The edge of the bustling Inauguration Square.

Anatanya was about to walk over, but Jiang You held her back.

"Let's take a look first."

Anatanya calmed down and followed Jiang You's line of sight.

I saw a dirty boy standing in front of a fat priest of the Temple of Wealth, his eyes seemed to be spitting out anger, and his thin body barely stood straight.

"I have money!"

He picked up a bag of coins with his hand and retorted loudly.

The fat priest was also stunned when he saw that the other party really took out a bag of coins.

Seeing that the onlookers were getting more and more.

"Open it and let me see."

The boy opened the purse, which was basically full of copper coins.

The fat priest smiled and sighed.

"Not enough, poor boy."

"How could it be, the price in Three Forks River City is this."

"This is Wales, the Kingdom of Mandlin, not a poor place like Three Forks River."

The fat priest laughed.

The money the boy brought was indeed enough, but in recent years, because the inauguration square in Wells City has a unique "other type" inauguration statue.

So the merchants in Wells City saw a business opportunity.

What is the most expensive thing in this world? The rarest things are the most expensive.

The merchants invested in decorating the surroundings of the inauguration square very luxuriously, and also joined the Mandlin royal family to raise the prices of the inauguration points, especially the "other type" inauguration points.

The dirty boy naturally didn't have enough money.

What's more, his beggar-like outfit really affected the appearance of the inauguration square.

The fat priest said.

"Go back, kid, I didn't lie to you. You can ask the people nearby if you don't have enough money."

"How could it be?"

The boy, who was standing straight, suddenly became dejected.

The crowd of onlookers slowly dispersed, as if the good show was over.

Next to him, an equally dirty half-elf girl came up and comforted him.

"Monis, don't be discouraged. I heard that there are also nine professional statues in the port of Abdo of the Winged People on the east coast in the south."

"It is said that there are fair angels patrolling there all the time. We can continue to go south and take a look there."

The half-elf girl said.

"But we don't have enough money to go south."

The boy bowed his head.

"It doesn't matter. After we go back, we can work together to make money."

The half-elf girl laughed.

"No, Tangoya, you have always paid a lot for me, and you don't even have a job as a professional. I am too selfish. We will go back now and take this money to get you a job."

"Monis, don't give up. You have always been the smartest and most talented among us. We give you the money we have saved by eating frugally, just to make you the most powerful professional."


Just as the two children were arguing about this, a gentle and noble voice came from their side.

"Child, tell me why you came all the way to Wells City to choose a job."

Monis and Tangoya looked up when they heard it.

A handsome and elegant young silver-haired man and a very beautiful woman with blonde hair and golden eyes stood beside them.

It was the beautiful woman who spoke.

As if her words were very convincing, Monis answered honestly.

"I heard that there is a ninth profession to choose from here, so I came here to work."

"The other eight are also legendary paths. Don't you want to choose?"

Anatanya asked.

The dirty boy shook his head.

"None of the eight professions is suitable for me."

Anatanya used the power of God to sense the boy's situation.

"I can feel the extraordinary power surging in your body. It seems that you are indeed suitable for those rare professions."

"And there is a profession suitable for you in this ninth statue."

The dirty boy was surprised when he heard it.


But he soon fell down.

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough money."

"I have a way to get you a job."

"What is it?"

"I'll lend you money and tell you which of the ninth statues is the most suitable for you."

Anatanya smiled.

"But how do you pay it back?"

The dirty boy was very mature and knew that there was no free lunch in the world.

Both borrowed money and found a job, which was a one-step solution.

"You don't have to pay it back, but I have one condition. In the future, if you achieve something, I want you to join the Temple of Wealth."

"Temple of Wealth?"

Because of what happened just now, the boy subconsciously rejected it.

"Listen to me, I need you to become the dark side of the Temple of Wealth and judge those clergy who destroyed the image of the goddess. Your future career is very suitable, so are you willing?"

"Judge them?!"

Looking at the fat priest walking away, the boy's heart was burning with blood and nodded.

"I do, ma'am!"

"Then it's settled, hehe. Uriel, give me the money!"

The goddess of wealth Anatanya smiled.

Jiang You was suddenly told by Anna to give money, which made him stunned.

In the end, he reluctantly took out some gold coins and gave them to the young Monis.

"Anna, you are really stingy."

Anatanya laughed.

"This is the child from your territory."

Then she said to Monis.

"Take this money, go to the ninth statue, and directly choose the "Night Watcher" path. This profession can also reach the legendary level, and it is most suitable for you."

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