Werewolf Lord Through The Multiverse

Chapter 88 - 88 Sentinel Prime and The Icon of Sin

While I let my forces deal with the last Super Gore Nests, I make a portal to Sentinel Prime and step through, into the Capital city of Argent D'Nur.

In the game there were Night Sentinels in this city who were loyal to the Hell Priests, but since I took them and cleansed them of any demonic corruption, there are now demons everywhere instead.

It is a beautiful city though. Its streets are adorned with golden statues of gods and legendary Sentinel Warriors. And in the middle of the city is an enormous coliseum. Constructed in the earliest days of their history, this coliseum served as a proving ground for trial-by-combat. The memories I saw of a few Sentinels told me that the Argenta did not jail their own kind. Rather, prisoners and criminals were granted the right to earn their chance at regaining honor through victory in the arena.

Those who succeeded were given a place to fight in the front lines of the Sentinel army, to die in service to Argent D'Nur.

This traditional use of the arena has subsided since the assimilation with the Dark Realm. The corrupted Priests now allow more violent exchanges, with armed captives pitted against demons for sport. 

I teleport inside the coliseum as the Hell Priest, Deag Grav, enters through one of four gates.

He looks like an old man, walking with a limp while using his staff for support.

"Fool! You cannot stop the consumption of earth.

Calommus V Turna!" The Priest shouts before he slams his staff on the ground and immediately vanishes in a stream of light.

The four gates all open and four demons walk out, carrying large shields with demonic faces carved out and their eyes glow a red light.

They are large demons with goat legs, like satyrs. They have horns and carry morningstars made with metallic, spiked skulls.


The demons roar and slam their weapons and shields on the ground, trying to intimidate me.

The shield splits apart, but something odd happens. A soul was trapped inside the shield. It belonged to the demon wielding it, when it was still... whatever it was before.

The demon that lost its shield grabs a second morningstar and swings them both towards me.

Using my senses, I time my strikes carefully to avoid the spikes. I slam my palms into the spiked skulls, redirecting them towards two of the other demons.

I jump at the now defenseless demon and drag my claws across its throat.

The demon lets go of its weapons and falls to its knees as it grabs its throat, trying to not bleed out.

I put my left foot forward, spin and slam my right heel in its face, causing its head to snap backwards, almost completely decapitating it.

I turn around, while avoiding a few spiked skulls coming at me. As long as they have those shields, they can heal. So the first thing I do is run at the demon closest to me and slam my foot through its shield.

The demon staggers backwards and drops its morningstar. I pick it up and slam it at its head, cracking its skull open.

I then throw the weapon across the arena with enough force to break another shield and then immediately launch myself at the last shield left.

I didn't even notice before but as I pull it apart, the face on the skull screams in pain.

I destroy the last shield and now there's only two demons left.

I jump in the air as I hold out my hand towards one of the morningstars lying around, pulling it to me with telekinesis. I grab it and as I fall back down, I slam it into the demon, pulverizing everything above its waist.

As blood drips like rain around me, I walk up to the last demon with a grin on my face. 'Am I enjoying this too much?'


Watching the unknown aberration slaughter the Gladiators with such apparent ease, Deag Grav starts to tremble in fear. "H-How is he not the d-demon? He's a monster!

Are you seeing this, oh great Maykr?" He asks looking to a holographic image of the Khan Maykr.

"He is formidable, fierce and quite ruthless, even more so than the Slayer." The Khan Maykr says without taking her eyes off the man who is decimating the Gladiators.

"Y-Yes, I've noticed. Have you any wisdom to offer so I may survive this?" Deag Grav says as he bows deeply to his master.

"No. But you may take comfort from the knowledge that you are dying in the service of a great purpose." The Khan Maykr says before she vanishes.

"No, no NO! I can't die like this! I-I... I could offer him knowledge or-or great power! Yes, that might work." Deag Grav says out loud as he turns his attention back at the arena, only to see four demon corpses but not the man that killed them.

"No, it won't." Deag Grav hears from behind him right before he feels unspeakable pain through his whole body. He looks down to see the man's fist coming out of his c.h.e.s.t, holding his heart.

"N-No, not l-like this." Deag Grav says before everything turns black.


Having killed the final priest, I appear back in my fortress.

"VEGA, have the Super Gore Nests been taken care of?"

"The one in Singapore is gone but the demons are fiercely protecting the one in Cape Town."

"Is Flynn fighting in Cape Town?" I ask as I look at footage of the war.

"Not yet. He's the one who destroyed the Gore Nest in Singapore. He will arrive in Cape Town in fifteen minutes."

"Then everything will be fine. Tell them to retreat and wait for the Doom Slayer. Then, together, they'll launch an all-out offensive."

"Yes, your Highness. What will you do?"

"I'm going to destroy the Argent energy factory, Nekravol, down in Hell and then I will kill the Khan Maykr.

Once that's done, I'll be able to resurrect Davoth and you." I say before I create a portal to Nekravol.

I step out and notice the temperature is very high, uncomfortably so. There's lava all around me.

I'm standing in front of a large gate. I kick it open and see the accursed Citadel, where human souls are sorted, tortured and converted into Argent energy. At the tower's peak, Argent is transmitted directly to Urdak.

I destroy this and I'd be stopping the production of Argent energy for quite a while.

I decide to destroy the whole thing immediately and grow to 400 meters tall, about as tall as the building itself.

I spread my aura through the Citadel and take all the souls into my realm.

I then spread my arms as I connect to the lava all around, I make a pulling motion as the lava all gathers behind me forming an enormous wave, taller than me.

I take a deep breath of air and supercool it with liquid helium inside my body. I then blow, turning the lava to rock and the entire area becomes a frozen tundra in seconds.

I raise my foot and stomp it down, hard, causing tremors all throughout hell and it shatters the remains of the now frozen Citadel in thousands of pieces.

"NOOOO!!" The Khan Maykr's voice resounds loudly throughout Nekravol. I immediately create another portal, this time to Urdak, home of the Maykrs.

I step through the portal... again, and look around. There's advanced technology everywhere.

This whole world exists in an anchor state, locked in a static position relative to other dimensions at a sub-quantum level using advanced technology.

This essentially inverts Urdak's position in relation to Hell, meaning these planes of existence are both fixed outside of the bounds of the universe. Which is why they are referred to as the 'higher' and 'lower' realms.

I spread a very thin, almost imperceptible layer of aura through the entire realm, to find the Khan Maykr.

I find her in a gathering with multiple Maykr Angels, performing a ritual on the beating heart of the Icon of Sin. Which contains the tormented soul of Commander Valen's son.

I teleport there as they're all standing around the heart, chanting in unison.

Next to the circular platform they're using for the ritual, they've got the Icon of Sin itself. A large demon over 130 meters tall, covered in Maykr armor.

They're trying to control the Icon so they can use it to resume the demonic invasion of earth.

The Khan Maykr, noticing my presence, starts gloating like she's already won. "You cannot stop the procession. With the Icon of Sin under my control, humanity stands no chance. But I have watched you fight. Join me. There is a place for one like you, here on Urdak. Fight for me and you can rule galaxies."

"No, thanks." I say before I snap out my claws and fill them with aura as I rush past the Maykr Angels towards the heart.

"NOO! We won't be able to control it!" The Khan Maykr screams as I bury my claws inside the heart and fill it with my aura.

I then take the soul of Valen's son and transfer it to my realm.

I take out my claws and slash them across the heart, cutting it in two.

Immediately, the Icon breaks free of its restraints as it roars to the skies.

The Khan Maykr and her Angels immediately flee the scene.

A large portal then opens behind the Icon as it turns around and tries to walk through.

"Not so fast, big guy." I say as I catch its limbs in shackles made of solid aura constructs.

I grow to meet the Icon in size as I use the chains attached to the shackles and wrap them around the Icon.

The monster turns out to be stronger than anticipated though, as it launches us both, with one strong pull, through the portal, into Cape Town, right in the middle of the battle to destroy the last Super Gore Nest.


The Icon uses all its strength and spreads its arms, breaking free of my chains as it roars incredibly loudly, flattening a large chunk of land around us.

The Icon covers its fist in a very thick layer of hell energy as it punches towards my face.

I easily block it, but as its fist makes contact with my forearm, it disintegrates my skin and a chunk of flesh.

I let Genesis cover my entire body as it turns into an armor made of Aegis.

I cover my own fists with aura and start punching back. A right fist to the body, then a left fist to the body, causing the Icon to bend forward, followed by a powerful right uppercut, clean to the chin.

As the Icon falls backwards, I notice its very presence destroys everything around it. Entire buildings are slowly disintegrating all around us, just because of the Icon's presence.

'This isn't just destruction. It's almost as if it's uncontrolled reality warping.'

As the Icon gets up, I snap out my claws and run at the demon, tackling it back to the ground.

I dig my claws under its Maykr designed armor and start tearing it off.

The Icon throws a few punches to my body and face as I've torn off most of the armor.

Only the helmet remains. I grab one of its horns and pull back my right fist as I slam it into the Icon's face repeatedly until the armor cracks apart. I don't stop punching its face as with every punch I draw more of the demon's blood.

After a while, I've caved in its skull as I'm covered in blood.

I take out my claws again and slash them across the Icon's neck, decapitating it.

I sink my fangs into its shoulder and devour its raw ability to manipulate reality.

The Icon of Sin didn't know how to control it as it was just a mindless beast, but given time, I'm sure I'll be able to learn. Until then, I naturally turn it off and don't use it unless I really need something destroyed.

'Which reminds me. I believe I left an Angel wannabe on Urdak.'

I turn back and see that the portal to Urdak is still open. I walk towards it as I notice the Super Gore Nest still hasn't been destroyed by my forces. I reach towards it and using my telekinesis, I rip the entire Gore Nest from the ground. I then squash my fist tightly as the Gore Nest gets squashed in mid-air.

I walk through the portal back to Urdak as I hear cheers and celebrations down on the ground.

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