Balod continent.

Bonnis Peninsula.

Countless Ant-men knelt on the ground and praised in unison.

“Great Mother Earth, goddess of fertility and reproduction, creation and spring, great master of Ant-Man, may you lift up your kingdom in the sky, may your will walk on the earth, may the mountains and rivers prostrate themselves In your broad mind.”

With the praises of Ant-Man, countless faiths gathered at the location of Garia, the Lord of the Earth.

She walked step by step from the secret realm to the sky, letting all the ants see a graceful and luxurious goddess standing tall.


The entire secret realm of the earth and the surrounding temple groups were lifted up.

Gaeria held high the kingdom of God and ascended to the sky amidst the chants of believers.

On the battlefield high in the sky.

Jiang You, who was fighting fiercely with the three main gods, could not help but sigh when he felt that Garia, the Lord of the Western Land, was beginning to ascend to the gods at this moment.

"There are so many of you!"

He looked towards the edge of the world again.

It just so happened that at this time, the platinum dragon Bahamut and the five-color dragon mother succeeded in ascending to the gods at the same time.

Bahamut and Tiamat's actions after becoming gods are surprisingly consistent.

Dragging the Kingdom of God, they quickly headed towards the Platinum Moon, and finally landed in the Fourth Heaven Mountain under the guidance of the Father of Oak.

One also dragged the Kingdom of God, in the roar of the north wind, to the Kingdom of Silver Moon, becoming another star surrounding the Silver Moon.

Both dragon gods succeeded in ascending to the gods despite being frightened.

Jiang You saw that his target had become a god and nothing could be done, so he took the initiative to leave the battlefield of the battle between gods.

In fact, this divine battle did not reach the level of life-and-death intensity. Tiamat Jiangyou, the mother of five-colored dragons, really didn't care whether to kill her or not. He knew that Silver Moon would protect her, so he even wanted to test his current strength.

This is a guarantee of how he will act next.

Before, he went to find the Platinum Dragon because he knew that it was blessed by the Lord of the Dawn, and wanted to use it to fight Aroldas, the Lord of the Dawn, who had left the Kingdom of God.

Fighting Arodas is actually fighting Arodas and Hades, and it tests his combat power.

Who knows, the platinum dragon Bahamut cast so fast that he had no choice but to come to Tiamat himself.

In the battlefield.

The three main gods breathed a sigh of relief almost simultaneously when they saw that Jiang You was no longer fighting.

Jiang You's strength had improved so much that they all gradually felt the pressure.

But then.

A smile appeared on the face of the Silver Moon Goddess. Tiamat successfully became a god, which meant that she finally had one more god.

The ascension of Garia, the ruler of the earth, caused her expression to change from surprise to worry.

The Lord of the Earth, Garia, was her friend in previous eras. If she can successfully become a god, she will definitely be her great support!

But she didn't know if the three main gods in front of her would stop her.

After all, this person is also a Sequence 0 existence and will definitely become a powerful god in the future.

At this time.

The Silver Moon Goddess subconsciously flew out and kept a distance from the two main gods.

The Lord of the Dawn and the Lord of the Dark Moon smiled helplessly upon seeing this.

"Ekaria, don't worry, we are willing to accept Gaeria's ascension to the throne of God."

"She will be our ally!"

After the two main gods finished speaking, seeing that their expressions were sincere and not fake, Ekaria nodded.

At this time, the three gods looked at Jiang You, who was the strongest.

If Jiang You disagrees, the four main gods will have to fight.

Standing in the sky.

Seeing that the three main gods reached an agreement, Jiang You gave up the idea of ​​preventing Garia from becoming a god.

But in fact, he now clearly knows the upper limit of his strength.

He is able to suppress three powerful divine powers without being defeated, and he can also resist the combination of four powerful divine powers without being defeated by them.

within this range.

The more gods there are, the more powerful the world is, and the faster his strength will improve in the future.

Besides, what he said in front of them was the path of the King of Gods.

It would be best if he could conquer these main gods one by one as his strength gradually increases.

Moreover, the relationship between these main gods is complicated. Without his strong suppression, I am afraid they would have divided themselves.

So he said.

"I can let the earth master who becomes a god become a god, but I need half of the creative authority she holds!"

"Otherwise, I will use all my strength to attack one of you, regardless of the consequences!"

Silver Moon frowned upon hearing this, the Lord of the Dawn fell into thinking, and only Hades said without thinking.

"I think it's okay!"

Jiang You smiled when he heard this.

Gods, it's so easy to deal with.

Seeing that Hades had agreed, the Lord of the Dawn and the Silver Moon Goddess could only nod helplessly.

The four main gods reached an agreement, and Jiang You walked towards the kingdom of Garia, the Lord of the Earth.

The three main gods followed closely behind.

Over the Barod continent.

The Lord of the Earth, Garia, who was holding the kingdom of God to ascend to the gods, was a little at a loss when he saw the arrival of the four gods.

But there is no conflict between these four gods, so they must have reached some kind of agreement.

She saw Aikalia smiling and nodding towards her, and pointing helplessly at Jiang You at the front. Knowing that Jiang You was actually the leader, she was immediately relieved.

She was smart and understood what Aikalia meant.

There is an exchange, and you have to pay a certain price, but you can successfully ascend to the gods.

And right in front of her.

Jiang You was about to speak.


In the west of Barod Continent, another hot and strong divine aura rose!

"This breath, the blazing fire burns everything, the endless flames burn the sky. It is the Fire Lord of Sequence 0, Flames."

"He also wants to ascend to God at this time?"

The Lord of Dawn frowned.

He felt that something was going to happen.

Sure enough, the next second, Jiang You smiled.

"Do you want to protect this one too?"

The three main gods were silent at the same time.

In the last era, the relationship between the Lord of Fire Flames and the three of them was very unfamiliar.

Only the Lord of the Earth, who held the Kingdom of God high, changed his face and pleaded with Jiang You.

"Great Lord of Judgment. Please don't stop Flames from ascending to God. Although he is the God of Fire, he is not an irritable person."

"What is his relationship with you?"

"He is my best friend!"

As soon as these words came out.

The Lord of Dawn Arodas's face darkened slightly, and the God of Hades also looked gloomy.

Only the Silver Moon Goddess laughed happily.

Jiang You noticed the change in their expressions, laughed in his heart, and felt very interesting.

He looked at the Lord of the Earth and said with a smile.

"Let's do this. As long as you give me all your creation priesthood and authority, I will let him ascend to godhood."

The creation priesthood and authority are also priesthoods with great potential. Without them, it will take longer for Garia to ascend to powerful divine power.

But Garia nodded without hesitation.


After that, she ruthlessly cut off the part of creation from the newly born godhood priesthood, turned into a gorgeous stream of light, and sank into Jiang You's arms.

With the creation priesthood and authority, Jiang You can further optimize the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

From then on, the angel souls reincarnated from the Angel Reincarnation Pool can have a physical body.

"Okay, Garia, you continue to ascend to godhood, I'll go see the future God of Fire."

After that, he didn't care about the reactions of several gods and went straight to the west.

In his heart, it was very relaxed.

You are constantly arguing, and I have been getting stronger, becoming stronger faster than you.

In the future, you will all crawl at my feet.

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