Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 87 - 87 Killing a Priest and the Trial of Maligog

I get back to the throne room and take my seat. "VEGA, any luck finding the Hell Priests?"

"Yes, one of them is in San Francisco right now. Inside a building being carried by a demonic Titan." VEGA says, showing me a picture of ancient texts mentioning a similar structure along with a drawing of what it looks like.

"And the other two? If we kill all three Hell Priests, and destroy the Super Gore Nests we stop the invasion. At that point the Khan Maykr will have no choice but to take drastic measures."

"Will she send my son to earth?" Valen asks as he walks into the room.

"Most likely, yes. Valen, I need you to split the Sentinels, along with the new recruits into seven groups. They'll each get a different assignment. Destroy a Super Gore Nest, or kill a Hell Priest.

Inside the two new sh.i.p.s, you'll find an armory. New weapons, ammunition and new suits of armor will be waiting for everyone."

"As you command, your Highness." Valen says as he kneels before leaving.

"One of the Priests is at the North Pole and the last one is in Italy." VEGA informs me.

"Good, tell Flynn I want him to take charge of one of the seven groups and go after the Priest in Italy. And Valen will take his to go after the one in Antarctica."

"Done, what about the last Priest?" VEGA asks.

"I'll get that one myself. After that, I'm going to resurrect God and kill him. That should banish all demons back to the Hell dimension." I say before creating a portal to San Francisco.

I step through and look at a broken Golden Gate Bridge as I immediately notice the Titan carrying a building on its back.

I grow a pair of wings and fly as fast as I can, reaching absolutely insane speeds as I launch myself through the Titan's body like a bullet.

Inside, I quickly kill my momentum, causing all the energy to burst the Titan's c.h.e.s.t and belly to pieces from the inside out.

The Titan drops to its knees, making sure to protect its master.

I take out my Glaive and fly right next to its head. I then slash downwards, creating a shockwave that decapitates the Titan and destroys what's left of the Golden Gate.

I then enter the building and walk towards Deag Nilox's room. I kill all demons along the way, kick open the door and walk inside.

"Hah, you can't kill me. I'm protected by powerful, ancient arcane rituals." Deag Nilox says confidently.

As he takes a good look at me, he seems puzzled. "What are you?"

"NO!" *ARGH!*

I raise my arm and swipe my claws across his neck, penetrating a protective barrier and decapitating him.

I grab his head and throw it into a fireplace.

Suddenly there's a flash of golden light as a spectral image of the Khan Maykr appears.

"I pity the humans. I do. Theirs is a hard role to play... but I too have a world to save. Without their souls there can be no Hell energy and the Argent will cease to flow." The Khan says as she hovers in the air.

"I will not allow this to happen. You will not stand in the way of Urdak's progress. This is how it has always been done. It is not for you to deny us our chance at prosperity.

I cannot stand by and watch as you put our future at risk. Earth will be consumed and the energy will continue to flow. It is your people's survival... against mine." She says before she simply disappears.

'I am definitely destroying that bitch, along with her precious Urdak.'

I swipe my claws, making a new portal, leading to hell.

In the center of the swampland, the Ingmore's Sanctum rises into the clouds as a solitary remnant of hell's ancient past as the holy realm of Jekkad. From the sanctum, Davoth once made decrees of wisdom and oversaw his many creations. It is there, in the mausoleum of gods, that his life sphere is stored. Along with that of the Father. The sanctity of these spheres is protected by an ancient ritual known as the Trial of Maligog.

During Argent D'Nur's war against hell, Night Sentinels, who were trapped in hell, sometimes wandered into the swamps attempting to overcome the trials and reach the rumored resting place of the Father. Argenta legends state that their spirits are bound eternally to the grounds of the Trial, waiting to witness it finally overcome.

I walk down towards the Trial grounds and see an altar that's protected by a dome of energy. I also notice that I need to find two large halves of a shield to start the trial.

I look to my right and my left and see two towers, that both contain one half on their top floors.

I spread my wings and fly off towards the first tower's roof and land. Immediately a large barrier is erected around the tower as demons start teleporting inside.

I take my Glaive and spin it around a few times as demons start closing in. I then take a proper stance and swipe the blade across the first demon, cutting it in half.

"Get here you demonic bastards and taste my holiness! Haha!"

When I'm done killing all the demons, my Glaive reassembles with the rest of Genesis. "Hah, that was fun." I say as I wait until the barrier retreats and I get half the shield.

After a dozen seconds, still nothing happens. I get a little suspicious and start sensing my surroundings. A demon actually managed to hide from me as it's sneaking up on me from behind. I turn around and it sinks into the shadows, thinking I don't know where it is.

I lean my head to the right and grab it by the wrist. I drag it over my shoulder, slamming it into the ground and stomp its skull to pieces.

'Interesting abilities. It's like a demonic assassin.'

I devour the demon and gain the ability to teleport without the need for portals, along with the ability to manipulate shadows without using magic.


The barrier around the tower fades as I get the first half of the shield presented to me by the spirit of a Night Sentinel. I then teleport to the other tower and repeat the process.

I put the pieces together and push the shield into the side of a cube.

Another large metal cube suddenly starts floating as it opens up, revealing a blue eye in the middle that starts shooting concentrated hell energy at me.

'Wow, this is the Trial of Maligog? I expected... more.' I think to myself as I ignore the cube and walk up to the altar protected by the energy shield.

I fill my claws with aura and shatter the shield with one swipe, causing the eye in the cube to explode as the cube falls to pieces.

I put my palm on the altar to activate it as energy starts flowing through it immediately, awakening the largest demonic Titan I've ever seen. It's at least 350 meters tall.

It carries the plateau I'm standing on and lifts it up to the Ingmore's Sanctum.

I jump off and walk up to the pedestals carrying the life spheres of two creatures that once possessed the power of a God.

I take both spheres and put them in my storage space. I then create a portal to my fortress and step through.

"VEGA, progress report."

"Two of five Super Gore Nests have been destroyed and Flynn managed to kill one of the Hell Priests.

The other battlefields are likely to end in our victory as well, but the last Hell Priest escaped earth. I can no longer locate him using the Celestial Locator.

According to Doctor Hayden he is most likely in Sentinel Prime."

"Alright, I want all forces to focus on the last Super Gore Nests while I'm going to Sentinel Prime."

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