"Our Nolan world is a world ruled by the great wizard civilization."

In a classroom in the wizard tower of Mivant Wizard Academy.

A third-level formal wizard is explaining the history of wizard civilization to a group of wizard apprentices sitting in the classroom.

Most of these wizard apprentices are children of nobles, and a few are civilians.

"As you can see now, our civilization is powerful and glorious. We have just overthrown the rule of the gods and defeated all the alien races in the world."

"The demons were driven to the deep mountains in the north by us, the white dragons were killed by us, and the dwarves were driven to the mountains in the south by us. The whole world belongs to the wizard civilization!"

"But it is worth mentioning that the wizards of this world were not the original rulers."

"At the beginning of the Nolan world, before the wizard civilization ruled the world, it was actually a world ruled by the gods."

Hearing this, the wizard apprentices in the classroom exclaimed.

But the third-level wizard didn't care.

In his opinion, it would be good if one-tenth of these wizard apprentices could become formal wizards in the future. The others would either leave or become materials.

He continued.

"The gods are indeed a group of powerful beings. At that time, they had despairing strength. But now, our rule wizards can rival the gods!"

"Of course, at that time, the gods were extremely powerful."

"At that time, the original gods of the Nolan world were too controlling and combative, and there was no strongest god who could dominate the world."

"Therefore, the gods of the world have been fighting all year round, and the kingdom of God in the sky is always emitting the glory of war."

"And on the earth."

"The mortal kingdoms to which the gods belong are also fighting fiercely."

"So thousands of years ago, when the Nolan gods were fighting the most fiercely, the first wizard was born."

Next, he was telling the story of the first wizard.

The first wizard was born in a war between the ancient Kingdom of Notting and the ancient Kingdom of Fanlin.

This was also the last battle before the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Notting.

When a large number of kingdom knights fell on the battlefield, the family emblems fell to the ground, the flags fell, and the tragic battle dyed the entire plain bright red.

The sky was overcast and rainy, and the wind blew the ruins.

At this time, a knight attendant named Nolan stood up again from the ruins of the battlefield.

The death of his comrades, the defeat of the kingdom, and the impending destruction of his hometown made him feel miserable.

At this time when his emotions fluctuated extremely violently, a little extraordinary light emerged, and he finally touched the extraordinary.

But at this time, even if he touched the extraordinary, the destruction of the kingdom made him not know how to advance to a knight.

Fortunately, he used to be a person who loved learning and reading.

In the Kingdom of Notting, except for the Knight's Secret Book and the Divine Scroll, which belonged to the kingdom's secrets and precious wealth.

He could browse other books.

When Notting was wandering in various countries as a man of a fallen country, he finally had an epiphany in his middle age and created the great wizard profession, becoming the source of the wizard profession!

"Because Nolan created the wizard system, our world was renamed Nolan World after defeating the gods."

"However, Nolan is not the wizard who really made the wizard civilization powerful."

"Teacher, who is the one who really made the wizard civilization prosperous?"

A noble boy stood up and asked loudly.

"Did I ask you to ask me?"

When the third-level wizard saw an apprentice asking, he suddenly laughed sinisterly.

He stretched out his hand and slapped the noble boy's teeth out.

"This is the first lesson I teach you. When I don't ask you to speak, you'd better shut up. This is just a warning."

"The Wizard Academy is not the academy of knights and warriors with low strength."

After saying that, he continued to talk about the history of wizard civilization without caring.

A group of wizard apprentices were suddenly silent.

"Nolan created the wizard system, but unfortunately, he did not push the wizard system to the highest level."

"After becoming a wizard, he could only hide in the world ruled by the gods."

"During this period, he met some people who were also dissatisfied with the gods and developed secretly."

"But just after he became the Morning Star Wizard, he was discovered and killed by the divine magician of the Temple of the Sun!"

"However, although Nolan died, his wizard heritage was retained in the temple's search."

"His disciples and his disciples' disciples protected the wizard heritage and passed it down from generation to generation."

"Moreover, they pushed the wizard system from Nolan's Morning Star Wizard to the Sun Wizard step by step. This is already the strongest power under the gods!"

"But this is not the key. The real glory of wizard civilization began because of the appearance of a great wizard!"

Speaking of this, the third-level wizard showed respect and admiration.

"One thousand three hundred years ago, the great wizard of truth, the funeral of the gods, the peerless Lord Alande appeared!"

(Wizard system level: wizard apprentice - first-level wizard - second-level wizard - third-level wizard - Morning Star Wizard (Legend) - Silver Moon Wizard (Legend) - Dawn Wizard (Demigod ~ weak power) - Rule Wizard (weak power ~ medium power) - Truth Wizard (medium power ~ strong power) - Eternal Wizard (great power ~ supreme power)

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