In the vast and boundless starry sky.

There is a vast and endless abyss.

No one knows the origin of the abyss. But every creature in every world knows that the abyss is the enemy of all intelligent creatures and the world.

The abyss will devour the world and continue to expand!

Even now, the endless abyss is in a stage of crazy expansion, endless, and will not stop.

The abyss does not have the world barrier like the world, and the abyss demons do not care much.

Probably in their opinion, it is good enough that the abyss does not invade others, how could there be a world or creature to invade them?

Except for the most mysterious first nine layers of the abyss.

Looking from the outside in.

Each layer of the abyss is ruled by at least one great demon with great divine power or multiple great demons.

Generally speaking, the fewer layers of the abyss, the stronger the demon!

Because the larger the area of ​​each layer of the abyss, it means that more worlds are dragged into this layer of the abyss, the more souls are devoured, and the deeper the abyss, the stronger the demon.

It is not uncommon to see great demons with supreme power above the great power in the abyss.

When the territories and worlds brought into the abyss meet the requirements of the abyss' will, a new layer of the abyss will be formed.

Generally speaking, a new layer of the abyss will be composed of multiple fallen worlds dragged into the abyss.


The 997th layer of the abyss.

This is the area ruled by the great silver-eyed demon with great power.

The 997th layer of the abyss is in the endless abyss and belongs to the young abyss.

There is only one great power in this layer of the abyss, and the silver-eyed demon is still in the pioneering stage.

Every moment, he will launch an abyss war against other worlds.


The silver-eyed demon is invading a world of gods that also has great power.

Most of his demon lords or demons are helping him to attack this world.

In the silver-eyed abyss.

There are countless kinds of demons and a large number of abyss lords. Azeba, the inferior demon lord who fell into this layer of abyss more than a thousand years ago, is one of them.

As a newly promoted abyss lord, the territory he occupies is very small in the Silver Eye Abyss.

The millions of inferior demons that were brought into the abyss did not evolve as quickly as he imagined and become a major force in this layer of abyss.

And, every year.

He needs to pay enough souls to the Silver Eye Demon God as the price of staying in this layer of abyss.

After falling into the abyss, his previous ambitions have not decreased much, but have grown every day. But these ambitions are suppressed in his heart.

The territory of the abyss lord needs to be conquered by himself, and the demon subordinates of the abyss lord also need to be transformed by himself.

According to the previous practice of the abyss lord's fall.

Every demon lord who fell into the abyss is often one of the strongest in the previous world.

After falling, the first place they attacked was their original world.

And incorporate this world into the abyss, increase the territory and the number of demons.

So generally speaking, there is no abyss lord with a smaller territory than Azeba in the Silver Eye Abyss.

But Azeba is different. He did not become the strongest and then fall into the abyss.

He knows that it is difficult to make the Ferland world fall with his current strength.

In fact, this situation is very common.

There are often demon lords who have discovered a powerful world and seek other demon lords to help attack the world because of their own lack of strength.

In this case, although the benefits are small, the risks are also small.


In his heart, the Ferland world has a special liking.

It is also a piece of fat meat that can be harvested after becoming strong, and he does not want to share it with other demon lords.

Over the years.

He has also been attacking small worlds, improving his strength and manpower, and barely achieving a balance between income and expenditure.

But it is too difficult to find a world suitable for him to attack.

Of course, Azeba has also participated in the Fallen War led by the Silver Eye Demon to attack the Great World of Antokanas, thinking of giving it a try.

Unfortunately, he was severely injured by a powerful fire god there, and lost many soldiers and generals. It took him many years to recover.

It is also because of this reason that it is more and more difficult for him to pay his "rent" now.

Azeba Demon Lord.

Azeba sat on his demon throne, looking at the fewer high-level demons in the hall below him than before, and finally sighed.

"Forget it, forget it. Now I am in trouble myself. Although Ferland is good, I can't eat it alone."

Then, he looked at the high-level inferior demons below and said.

"Movis, you go and contact several nearby demon lords. Just say that I found a suitable big world and ask them to attack with me!"

"Yes, lord!"

Movis nodded respectfully and turned away.

Azeba looked at his figure going away.

"Ferland, I'm coming back again."

"Winged people, trolls, behemoths, dwarves, lizardmen, human race, centaurs... Are you ready?"


Ferland world

High in the sky.

The Silver Moon Goddess, with a bright silver moon hanging on her back, holds a longbow and shoots silver arrows from a distance.

The Dark God Andalas holds the Dark Moon Scythe and transforms into thousands of incarnations, appearing around Jiang You from time to time.

In the front.

The Lord of the Dawn wears a golden helmet and golden armor, holds a golden spear, and the light of the dawn shines all around him, like a scorching sun pushing forward.

Facing the attacks of three powerful main gods, Jiang You's eyes were calm, and every action and attack was perfect!

This was determined by his unique fighting consciousness.

When they were at the same level and fighting power, no one could beat him!

The vast platinum light illuminated the world, and ten Jiang You held long swords, wielding endless sword light, moving forward!

The four gods attacked each other, and for a moment, they were evenly matched!

But Jiang You was obviously more calm.

Just as they were fighting.

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