North of Ferland.

In the territory of the Reinhardt human race.

New Polek Royal City.

Jiang You and Lucifer transformed into human forms this time.

As usual, Jiang You first went to the tombs of Reinhardt and Fiona.

Since the Reinhardt family recaptured the Polek territory, this place has been taken as a forbidden place by the royal family and has become the cemetery of previous kings. The Reinhardt family arranges guards to guard this place every day.

At present.

The Reinhardt Kingdom is not ruled by Arthur Reinhardt.

Since the Elf Dynasty signed a peace agreement, Arthur Reinhardt has abdicated to his most talented descendant, living in seclusion behind the scenes to prepare for the ascension to the gods, which was also reported to Jiang You.

The current King Reinhardt is a genius with the blood of Reinhardt and Red Dragon, Edward Reinhardt.

It is worth mentioning that his cousin Atoria Pendragon has a higher talent and has signed a contract with a young red dragon. If nothing unexpected happens, she will be a legendary dragon knight in the future!

The sun sets.

Walking into the cemetery on the hill, Jiang You saw the ancient tombstones of Reinhardt and Fiona in the center from a distance.

But at this time.

Standing in front of Fiona's tombstone is a beautiful woman in red clothes and barefoot.

"This breath, thousands of years ago, was it the demigod who fought with Azeba and both suffered losses? How come it is still at this level now?"

Jiang You was puzzled and did not stop, but walked straight up.

The woman in front of Fiona's tomb also turned around and looked at Jiang You and Lucifer.

After seeing Jiang You's majestic purple eyes and feeling the sacred and great breath, she was stunned.

Everyone knows.

The eyes of the Lord of Judgment are a pair of unique purple eyes, like the incarnation of thunder.

At present, there is no god with purple eyes.

And the purple-eyed god in front of her, who exudes the majesty of the gods, must be the Lord of Judgment!

For a moment, she was a little nervous and dared not speak.

But Lucifer spoke first.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Great Lord of Judgment, my name is Vivian, and I am here to see my sister."

"Your sister?"

"Yes, Fiona, it's my sister!"

"So that's it!"

Jiang You immediately understood the reason for the half-god war in the goblin Proadas City thousands of years ago, and sighed.

"Vivian, you are also going to become a god, prepare well, and the gods will not embarrass you."

"Thank you, great Lord of Judgment!"

Vivian thanked him with surprise.

In the dim sunlight, her blood color was even more amazing.

Jiang You and Lucifer stood in front of the tombstones of the two for a night.

The next day, they went to the Platinum Temple in the royal city.

In fact, the prophet was actually a priest of the Platinum Temple.

The two transformed into human believers and walked into the Platinum Temple.

After carefully observing their heroic statues in front of the temple, they walked into the temple.

Along the way.

The priests came and went, but they didn't care about Jiang You and the others' whereabouts.

Until they came to a sunny courtyard, before they walked in, they heard a conversation.

"High priest, please listen to me."

"I think it is imperative to establish the Church!"

"The Lord of Dawn, the God of Hades, and the Goddess of the Earth all established churches. Facts have proved that the church has better organizational and communication capabilities."

"And I think the Church is better!"

"What you said makes sense, I can report all of this to my God. However, my God is the Lord of Judgment, Platinum Moon, why is the name of the Church you proposed called the Church of Light?"

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