check-in on the wolves to see how they're doing, which I haven't done in a few days.

Last time I came to hang out with the pack, to my surprise some of them were actually on the verge of gaining complete self-control and achieving their partial transformations.

This was surprising to me because as I explained at the council meeting a few weeks ago, this would normally take someone years to master, but somehow Sam, Jacob, Paul, Leah and Seth were on the verge of achieving this in a little less than a month.

To my great chagrin though, all the wolves have actually started calling me pop-pop. Thinking this was funny, even Billy and Harry started doing so.

At first it pissed me off a little bit but after a while I saw the humor in it, I mean come on, a couple guys who are about fifty, calling someone who looks to be in his late teens or early twenties, grandpa? That shit'll crack anybody up.

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