Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 237 The second step of employment: people first

"Hmph, Jinkris, I'll give you another chance. You have to remember that you are now my believer first, then the ruler of the Kingdom of Mandlin in Wells City, and finally, a businessman!"

"Remember the goddess's teachings."

Seeing that everything she could say had been said, Anastasia nodded, and after looking at Jiang You, she turned into two rays of light, one gold and one white, and left.

Jinkris, who was full of panic, was left behind. She stood up long after Anastasia left and angrily said to her subordinates.

"Call the Golden Leaf Knights immediately. Today, I will kill these greedy bastards!"

In the square.

Monis looked at his half-elf companions in shock.

"We met the gods!"

The half-elf girl was also excited.

"Monis, you have been favored by the gods!"

Hundreds of years later.

Monis really became a legendary night watchman and became the secret swordsman of the Temple of Wealth.


With the popularization of employment points, the era of universal professionals has arrived.

Elf Dynasty Calendar 1308.

Seeing that the first batch of employment points achieved excellent results.

Anatanya was very happy. For her, it symbolized the perfect success of the first stage of the mission.


It was the second step of the employment point, which was to be fully deployed.

The professional system statues seemed to have hundreds of sets, but in fact, they were shared by the gods.

There were so many cities in the entire Ferland world, and hundreds of sets were naturally far from enough.

The gods would naturally only place professional statues in large cities with dense populations.

Those small towns, villages, and tribes naturally could not have such high-end things.

Therefore, they needed to think of other ways to spread the employment points to other places.

Facing this.

Anatanya, the god of knowledge Ogxhi, and the god of inheritance Ingrit decided to use "people" as mobile employment points.

And in order to make these people voluntarily become part of the professional system and inheritors, they naturally had to promise benefits.

"I have decided to open a professional inheritor union and set up branches in the faith areas of the gods without restricting beliefs."

"Everyone who voluntarily becomes a professional inheritor and is willing to go to villages and towns will be given subsidies and a large number of benefits, including but not limited to money, extraordinary spiritual objects, etc."

"In addition, these professional inheritors are also divided into levels. The low-level ones can only inherit the basic professions, the intermediate ones can inherit the formal level, and the advanced ones can inherit the master level."

As for the hero level and the legendary level, there is no need to inherit them. Professionals who have reached the master level, how can they not be able to go to the inauguration square of a big city?

"The professional inheritance system composed of these "people", I believe it will definitely cover every corner of the world."

"But, is there really anyone willing? The inheritance of the professional system requires at least master-level professionals, and they can get these things with their own strength."

The God of Inheritance raised a question.

This is the second level of Heaven Mountain, where Anatanya and her temporary group have a meeting place.

It is said to be a meeting place, but in fact Anna has turned this place into her favorite scenery, an island in the lake.

The three gods are now sitting on the chairs by the lake.

Facing the question of the God of Inheritance.

Anatanya laughed.

"Ingrit, don't think that those high-level professionals are guys who like to fight and kill. There will always be high-level professionals who are tired of the adventurer's life and return home."

"Of course, every place will also have some hometown treasures, and these are the candidates for us to lay out the "employment point."

"Goddess, great opinion!"

The God of Inheritance Ingrit immediately admired.

"It is worthy of the far-sighted Anna. It is amazing to be able to become the left and right arm of the Lord God."

The God of Knowledge also clapped his hands lightly.

"That's right."

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