Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 120 The First Outburst of Faith

2560 of the Goblin Empire.


Seeing that the Winged Kingdom had freed up its hands and occupied the entire eastern border of the Goblin Empire, the Troll King Oden Bloodaxe became anxious.

At this time, in his eyes, the Goblin Empire was already a lamb to be slaughtered, the Northern Prairie King Court was no longer a force to be reckoned with, and only the Winged Kingdom was the future enemy of the Troll Kingdom.

After the discussion of the ministers of the kingdom.

Oden Bloodaxe sent an envoy to Haros in the north to contact the Giant Wolf Kingdom in the north.

Said that the two countries were both composed of troll tribes, and were willing to form a marriage and form a north-south alliance.

The Giant Wolf Kingdom agreed to the marriage.

2561 of the Goblin Empire.

The son of the King of the Giant Wolf Kingdom married the daughter of Oden Bloodaxe, and the two countries officially married.


2563 of the Goblin Empire.

The two Troll Kingdoms in the north and south agreed to attack the Goblin Empire.

The dwarves and lizardmen also attacked Monen City at the same time under the deal of Oden Bloodaxe.

In the south, Oden Bloodaxe personally led the troll army of the whole country to march north to Amber River again.

For this battle, Oden Bloodaxe rested for many years.

The two armies fought fiercely in Amber River.

Perhaps it was because the Goblin Empire realized that once Amber River was lost, the entire southern border of the Goblin Empire would be occupied. At that time, the Goblin Empire would be blocked in the middle of the continent by various ethnic countries from all directions.

At that time, all the retreat routes would be cut off. Even if they had the most prosperous central part of the continent, they would only perish sooner or later.

The Goblin Emperor ordered the conscription of young and strong people and professionals from all over the country to guard the southern border.

So the war was deadlocked.


In the 2564th year of the Goblin Empire.

The dwarf and lizardman army broke through the city of Monen.

In desperation, the Goblin Emperor Weiland Amigel ordered the southern army to resist the attack from the west.

The central region must not be lost, otherwise the country will be destroyed.

At the same time, he ordered the migration of the people of the southern border to the north.


In the 2567th year of the Goblin Empire.

Oden Blood Axe broke through the Amber River, and the Goblin Southern Border Army retreated.

Oden Blood Axe personally led his troops to pursue the retreating main army of the Goblin Empire.

And divided his troops to occupy the remaining southern cities.


In the 2568th year of the Goblin Empire.

The retreating Southern Border Army of the Goblin Empire established the last southern defense line along the Veral River in the central and southern borders!

So far, the territory of the Goblin Empire only left the central region of Ferland and part of the northern region.

The Troll Kingdom occupied the entire southern border and part of the western border, and its territory was larger than the Goblin Empire for the first time!

At this moment.

The situation of the entire Ferland continent was temporarily settled.

The southeasternmost port of the Goblin Empire, Keslane, suddenly became an enclave.

Emperor Wieland Amigel quietly sent his favorite goblin prince south to the port of Kslann to supervise the construction of a large ship!

The Goblin Empire calendar is from 2570 to 2970.

A full four hundred years.

Except for the occasional attack of the Winged Kingdom on the Goblin Empire to resist the attacks of the Sea Clan.

All the tribes and countries on the continent seemed to have agreed to be silent.

Inside, a large number of beliefs appeared, and a large number of peak demigods suddenly came down to lay out the various tribes and countries.

Among them, the strong ones laid out the major kingdoms.

The Troll Kingdom in the south believes in the God of Killing.

The Mountain Kingdom believes in the God of Mountains and Forging.

The Centaur Kingdom believes in the God of the North Wind.

The Giant Wolf Kingdom in the north believes in the Wolf God.

The Orc Kingdom believes in the God of Battle.

The Lizardman Kingdom believes in the God of Mud and Chaos.

The Kingdom of Amon has a belief in the God of Savagery and Violence.

The two royal courts in the east and west on the grassland began to believe in the God of Strength and the God of Running.

The mermaids in the West Sea believe in the goddess of the sea.

Even in the Kingdom of Reinhard, the God of Wisdom and Healing competed with the Platinum Moon for faith.

However, although King Reinhard eliminated the influence of the God of Wisdom and Healing in Polek, the faith in the God of Wisdom and Healing was still spreading quietly in the enclave-like Three Forks River area and a large number of human tribes on the grassland.

In those days, after Reinhard founded the country, the Reinhard family of Three Forks River moved to Polek City, and the Golden Lion Knights also followed. Reinhard's influence in the Three Forks River area declined.

In addition to these powerful kingdoms, faith also appeared in various tribes on the continent.

Eagle people, barbarians, fish people, ogres, giants, bear people, goblins and other tribes all showed faith.

As for the Goblin Empire in the middle, it seemed like an isolated island forgotten by the world, and no faith entered.


The Goblin Empire calendar year 2970.

Proadas City.

Late at night!

Two bright moons hang high in the sky, casting light on the ancient city.

The Goblin Great Sage, wearing a black cloak, stood on the ancient and majestic walls of Proadas, looking out at the vast plains!

His vision was far and wide, as if he was looking at the entire empire.

Next to him, there was a figure of the same height as him, with black air all over his body, laughing in a hoarse voice.

"Hehehe, it's time. A large number of demigods have emerged on the continent of Ferland. It's time to make a decision, Azeba!"

"Do we have to wait until they become gods?"

Azeba was silent after hearing this.

"You know, since you have chosen the abyss, there is no turning back!"

"When we begin to gaze into the abyss, the abyss will also focus on us!"

"Moreover, we are not without advantages. When we take millions of living souls to the abyss, the will of the abyss will surely be delighted."

"At that time, with the help of the abyss, we will be able to break through and become the lord of the abyss who is equal to the true god!"

"In this way, it can be regarded as becoming a god. Isn't it good to realize your dream?"

Azeba continued to remain silent.

The black shadow laughed and continued.

"Are you worried about your race! Hahahaha, don't joke, they are just the stepping stone for you to become a god!"

"Their vitality is so tenacious that their bloodline will not be cut off!"

"Besides, even if they die, what does it have to do with us!"

Azeba finally couldn't help it and roared loudly.

"Stop talking!"

"Hehehe, Azeba, what are you pretending?"

"Don't you know that I am you!"


The creepy laughter appeared in the night sky, terrifying and inexplicable.

Countless goblins of Proadas woke up in the middle of the night, not knowing what happened.

And on the city wall.

Finally, Azeba's heavy and hoarse voice came.

"We will come back, right?!"

"Don't worry, the abyss behind us is extremely powerful. It carries the malice of countless worlds, devours countless worlds, and fights with a large number of worlds with gods at the same time!"

"The continent of Ferland is no exception. We will come back!"

"I understand!"

"Let's carry out our plan, drag the entire Proadas into the abyss, become a demon lord, and start tonight!"

"Hahahaha, you finally figured it out!"

As soon as the two finished their conversation, the black shadow with rolling black air and a lot of negative will walked towards Azeba's body, and they merged into one.

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