Ferris Plains in Barod Continent.

In the middle of an endless field of fiery red wheat.

Countless flame giants knelt on the ground and praised loudly.

“Great Lord of Fire, God of Agriculture and Food, Purification and Summer, Great Master of Fire Giants, may you exalt your kingdom in the sky, may your will walk on the earth, may your kind and fervent fire burn brightly , eternal."

With the fanatical beliefs and praises of the Flame Giants.

At the huge temple of the Fire Giant City.

A throne appeared above the temple, and a handsome god with fiery red hair sat on it.

He is tall, dozens of meters tall, with a strong build, and his simple decoration like the Fire Giant makes him look like a Fire Giant farmer working in the fields.

But the burning meaning of the flames, the majesty of the god sitting upright like fire in the heaven and earth has appeared.

Fire God Feremes looked at the Fire Giants under the throne, feeling excited, gratified, and happy in his heart.

He is about to become a god, and his light of fire will bloom in this new world.

And the flame giants under his command will also grow stronger and expand their territory.

Just when he was calm and ready to lift up the Kingdom of Flame to the sky.

I suddenly felt heart palpitations.

This caused him to pause his spiritual movement and look diagonally upward in the direction of his heart palpitations.


All I saw was mid-air.

A supremely brilliant platinum throne suddenly appeared, with a powerful and majestic handsome silver-haired god sitting on it, with eight shining wings, looking down at him.

The purple eyes were majestic and deep, like eternal gunpowder smoke settling in them.

It's the Lord of Judgment!

After being awake for many years, Feremes knew that this was a peerless talent that would never be seen before.

As a creature of this era, he ascended to the throne of God and subdued the gods with his own power!

His majestic reputation is unmatched by anyone!

Looking at his deeds, Feremes always sighs in his heart, this is simply the born king of the gods!

"The war between gods is over. Didn't they stop the Lord of Judgment?"

He was worried about the earth goddess Garia. He looked up at the sky and saw that the earth kingdom was steadily moving up to the sky. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the Lord of Judgment on the platinum throne.

Feremes, who had just taken a deep breath and thought about something to say, had not yet spoken, but saw Jiang Youdang in the sky speaking first.

I saw Him smiling.

"Why, at this time, do you still care about Garia's situation?"

On the earth.

Countless fire giants trembled under the majesty of the Holy See of Judgment. They looked in disbelief at the platinum god in the sky, overlooking them and their main god, and felt fear in their hearts.

And in the sky above the temple.

The newly cast Fire God's Seat is located below the platinum Holy Seat.

This scene.

In the eyes of the Flame Giant.

Like the Lord of the World asking for the new god.

And in the world, many demigods who are paying attention to this matter have a feeling in their hearts.

"Is He the King of Gods? Does the arrival of a new god require His promise?"

So in their hearts, the plan to ascend to the gods was slightly adjusted, and the will of the Lord of Judgment was placed at the top of the list.

Over Ferris Plains.

Fareims calmed down when facing Jiang You and answered Jiang You's questions seriously.

He knew that when a god from Jiang You appeared here, it meant that becoming a god might just be a little bit of the will of the Lord of Judgment.

"Dear Lord of Judgment, Garia is my good friend. She is a gentle and kind goddess. If she becomes a god, it will be beneficial to this world."


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