The third level of Heaven Mountain.

The huge astral portal was opened here.

Archangel Sophia and a thousand angel warriors were wearing platinum armor, with wings fluttering behind them, and their morale was high.

This was an extremely powerful angel army, and the weakest of them were legendary, enough to travel the world.

The angel army set out, and Jiang You led the gods of Heaven Mountain to see them off.

Sophia stood in front of the edge railing of a sky city with a flaming sword in her hand.

The sky city was the most suitable for carrying the angel army.

After she said goodbye to Jiang You, she led the angel army into the astral portal.

Afterwards, Jiang You stabilized the portal with the power of Heaven Mountain, allowing the angel army to successfully attack this small world.

The first time to attack a world, even if it was just a small world, Jiang You was extremely cautious.

When the angels descended on that small world, they found out.

This small world was just a low-magic world, and the strongest were just legends.

That day.

The majestic and glorious Sky City descended on the earth, sweeping away everything in a short time, and directly conquered the indigenous races of this world.

Archangel Sophia declared that this small world named Diyulu would belong to the glory of platinum from now on.


Jiang You's will descended on this small world, easily assimilated the world will of this world, and left a phantom of a platinum moon as a brand, making it a subsidiary of Mount Heaven.

The power of Mount Heaven began to affect this world across the distant deep space, making it slowly move towards the direction of the Ferland world.

Sophia left a team of angels to establish the Church of Light in the Diyulu world and spread faith.

They built temples to worship the gods of Mount Heaven and collect the power of faith.

The main force of the Angel Legion returned to the Ferland world.


Elf Dynasty Calendar 1478.

The Angel Legion followed the small world beacons left by the expeditionary force and conquered small worlds one by one.

Nearly thirty small worlds have become vassals of Mount Heaven, and the population of intelligent races who believe in God has increased by hundreds of millions.

The power of faith is rolling in, and the platinum sun of Mount Heaven shines brightly.

Even though it has been damaged by the deep space star realm, it is still richer than the faith that Jiang You originally obtained in Ferland.


Elf Dynasty 1489.

After continuing to conquer more than a dozen small worlds, the Angel Corps finally came to the Olympus World.

When Sophia led the brilliant Angel Corps to this world, she was immediately surprised by the rich spiritual light of this world.

The legends who stayed in the Olympus World broke through to the demigods one after another.

Since this world has been conquered by the expeditionary force, Sophia did not take any more action.

For these expeditionary demigods who stayed in the Olympus World, Sophia asked them whether they wanted to return to the Ferland World.

Those who stayed in Olympus were unwilling to return.

Zeus, the strongest among them, said.

"Respected Princess Sophia, we are willing to stay and protect this world for the gods. Please allow us."

Sophia looked at them and smiled.

In this world, even they have the opportunity to become gods.

Knowing that they are unwilling to give up this opportunity, Sophia nodded and said.

"Okay, then you continue to stay. However, I will leave a team of angels in this world to build churches and temples for my Lord and spread the glory of the Lord!"

"Of course!"


The Elf Dynasty calendar is 1534.

The Ferland expeditionary force finally discovered a real big world.

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