The far north of Finorton.

In the place where the sun never shines, there is a dark and deep Styx.

The River Styx was originally empty, but on this day, a small boat suddenly appeared on the river.

A centaur ferryman stood on it.

Wearing a cloak and strong hooves, he faces every creature who wants to cross the River Styx.


Troll Empire Calendar Year 656.

The Winged Humans built a tall tower on the continent of Grea, called the Tower of Babel.


Year 658 of the Troll Empire calendar.

The southern human kingdom of Flanders.

An astrologer-turned-magician discovered that using the Astrology Tower as a magic tower would be equivalent to putting a defensive shell on the magician and enhancing the power of magic.

So this human magician named Serald began to specialize in magic tower technology. He taught himself a lot of alchemy and structural science, and finally built the world's first magic tower a hundred years later!

But this mage is very simple, far less powerful than those mage towers in the future.

Year 659 of the Troll Empire calendar.

The great mage Monelil created the magic circle!

And use this to advance to Demigod!


Year 675 of the Troll Empire.

Some elf magicians used magic crystal as the source, magic as the foundation, and magic array as the core to forge magic crystal cannons.

The emergence of the magic crystal cannon, its powerful power and long range, changed the situation on the battlefield for the first time!

Especially the magic crystal cannon forged by the demigod Monelil, which is extremely powerful. On the battlefield of Falling Star Lake, a section of the troll's city wall defense line was destroyed with one shot.

The magic crystal cannon has attracted the attention of the world, and the magic circle has become a magic technology that all races are competing to develop.

Magic developed again, and a shallow belief in magic began to appear among magicians throughout the world.

Monelil is making steady progress on her way to becoming a god.


Troll Empire Calendar Year 689.

The central prairie of Finauton continent.

The golden lion that has lived for who knows how long ascends to the throne of God!

When he becomes a god.

It’s not like there’s no God to stop it.

But when the projection of an extremely vast and majestic world composed entirely of elements appeared in the sky above the continent of Finorton, the gods allowed it to ascend to the gods!

Because the emergence and establishment of connections between the elemental world is an inevitable process of the world's rise, there is no need to stop it.

And this elemental world that appears is an endless world composed of earth elements, which is like the source of the earth elements in the entire star world.

The Golden Lion was favored by the Earth Elemental Realm and voluntarily became one of the links between the Earth Elemental Realm and the world of Flanders, thus ascending to the throne of the God of Gold and Lions.

After this scene, the existence of the elemental world is also known.

A large number of applications of the elemental plane will appear in the paths of various professions.

Year 723 of the Troll Empire calendar.

Raphael, a genius magician and alchemist of the Winged Human race, finally built a small floating city using magic array as the key technology and spent fifty years.

This floating city was classified as a kingdom secret, and Raphael became a key protection personnel and was summoned by Jiang You!

Year 732 of the Troll Empire.

Under the bombardment of 10,000 magic crystal cannons, the troll empire retreated to Falling Star Lake in embarrassment.

The elven army crossed the Fallen Star Lake and entered the central part of the continent of Flanders. Cannons opened the way and destroyed the central troll cities.

All the way towards the capital of the Troll Empire.

the other way.

The allied forces of the Northland moved south from the west of Garthau and attacked the troll city in the west of central Ferland.

The Troll Emperor Oden Bloodaxe made preparations to move the capital while sending people to ask for help from the Winged Humans.


east coast.

Uriel City, White Stone Castle.

The deputy king of the kingdom looked at the holy sky pool in the sky, then looked at the political adjutant next to him, and asked.

"Andorra, is the Holy Sky Pool almost finished?"

"Yes, Your Highness, there are still three years."

"How is the construction of our sky city going?"

"His Royal Highness Raphael has completed the most important and basic design. It will also only take three years for our Sky City to be launched!"

Hearing this, Sophia made up her mind.

"The king has entered a critical period and cannot be disturbed. The troll empire is asking for help, so let them wish for themselves."

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