Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 86 - 86 Recruiting an army

"Prepare the slipgate." I say as I sit on my throne.

"What is the destination?" VEGA asks.


After a few seconds a barrier of energy covers the entire fortress and suddenly everything gets pure black for just a moment and the next second the fortress is hovering above Earth.

"VEGA, use the Celestial Locator to give me an initial assessment of the situation down on the planet." I say as I get off the throne, walk to the window and look down to the earth.

After a few seconds VEGA responds. "There are six Super Gore Nests, each one capable of summoning thousands of demons at a time. They're in Milan, in Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Calcutta and one in Singapore."

'Jesus, there was only one in the game and humanity barely survived.'

"I want to know how many demons are down there, how many humans have been killed and I want to see areas with the least amount of demonic corruption."

After a few seconds, a hologram appears before me, showing Earth. Beneath it, VEGA shows me the numbers.

126.5 Million humans killed, 87.9 Million demons on earth, 14.4 Billion humans left.

On the hologram, VEGA highlighted the areas on earth that have had, as of yet, no demonic presence.

Scandinavia, the Northeastern part of America and Canada, Central Africa, Southeastern parts of Australia and New Zealand.

After studying the hologram for a few seconds, I wave my hand causing it to disappear. "Valen."

"Yes, your Highness?" Valen responds

"Tell the Sentinels to prepare to be deployed."

"Yes your Highness."

"VEGA, where are Flynn and Samur?"

"The Doom Slayer is fighting demons in Los Angeles. He seeks to destroy the Super Gore Nest.

Samur Maykr is currently in New York, addressing the United Nations."

"Alright. I need you to.."

After giving VEGA instructions, I immediately swipe my aura imbued claws through the air and step through a portal to New York, United Nations Headquarters.


"But without the Argent energy, we have no way to properly fight back. The old nuclear power stations we reactivated are barely enough to give us what we need for basic utilities." An American bureaucrat or politician argues as I'm listening in from backstage at the assembly hall. "Besides, economically speaking, what you're proposing is a non-starter, Doctor Hayden."

'Economically speaking? The world is ending and this motherf.u.c.ker is arguing about money?'

I walk up to Hayden, and look out into the room as I notice these aren't delegations, they're actual world leaders.

"Humanity is going to end. I want to save it and you're whining about money?"

"Excuse me, who the hell are you?" The American President tries to interrupt me.

I continue as I ignore him and the armed guards surrounding me, pointing their guns my way. "Right now, the only resources that matter are material ones, not made up ones.

I want at least five hundred thousand men and women, they can be between sixteen and sixty years of age. I don't care what state they're in, they can have missing limbs, crippling diseases, they can even be on the brink of death. But they must be willing to fight the demonic hordes and have nothing to lose. I will grant them the strength to fight back, but they will do so under my command and will no longer belong to any country."

"Excuse me!" The President now yells.

"What do you want, child?"

"Ch-Child? Did you just...? Who the hell are you?"

I grow over twenty feet tall as all the politicians gasp in shock, some fall off their chairs and some even start praying. "A God. I have come to save your world. To help you fight back and to make a better future.

I've told you what I need to make that happen. Comply, or face the demon hordes alone. Your choice." I say before making another portal and stepping through, followed by Samur.

"Was that necessary?" He asks as we get back aboard the fortress.

"No, but it was fun. I'm not here to debate with politicians, I'm not here to save countries. I'm here to make sure humanity survives. As far as I'm concerned the world's governments might as well no longer exist."

"Then why did you ask them for half a million people?"

"I didn't. I asked the people. I had VEGA activate every screen worldwide and broadcast what just happened. Along with one more message.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back down to earth. VEGA will inform you of further plans." I say as I disappear back into a new portal.

It's mostly silent except for the downtown area, where I see explosions.

I sprout a pair of wings on my back and take flight. Seconds later I land on top of a large building and look down on a battlefield between a large group of demons and Flynn, his family and the UAC guards from the Mars facility.

I retract my wings and step off the ledge, I fill my fist with aura and as I land I slam it into the ground, creating a large shockwave of aura that disintegrates all the demons in a five block radius.

"Get through this portal, all of you." I say before opening a portal back to the fortress.

"What's going on?" Flynn asks me.

"I'm getting rid of this Super Gore Nest by myself and then I will create two more fortresses to house the five hundred thousand new recruits."

*Sigh* "I shouldn't have asked." Flynn mumbles before he walks through the portal.

When everyone is gone through the portal, I start walking leisurely through the streets of downtown LA, while demons surround me on every side.

The first demon that comes running at me, walks into an invisible dome of aura I erected around me and disintegrates immediately.

Immediately the demons stop trying to get to me and take their distance. All the while, I'm still just taking a leisurely stroll.

The Baron walks up to me and hesitantly reaches for the barrier until its finger starts disintegrating.

I wave my hand and the aura barrier extends to almost the entire downtown area.

A few minutes later I stand in front of a tower made from bones. Above the tower is a large portal that's not just allowing demons free access to earth, it's also pumping demonic energy into the environment. They're basically trying to terraform the planet into a hellscape.

I cover the entire thing, including the portal, with my aura and devour it. Knowledge about interdimensional portals immediately floods my mind.

Now that I'm done with the Super Gore Nest, I raise both my arms and let Genesis rise to the skies in two separate spheres to create two more fortresses.

I spread my aura throughout the city to make sure there are no more humans left, but to my surprise I still find hundreds huddled together in underground bunkers.

I immediately summon them to me and then I send out one more condensed pulse of aura that disintegrates everything. Man-made structures, demons, all of it. It creates a new, empty landscape where there used to be a city of millions of people.

Ignoring the people from the bunkers gasping in shock, I sprout wings and take to the skies.

Once I'm high enough, I gather an enormous amount of aura into my eyes and infuse it with atomic energy, Mothra's light and magic.

I fire a powerful, continuous blast of superheated energy from my eyes and use it to carve large runes into the ground, surrounding what used to be LA, Anaheim and Santa Ana.

As I continue carving an immensely intricate set of runes, a large dome shield slowly erects over the area.

When I'm finished shielding the area, I start making another line of intricate runes, except this time they're summoning runes.


A little while earlier, outside San Francisco.

Two women are running along the street, being chased by a small group of zombie demons. One of them is older, around 40, the other is in her late teens.

As the demons are catching up with the women, suddenly the older one stops running. "MOM! What are you doing?! Run, please!" The girl screams.

"Honey, I love you. Survive." The mother says with a gentle smile and tears streaming down her face.

"NOO! MOM!" The girl screams, right before her mother is thrown to the ground by demons and they start tearing her apart.

The girl watches helplessly for just a second, before turning around with tears falling from her eyes as she runs away.

A few minutes later she's hiding inside the cellar of an abandoned house, curled up into a ball, crying her eyes out. When suddenly her phone starts vibrating.


She wipes her tears and takes out her phone. Suddenly the screen shows the world leaders debating what to do about the demons and as always, they're acting like a bunch of undecisive, passive bureaucrats, instead of showing actual leadership.

Except for one man present, Dr. Samuel Hayden. He proposes a plan to temporarily unify all world governments and their resources to fight back as a unified front.

"But without the Argent energy, we have no way to properly fight back. The old nuclear power stations we reactivated are barely enough to give us what we need for basic utilities." The President of the United States of America argues. "Besides, economically speaking, what you're proposing is a non-starter, Doctor Hayden."

'Economically? My whole family is dead, they're all gone! And he's arguing about money?' The girl thinks to herself as tears start streaming down her cheeks again. "Asshole! Do something!" The girl screams at her phone, unable to suppress her anger and helplessness at the situation.

Suddenly, a large man with long, white hair walks into frame. "Humanity is going to end. I want to save it and you're whining about money?" The man says.

"Right now, the only resources that matter are material ones, not made up ones.

I want at least five hundred thousand men and women, they can be between sixteen and sixty years of age. I don't care what state they're in, they can have missing limbs, crippling diseases, they can even be on the brink of death. But they must be willing to fight the demonic hordes and have nothing to lose. I will grant them the strength to fight back, but they will do so under my command and will no longer belong to any country."

"I no longer have anything left to lose and I'd love to be able to fight back. But how will he give me strength?" The girl thinks out loud.

"Excuse me!" The President yells at the unknown man.

"What do you want, child?"

"Ch-Child? Did you just...? Who the hell are you?" The President asks.

Suddenly the man grows incredibly large and his body is covered in armor.

'Whoa, oh my God.'

"A God. I have come to save your world. To help you fight back and to make a better future."

The girl looks on with a tiny spark of hope in her eyes.

"I've told you what I need to make that happen. Comply, or face the demon hordes alone. Your choice." The man says before he suddenly grows claws on his fingers and swipes them through the air. A portal appears and he steps through it, followed by Dr. Hayden.

The screen then turns black until a message appears.

'If you wish to fight against the demonic invasion, draw this rune on your body.'

Below the message, it shows an image of what is apparently a rune.

The girl stands up and walks upstairs. She looks through the house, trying to find a pen or a marker. She can't find any, but she does find broken glass. She grabs a big shard and carves the intricate rune on her arm, looking on her phone after every cut to be sure she gets it right.

When she's done, the rune shines blue for a second and then her wounds fade away.

'Now what?' She thinks.

'Now you wait.' The voice of the 'god' suddenly resounds in her head.

'Wow, that was, uhm, cool but strange.'

Fifteen minutes later, there's a bright flash of light and suddenly she finds herself in a very large, open field, covered by an enormous dome shield.

She looks around as more and more people appear out of nowhere.

One of them looks up and points to the sky, following his line of sight, she sees the god-man hovering high up in the air. Behind him, two enormous metallic balls are floating in the air.

"Look! We're in LA. I thought it was crawling with demons." Another person says, pointing towards a hill in the distance with the Hollywood sign on it.


An explosive sound is heard by everyone as the ground shakes faintly. They all turn to look at the source of the noise.


A second noise is heard as a Titanic demon comes into view, slamming its fists into the shield.

Almost everyone looks terrified.

Suddenly, part of the shield expands into a spike, impaling the Titanic Demon's skull.

A thick blue fog spreads through the dome and everyone suddenly feels reinvigorated, stronger and people with illnesses, injuries or handicaps all get cured. People with missing limbs grow new ones, and everyone grows a little taller and more muscular.

Everyone gains knowledge on how to fight, basic battle tactics, weapon mastery, survival in hostile conditions and more.

The metallic orbs suddenly float down to the ground and start to liquefy and stream towards the god as it looks like he's s.u.c.k.i.n.g them in through his arms.

Two large spacesh.i.p.s are left in their place, floating on the ocean.

Sunlight then reaches through the clouds as they're parted by an enormous, floating palace coming down towards the surface.

"Get aboard the sh.i.p.s and await further instructions." The God's voice resounds throughout the area.

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