Inside the underworld.

The underworld at this time is no longer a wasteland, but filled with some ancient undead creatures and some magic beasts.

Most of the undead creatures are creatures created by the underworld god in recent years.

Among them, the most are the skeletons scattered throughout the underworld.

This is created by Andalas with a part of the soul power mixed with the power of death in the special environment of the underworld.

As for the source of these skeleton bones.

Over the years, he has been operating the underworld. The dead bones buried underground by various tribes have been transformed into dark soil and sunk into the underworld every time a period of underworld month passes by him with the authority of the underworld.

The underworld magic beasts are part of the dark magic beast tribe in the dark jungle, and he moved them to the underworld.

After these magic beasts came to the underworld, they were infected by the breath of the underworld and each of them had different changes.

Among them, the most obvious change and the largest number is a kind of dark dog magic beast, their form has changed into a two-headed form here.

And some powerful ones have changed into a more strange three-headed dog form.

Because of the loyalty of dogs.

The tribe of three-headed dogs were placed by Hades at the entrance of the underworld where the Styx flows through the river. They lived with Chiron, the ferryman of the Styx, and played the role of guarding the entrance of the underworld.

In addition, the souls of some of Hades's believers also became dark spirits under the protection of God in a clean place in the center of the underworld.

The strong among them became servants of Hades, and the strongest and most trusted among them were appointed as ghost lords by Hades.

This was the first undead lord in the underworld. His strength was not high, only at the level of demigods.

Most of the souls who had no faith, were slightly powerful, and could enter the underworld after death were under the command of the ghost lord.

Hades named the clean place the Netherworld God Realm.

The Dark God Realm was regarded as a country within the country of the underworld, because at this time, the underworld transformed from his kingdom of God actually belonged to the world, and he only had the right to use it.

But even so, in the future, after the growth and development of the underworld, it would be enough to push him into great divine power.

At this time.

On the throne of the underworld.

The god of the underworld Andalas, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up in anger and roared loudly.

"Uriel, Anatanya, you are really bullying the gods!"

His face turned blue and white, and it hurt. He felt that his face as a god was about to be humiliated.

In front of the vast number of mortals, he was forced and suppressed by Uriel and Anatanya.

Although it was just a divine clone, how could mortals know?

He had already imagined what kind of stories those damned bards would make up to humiliate him after today.

Especially in Uriel City, there were many bards in this city. To be honest, he was a little eo when he thought about his reputation being damaged.

He needed faith too much, he needed the worship of living beings too much, and he wanted to make progress too much.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with not apologizing for the dissipation of the divine clone, which saved his last face.

"However, I said something harsh before I disappeared. Will Uriel really come to attack me?"

"This guy will not do anything without profit, most likely!"

Thinking of this, he became worried.

"Why, with the same powerful divine power, Uriel is so strong, is that guy's path to becoming the king of the gods really that powerful?"

"Forget it, the most urgent thing is to tell Arodas to help him out."

He contacted Arodas urgently.

Just then.

In the sky of the underworld, the moon in the underworld that can illuminate the entire world suddenly shook.

And then.

In the sky of the underworld.

A platinum moon was forced to get half of the moon out of the moon!


Andaras, the god of the underworld, stared with wide eyes and was furious.

Just then, a ray of morning light fell beside his throne, pressed his shoulder, and shook his head.

"Andalas, don't move!"

"But what does it mean that he stuck the platinum moon into my underworld moon?"

Andalas, the god of the underworld, said angrily.

This extreme anger was immediately sensed by Ikalia, who possessed the godhood of anger in the Silver Moon. She lowered her eyes and looked at the underworld, revealing an expression of watching a good show.

On the platinum moon.

Jiang You stood on the edge of Mount Heaven, and Anatanya stood beside him.

Faced with Jiang You's behavior, Anatanya was also shocked.

"Uriel, is it too much to bully the gods by doing this?"


From the outside world's point of view.

Above the night sky.

The platinum moon covered a small half of the underworld moon.

It was like a platinum moon connected to a crescent blue moon.

It was the first time that the crescent moon appeared in the world.


Several continents including the Ferland continent.

On the earth.

Countless astrologers of various races in the astrology tower shouted in surprise.

"Quick, the stars are changing, record it, something big is going to happen in the underworld!"

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