Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 202 Founder of the School of Necromancer

Above the night sky.

In the eyes of astrologers.

The platinum moon is bright and radiant, domineering and engulfing the dark moon.

This is an image that has never been seen before.

They have seen the sun and the moon shine together, the three moons run parallel, and the platinum moon compete with the silver moon, but they have never seen the fight between the platinum moon and the dark moon, and it was so fierce at the beginning.

Platinum Moon, Heaven Mountain.

Jiang You called Lucifer.

"Lucifer, you will follow Anna later and protect her. If there is an accident, take her back to Heaven Mountain directly."

Lucifer glanced at the tall, beautiful, and well-built blonde girl, and nodded when he knew her identity as the Lord of Wealth.

"Yes, my Lord."

She cheered up. This is my Lord's biggest project recently. If the Lord of Wealth joins Heaven Mountain, the construction of the fifth Heaven Mountain may speed up.

And, she knew that this Lord of Wealth was a talented person.

Seeing Lucifer nod solemnly, Jiang You was extremely satisfied.

Such absolutely loyal and obedient subordinates are so rare.

"Let's go, let's go meet the debtor, Hades. I deliberately left enough time, and I guess the Lord of Dawn should be here by now."

"So, you don't plan to really fight Hades?"

Anatanya asked in confusion.

"If Hades Andalas knew what was good for me, I certainly wouldn't have this plan. The invasion of the Abyss is imminent, and I don't want to start another war inside the world."

Jiang You smiled gently.

"Are you sure?"

If Anatanya hadn't known Jiang You's past domineering deeds, she would really believe his gentle appearance.

"Don't worry, I will control the degree."

"I am the Lord of Judgment. It is not a crime to pay back debts."

Jiang You explained.



The three of them jumped down the Heaven Mountain together and landed directly on the sky of the underworld.

As soon as he entered the realm of the underworld, Jiang You stood under the dark blue moon that was squeezed into a small part by the platinum moon.

He looked at the throne of the underworld god in the center of the underworld, and his purple eyes were filled with endless divine light. He spoke like thunder.

"Andalas, come to see me!"

His voice was like a bell, and it was vast and mighty for hundreds of millions of miles.

It was like a king summoning his subjects!

All the creatures in the underworld were shocked by this majestic voice and looked up.

I saw a majestic god with four pairs of wings on his back, shining like clouds hanging from the sky, and a pure white halo on his head, reigning between heaven and earth, illuminating the entire dark underworld like daylight!

Sacred and glorious, magnificent and vast!

This supreme light and majesty baptized all the lives in the underworld.

It was like implanting a kind of fear in their hearts.

After this, all the creatures in the underworld began to fear the light even more.

On the Styx, the ferryman Chiron had to raise a dark cloak on his boat to cover the boat.

On the boat, a half-elf-like magician in a black robe looked out of the boat with a surprised look, looking at the light that was blooming in the entire underworld.

"In the underworld dominated by the God of the Underworld, are there any gods who dare to challenge His majesty?"

The centaur Chiron sighed.

"Of course not, but among all the gods, only the Lord of Judgment is an exception."

"The Lord of Judgment is so domineering, is He really the King of Gods?!"

The half-elf magician exclaimed.

Chiron's face sank!

"Kadian, who told you that the Lord of Judgment is the King of Gods? At least my god did not agree, don't talk nonsense."

"But how to explain this scene in front of you?"

The half-elf magician asked in confusion.

"Humph, it's just that the Lord of Judgment is domineering, and my god doesn't want to care too much, so I'll just be patient for now."

Chiron said.

"But, Hades doesn't seem like a god who doesn't care about things. On the contrary, the Lord of Dawn is very generous."

He recalled the story about Hades that happened in the mortal world.

".......Kadian, shut up. If you say one more word, I will throw you down. In this Styx, you can swim back by yourself."

Chiron was speechless. This is the underworld. Is this the place for you to talk nonsense?

"Ah, don't, Grandpa Chiron."

Kadian looked at the dark and deep water of the Styx, swallowed his saliva, and begged for mercy.

"Your grandfather was right about your talkativeness."

"If he hadn't saved my life on the battlefield. If you hadn't promised to believe in Hades, I would never have taken you into the underworld to help you study that school of the dead."

"Believe me, Grandpa Chiron, my school of the dead will definitely help to promote the belief in Hades."

"Hmph, sit down on the boat and don't be curious at this time. God is not something we can discuss."


Kadian nodded obediently, but his head involuntarily looked up at the sky, at the majestic figure who proclaimed his power between heaven and earth, and his mind was full of thoughts.

When will I be able to be as powerful as the gods above and dominate the world?

He is an absolute non-believer.


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