Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 119: Reinhard Kingdom and Stavrey City

Platis Mountains.

Arthur Reinhardt breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the green dragon flying away.

Although the stone holy sword was in hand, his combat power increased sharply, but in fact, he had consumed a lot in the previous battle and tried his best to kill the red dragon. Now he was really not sure about killing the green dragon.

In the mountains and forests below, as the red dragon's body fell into the mountains and forests, the kobolds and goblins dispersed one after another.

Seeing that the battle was won, the human knights and warriors breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if they had survived the disaster. They mustered up their remaining energy to cheer for Arthur Reinhardt.

"Arthur Reinhardt wins!"

"Praise to the Platinum Moon!"

Nirevia stood in front of the red dragon's body, looking at the red dragon who was both her father and her mother's murderer. Her smile and tears flowed out together. She drank his blood and vented her joy!

This dragon-slaying battle greatly enhanced Arthur Reinhard's prestige.


Arthur Reinhardt did not break his oath and used the red dragon's head to decorate his room.

Year 2468 of the Goblin Empire.

The Troll Kingdom contacted the Mountain Kingdom, the Swamp Kingdom and the Beamon Royal Court in the northern grasslands to attack the Goblin Empire.

Because the army of the Goblin Empire is mainly used to resist the trolls in the south and the Behemoth Court in the north.

He didn't pay much attention to the dwarves and lizardmen who were always quiet.

The defenders of the Western Territory were suddenly attacked and defeated.

The city of Faraye in the west was occupied by the dwarves, and the city of Roman was occupied by the lizardmen.

Several large goblin cities in the southern part of the Western Region were occupied by troll troops.

A large number of goblins from the West fled to the Angamiros Mountains!

By the time the Goblin Empire reacted, the entire Western Territory had been carved up by dwarves, lizards, and trolls.

The coalition of dwarves and lizardmen has even advanced to the edge of the Mon'en Plain in the middle, and was blocked by the city of Mon'en.


Goblin Empire calendar year 2512.

The Behemoth Royal Court went south again.

Edson Almond led the coalition of grassland tribes to attack Mohand City!

And sent the centaur tribe to attack M'gas!

After three months of siege warfare at all costs, the city of Mohand was finally captured. The Centaur tribe also attacked M'gath at the same time, and half of the northern army of the Goblin Empire was wiped out.

In Mohand City, the remaining goblin northern troops broke out and prepared to retreat to Garthau City in the south to continue their defense.

Edson Almond was overjoyed to see that victory was in sight and that the entire northern territory was about to be captured by him.

He personally led the Behemoth Guards to pursue the victory, but because he pursued too fiercely, he was ambushed by the Goblin Northern Army under the city of Garso, and he died in the battle.

When Edson Almond, the Great Khan of the Prairie, died, the entire coalition of the Prairie Royal Court was immediately scattered!

It's like reenacting the scene hundreds of years ago.

Several sons of Edson Almond began to compete for the position of Khan of the Steppes.

Civil strife began in the Prairie Royal Court.

Among them, the third prince Eamonn Almond controls the land in the central and northern part of the northern border of the former goblins along the lines of Jobud, Melanson and Mohand.

The seventh prince Teda Almond controls the vast land to the west of the Prairie Royal Court.

The eleventh prince, Rand Almond, controls the vast land east of the Prairie Royal Court.

The three princes ordered the tribes under the grassland royal court to fight for themselves and determine the position of grassland khan.

But at this moment, the major races under the command of the Prairie Royal Court are no longer what they used to be. They are gradually growing stronger as they follow Behemoth's plunder southward!

They no longer obeyed the royal court's orders, but chose to sit back and watch the civil strife among the Behemoth princes.


Goblin Empire calendar year 2515.

Seeing that the civil strife in the Prairie Royal Court was not over yet, the Goblin Empire sent troops north to Mohande City in an attempt to regain the lost territory.

However, he was blocked by Eamonn Almond at the gate of Mohand, unable to advance even an inch.

News came that the army of local elves was heading north.

The three Behemoth princes suspended the civil war.

And the surrounding trolls, giant wolf clan, Polek clan, and centaur clan also came to help, and the goblin army was defeated again!

They had to retreat to Garzo and build the final northern defense line along Garzo City and Edes City!


Year 2532 of the Goblin Empire.

The melee between Prince Beamon is not over yet.

The giant wolf clan of the trolls in Haros declared independence and established the Giant Wolf Kingdom on the plains of Haros.

It's like there's collusion.

Year 2533 of the Goblin Empire.

The centaur tribe in M'gath established the United Centaur Kingdom of House.


Goblin Empire calendar year 2535.

South of the Three Forks River, on the grasslands and plains north of Haros.

The tiger-headed people united with the wild boar people, half-fox people, tauren and other tribes to establish the United Orc Kingdom.


Year 2537 of the Goblin Empire.

Arthur Reinhardt declared the independence of the human race in the Bolek Territory and established the Reinhardt Kingdom.

The kingdom governs the Polek Territory and the Sancha River Territory.

Arthur Reinhard ordered the kingdom to expand westward to the Lake Ulan area.

same year.

A part of the fairy clan living at the junction of the Northern and Western Realms established the Fairy Secret Realm.


Year 2538 of the Goblin Empire.

The three Behemoth princes saw that the situation in the grassland was in chaos, and the Behemoth clan could no longer regain the momentum it once had. It was difficult for any of the three brothers to do anything about the other, and they had to give up their ambition to unify the royal court on the grassland.


Year 2540 of the Goblin Empire.

Emon Almond announced the establishment of the Emon Kingdom and withdrew from the battle for the grassland court!

As a result, many countries in the north were established, but the pressure on the goblins was much less.

The Goblin Empire finally breathed a sigh of relief and focused on the west and south.

The dwarves and lizardmen in the west saw that the Behemoth Court in the north had destroyed them.

They had to stop the offensive and use the edge of the Monen Plain as a defense line and no longer attack.

The Goblin Empire calendar is 2550 years old.

The war between the Winged People and the Sea Clan ended again, and the Sea Clan was expelled back to the ocean.

Among the Sea Clan, dissatisfaction with the eldest princess Themis has accumulated to a deep level.

Uriel City in Losendas.

Seeing that the situation on the continent was in chaos, Sophia thought for a long time and decided to send troops westward.

Several armies of the Winged People sent troops at the same time.

The Tianshan Winged People sent troops to the Thunder City next to the Thunder Swamp and captured it!

The main force of Losendas's Wingman Corps marched westward into the Hanhai Forest and captured the eastern city of Todkab.

The Eastern Border Corps of the Goblin Empire was defeated by the Wingman and had to retreat to the central and eastern cities of Guitos.

After this battle, the Wingman Kingdom almost occupied the entire Eastern Border!

In the 2555th year of the Goblin Empire calendar.

Sophia personally came to Gaoman Mountain, the ancestral land of the Wingman.

After three days of commemoration here, she ordered the construction of a new city for the Wingman tribe at the foot of Gaoman Mountain, surrounding the entire Gaoman Mountain.

The new city was named Stafley City, which means the first flying city!

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