Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 190: Awakening: I worked in the Platinum Moon for 10,000 years

Anatania did not become relaxed because of Jiang You's gentle words, but instead became more focused on the conversation.

This was the opportunity she had been planning for a long time.

Faced with Jiang You's question, she said.

"Lord of Judgment, as you said, I am indeed a sequencer from the last era."

At this point, her expression changed and turned solemn.

"I am Sequence 0, the Lord of Wealth, Anatania!"

"He is actually a Sequence 0, and he is also the Lord of Wealth!"

Jiang You didn't expect that Anatania's movements and temperament made him think he was just an ordinary high-sequencer.

It makes sense for the Lord of Wealth to be able to explain the entire bank clearly.

Anatania saw Jiang You's expression and guessed what he was thinking. She hummed in her heart and quietly pouted.

"So, what promise do you want from me?"

Jiang You asked.

"When I become a god, I need your help, Lord of Judgment!"

Anatania said directly.

"This is not difficult. But have you thought about the price you have to pay?"

Jiang Youxiao asked.

Anatania spoke carefully.

"How about I help the Winged Humans build a bank and spread out the entire world?"

Jiang You was speechless.

"Do you think this is enough to help you achieve godhood?"

"Uh hey hey, let me think about it again, think about it again!"

Anatania was lost in thought.

Jiang You reminded him when he saw this.

"The Goddess of Earth ascended to God and gave me the authority to create. When the God of Fire ascended to God, he gave me the authority to purify and part of the fire. Anna, as the Lord of Wealth, you must have a lot of authority, right?"

Unexpectedly, Anatania immediately screamed when she heard this.

"The authority to create, the authority to purify, the authority of fire, my God, Uriel, why don't you grab it?"

Jiang You's face suddenly turned dark.

This is all an exchange of interests between gods. How can it be called robbery?

Behind Jiang You, Lucifer's eyes suddenly widened and he stepped forward to warn her.

"Anatania, how dare you slander my Lord!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I was wrong!"

Seeing Lucifer step forward, Anatania immediately gave in.

But she was already feeling distressed.

"Oh my god, if you want to hand over my authority, you have to hand over my wealth, and if you want to hand over my small money, wouldn't it cost my life?"

As long as it becomes hers, she is not willing to hand it over at all!

She started thinking about all the alternatives.

It was very interesting to see Anatania's expression change.

Jiang You laughed.

"Anatania, have you thought about it?"

"How about I give you the debt I have regarding Andaras?"

Anatania asked quietly.

"?You still have this thing?"

Jiang You was surprised.

I saw Anatania take out a card made of unknown material.

Jiang You was convinced.

"This won't work."

"Is there any way that I don't have to hand over my authority? Uriel, it's lonely living alone in the sky. I want to be your friend!"

Anatania said pitifully.

Jiang You: "…….."

Behind him, Lucifer couldn't stand it anymore and scolded.

"How can my Lord be lonely when we are with him? Lord of Wealth Anatania, stop talking about these useless things."

Anatania snorted when she heard this.

"Okay, how about this? I'll work for you for five thousand years in exchange for your protecting me and becoming a god. How about that?"

"Work for me?"

Jiang You was a little surprised when he heard this, but he quickly held it back.

"What can you do?"

"Believe me, I know a lot. At the same time, only I know my own abilities best. You won't suffer!"

Anatania said quickly.

I really don’t suffer!

Jiang You said calmly.

"Ten thousand years, but while you are working for me, your Kingdom of God will be moved to my fourth heaven mountain. Is this okay?!"

Anatania gritted her teeth and nodded.

"no problem!"

"But ten thousand years will start counting from now!"

Anna's little abacus was ticking, and followers of Hades were looking for her everywhere to report her location to Andalas, asking her to be the queen of Hades.

As the boss, Jiang You can't ignore it.

"Okay, but you have to become a god within a thousand years!"

"I can do it!"

"That's good!"

In her opinion, temporarily becoming Jiang You's god can maintain her authority to reach powerful or even great divine power.

This loss of face is nothing, she pays more attention to actual interests.

So far, she is a qualified businessman at any time!

"Okay, that's it for today. I have some other things to do, so I'll leave first. Anatania, I'll ask you something next time!"

Jiang You held back the surprise in his heart and led Lucifer out of Anna's treasure store.

Lucifer asked quietly.

"My lord, where will we go next?"

Jiang You was in a good mood.

"Go and see the prophet."


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