Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 121 The Imperial Capital Falls!

On the tall city wall.

Two moons hang high, one gold and one silver, illuminating the bricks at night.

A cool breeze blows!

The black robe on Azeba is blown up, revealing his long-demonized face.

Darkness covers his face, keratin proliferates, the breath of evil permeates, death and fear follow him everywhere!

Under the city wall, there are thousands of goblin servants who have been demonized by him.

Among them, the highest is the legendary level, and the lowest is the master level. They are all the power that Azeba has accumulated bit by bit over the years.

On the city wall.

Azeba looked at the thousands of servants covered by black robes, took a deep breath, raised his right hand that was already like a demon, and said loudly.

"Let's start. From today on, the entire Proadas will fall into the abyss!"


As thousands of figures bowed respectfully, they dispersed like black shadows.

Not long after.

The entire city of Proadas was suddenly filled with black smoke!

As the smoke became more and more dense, the dark and evil aura grew stronger little by little.

In the city of Proadas, countless goblins were awakened in the darkness. They looked at the endless black fog that permeated around them, and subconsciously felt boundless fear.

But they had no choice but to inhale the black fog into their bodies.

Suddenly, a sense of soul withdrawal appeared in the depths of their souls.

As the goblins inhaled a large amount of black fog, a little bit of spiritual light in their souls was squeezed out by the black fog, separated from their bodies, and rose!

Looking down from the sky above the city of Proadas.

I saw that a little bit of spiritual light floated up from all directions in the east, west, south, north, and center of the city, and went to the center above the city, converging into a sea of ​​spiritual light, appearing above Proadas.

On the city wall.

Azeba, dressed in a black robe, suddenly floated up. He raised the scepter in his hand high, and an extremely huge dark light curtain fell from the sky, instantly covering the brilliance of the silver moon and the golden moon.

He already knew that the two moons in the sky were held high by the strong, and even the platinum moon was someone he once knew.

But things are different now, and the right path to becoming a god can no longer accommodate him.

Azeba sighed for the last time, and his powerful strength seemed to surge out!


The dark sky enveloped the entire Proadas, as if a huge black hole had formed on the Ferland continent.

The vitality of the entire city was suddenly blocked, and a huge void altar emerged in the sky, began to conduct the void, and connected to the endless abyss!

When the altar appeared, thin lines began to fall,

In the capital of the empire, starting with the weakest ordinary goblins, blood lines appeared on their bodies, extracting their last blood as living beings.

Their souls were stripped away, their blood was extracted, and their fate was already determined, waiting for the will of the abyss to come and degenerate them into the lowest level of demons.

And in the whole city, those professionals with slightly stronger strength were all trapped in the black fog and received special care.

Some stronger goblin professionals wanted to rush out of the capital of the empire, but they were blocked by the black-robed demon servants at every gate and could not break through!

Their fate will be the same as those ordinary goblins, and they will eventually become low-level demons in the territory of Azeba Demon.


On Mount Proadas, inside the palace.

Just as the dark sky curtain fell over the entire imperial capital.

The goblin emperor Weiland Amigel suddenly woke up and watched the entire Proadas shrouded in darkness, and the extremely evil and chaotic atmosphere filled the entire world.

It was a breath of depravity, sinking, death and killing.

"What's going on?!"

He picked up the gun of Amigel in the palace, walked out of the palace, stepped into the air, stood above Mount Proadas, and overlooked the entire imperial capital!

As a goblin emperor with high talent and always wanting to make a difference, Weiland Amigel has never given up practicing and has long become a legend.

See the emperor come out with a gun.

Teams of professional palace guards followed and rushed out of the palace and came to the ground under Wieland.

In the air above Mount Proadas.

Wieland Amigel watched the entire imperial capital trapped in the evil black fog, and his heart ached!

He saw the soul light of millions of people being swept into the sky of Proadas, like a plate of delicious food for everyone to enjoy, and his eyes were red.

He looked at the source of all this, the great sage Azeba who had protected the empire since the establishment of the Goblin Empire. At this time, he stood above the entire Proadas, and endless darkness emerged from his body, and the powerful devil's breath filled the world.

It was him who closed the entire Proadas!

The light of the two bright moons in the sky was difficult to reach down, and was blocked outside this closed world!

Wieland Amigel let out the most angry roar of his life!

He raised the Spear of Amigel high, and an extremely brilliant light emerged on the spear. The Earth Spirit Spear, which had been soaked in the blood of the Titan, burst out with a spear intent that pierced through everything!

"People of the Empire, those who can still move, follow me to charge and kill Azeba!"

On the earth.

The palace guards were the first to respond to the emperor's order, drawing their weapons from their waists and killing into the darkness.

In the city of Proadas, countless professionals who were covered in black fog and struggling hard heard the emperor's roar, and courage emerged in their hearts. They also broke free from the black fog and killed outside the darkness!

However, their resistance seemed so weak in this capital city that Azeba had laid out for thousands of years.

In the sky.

Watching the goblin emperor stabbing with all his strength, he shook his scepter lightly and knocked the magic gun away.

Emperor Weiland Amiguel fell to the ground with blood in the sky.

Looking at Weiland Amiguel with red eyes, who wanted to pick up the spear and stab again, Azeba sighed, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the rolling black fog covered Weiland Amiguel like a prison!

"I gave you a chance, and my fallen fog finally covered the palace. Emperor, why don't you run away?"

"Why not run away?!"

"Run away?!"


The sadness in Weiland Amiguel's heart ignited with his anger.

With blood on his mouth, he laughed loudly at Azeba in the sky.

"I am the emperor of the goblins. My people have transformed into demons under my nose. How can I abandon them and flee alone!"

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes. He was resisting the infection of the will of the abyss.

He used all his strength to stand up and was about to pick up the Spear of Amiguel stuck in the ground!

"Today, I will die on Mount Proadas, and sacrifice my empire and my people!"

"Azeba, you betrayed your people, you will be doomed to fail!"

However, before he could get the Spear of the Empire.

He was pierced through the body by the spear and died on the spot!

Behind Wiland Amiguel.

The palace guards who had just arrived here saw the emperor die on the spot, and all their eyes were red.

A team of black-robed figures appeared from the black fog and laughed.

"Your emperor is dead, why don't you become one of us!"

The more demons the professionals transform, the more stable Azeba's position.

However, the guards refused categorically!

"The emperor died in battle, why should we survive alone?"

They raised their weapons, shouted angrily at Azeba, and killed the black-robed demon in the dark, with a tragic and heroic meaning filling the sky!

Soon, they were all killed by the black robes, and their weapons and armors were scattered all over the ground.

In the sky.

Azeba waved his hand, and the Spear of Amigel was completely black and returned to his hand.

He laughed in a low voice.

"It's really like that, Weiland. Your ancestors were like this in the past!"

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