Troll Empire Calendar 733.

The Elf Army was approaching the central troll territory. Oden Bloodaxe mobilized the national forces, especially the troll berserkers, and assembled them in the capital Max City.

The human magician group led by Nick Arona, the royal family of the Southern Human Kingdom of Dawn, and a royal knight group of the Southern Human Kingdom also came to the Troll Capital for support.

The magician group was taken to the eastern front, while the human knight group was taken to the western front.


On the western front, the Monen Plain.

The two human kingdoms in the north and the south met on the battlefield for the first time.

One side held high the banner of the Platinum Moon, and the other held high the banner of the Dawn Sun.

Even their coaches, one was of the royal blood of Reinhardt, and the other was also of the royal blood of Arona!

Both sides seemed to have a strange bonus in morale.

When their elite knight groups collided with each other, blood was dripping, and neither side gave in.

When facing their fellow human beings, they all agreed that the other party was the rebel and tried their best to kill the other party!

In the end, all the southern human knights who fought to the death died in the battle.

And Reinhardt's Golden Lion Knights suffered more than half of their casualties and returned to the kingdom to recuperate.


Troll Empire Calendar 734.

The elf army marched to Lake Proadas.

Countless elves cheered when they arrived here!

The significance of Proadas is extremely important to the Ferland Continent.

This place used to be the capital of the two continental overlords, Titan and Goblin, and the center of Ferland Continent.

But now, the Proadas Mountain and the giant city that once stood high on the vast plains are only a vast and calm lake.

A fairy tribe moved to Lake Proadas to survive hundreds of years ago, and gradually, they began to call themselves the Fairies of the Lake.

But the fairies don't like the ugly trolls, and never show up during the period of troll rule.

When the elves arrived, the beautiful elves delighted the lake fairies, and they presented their own magic treasures to the elves.

Also out of love and return gifts, the elves passed on magic and magic circles to these fairies who were close to elves and elements.

Among the lake fairies.

A genius lake fairy named Nini Annie became a legend.

The lake fairies joined the elves, but they were not responsible for fighting.

Some curious little fairies even went to Nadasir in the Finottun continent and lived there.

Under the power of the silver moon and the tree of nature, they began to transform into the great forest fairies.


The Troll Empire built a big city in the south of Lake Proadas, named Labyus City.

It means the beautiful lake city.


The elf coalition and the troll coalition broke out again in a fierce battle.

Because of the lesson of the last time the Falling Star Lake was bombarded by thousands of cannons.

This time.

Just as the elf army lined up along the Proadas Lake and 10,000 magic crystal cannons were set up, the troll army launched an attack on the elf army.

Tens of thousands of troll berserkers hid in the army and attacked the positions of the magic crystal cannons.

They advanced under the bombardment of artillery fire.

After a fierce battle, the trolls suffered huge casualties, most of the magic crystal cannons were smashed into slag, and the elves lost their advantage for a period of time.

The two tribes began a new round of confrontation in the city of Labyus.

But in Max City.

Oden Blood Axe in the palace did not stop preparing to move the capital.

The trolls in the central part of Ferland were slowly moved to the southern and western borders.

Some of the trolls in the southern border began to cross the sea to the southwest of the Ferland continent.

They were also seeking a way out.

The 735th year of the Troll Empire.

The Sky Holy Pool, which had been floating in the sky of the Winged Kingdom for hundreds of years, returned to its original starting point, above the city of Uriel.

Finally, in the sight of all the winged people, it silently dissipated into platinum particles, scattered on the ground for the last time, and entered the bodies of all the winged people.

No matter how far or near!


In the entire Ferland world, all the winged people suddenly felt their bodies begin to heat up, and their blood began the final transformation!

Their skin became whiter, their faces became younger, their bodies became more energetic, and their wings became whiter and more powerful.

At the same time.

A soft voice resounded in their hearts.

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