
Monis nodded upon hearing this.

He was also a decisive person, and he took the half-elf girl towards the ninth professional statue.

In situ.

Jiang You asked.

"Anna, it seems that you have decided to attack the interior of the Temple of Wealth?"

"There is no way. Who makes businessmen have the nature to pursue profits? Even if I believe that most of my believers and followers are good people, I cannot exclude those bad people."

Anatania smiled helplessly.

"You know, my temple followers are different from yours. It only takes a few bad apples to cause huge damage."

"Bad guys always come in groups. I really need a sharp knife."

"Monice is just one of them."

"Well, Heaven Mountain will always stand behind you anyway."

Jiang You smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Uriel."

Anatania replied.

Inside the Inauguration Square.

When Moniz walked to the ninth professional statue, he was still blocked.

He was still the fat priest of the Temple of Wealth. He was a little surprised when he looked at the young man who opened the bag in his hand and revealed a few gold coins.

But then, he seemed to have thought of something and cursed loudly.

"Damn poor boy, do you steal other people's property just because you don't have enough money?"

When Monis heard this, his face suddenly turned red.

"I didn't steal. This money was funded by two noble people."

The half-elf girl also said hurriedly.

"I can vouch for that, my lord."

The fat priest scoffed.

"Which noble person would support a dirty pauper like you? Quick, guards, take away this boy who tells lies."

As he finished speaking, two warrior-professional guards quickly walked out of the surrounding area, trying to catch Monis and the half-elf girl and take them away.

Monis' face was gloomy, and the half-elf girl almost cried in grievance.

At this moment, a majestic and beautiful female voice suddenly sounded.


When the fat priest heard this, he looked around and saw a beautiful, noble-looking woman with blond hair and golden eyes appearing in front of them. Behind her, there stood a young man with silver hair and purple eyes, who was astonishingly imposing.

The two of them seemed to have a good background at first glance. The fat priest didn't know their details and frowned.

"This beautiful lady, please don't interfere with the affairs of the Temple of Wealth."

"Beautiful lady?"

Anatania was choked when she heard this. She always thought that she was still a girl, and she suddenly said angrily.

"If you are blind, you are indeed not a true believer!"

When the fat man heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

"Ma'am, you can scold me, but you can't deny my beliefs."

To bluntly say that the other person is not a believer in God is the most severe accusation.

The surrounding guards slowly gathered around, and the fat priest usually kept an eye on them.

Anatania laughed angrily.

"Wells City is such a letdown."

She could no longer hold back and performed a miracle.

The golden light burst out all over the world, illuminating the huge square of the inauguration site with brilliant golden light. The powerful divine aura was activated, and the infinite majesty suppressed everyone present and breathless.

Divine power is like the sea!

Everyone in the inaugural square knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

The fat priest and the guards even began to tremble and break out in cold sweat.

Only Jiang You smiled slightly.

"I am Anatania, the goddess of wealth, Jinkris Mandelin, come and see me!"

Anatania's sacred voice resounded throughout Port Wells. Not long after, a blond woman covered in golden light came to the Inauguration Square in a panic, knelt down in front of the goddess, and praised her.

"Lord God, may your greatness come to the mountains, rivers and seas, may your wealth be able to buy the stars in the sky."

"I am not great now. Jin Chris, take a good look at your city. When will the place of employment I designed dare to become a tool for you to make money?"

"Even driving away civilians?"

After hearing this, Jinkelis immediately cursed these greedy businessmen in her heart.

Don’t you know what can and cannot be moved?

"Goddess, I will find out and punish you severely!"

She looked at the fat priest who was kneeling on the ground, shaking like a sieve, and she understood most of it.

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