"The great Aland created the glory of wizard civilization."

"One thousand three hundred years ago, it was still the era of the gods."

"Among the gods, the sun god Palupus, two of the five main gods, and the goddess of the night, Furlina, collided with the kingdom of God and fought fiercely. The gods, kingdoms and believers under their command were also caught in the fight."

"This war of gods gradually involved the other three main gods, and finally completely set off the war of gods."

"A large number of gods fell, countless kingdoms perished, a large number of creatures died, the earth was broken, the sky was decayed, and even the barriers of the world were broken into pieces, losing the ability to protect the world from the invasion of powerful beings outside the star realm."

Speaking of this.

The third-level wizards were full of hatred. This was a big pit left by the deceased gods for their wizard civilization.

"Among the five main gods, the God of Thunder and the God of the Sea died in battle, and the God of the Sun, the Goddess of Dark Night, and the God of the Sky were seriously injured."

"Just when this war of gods had just ended, the great wizard leader, the first truth wizard Lord Alande, appeared."

"As a wizard, he led all the Sun wizards at that time to attack the kingdom of the gods in the sky, setting off a mighty wizard-killing war."

"This battle lasted for a thousand years!"

"In the end, the wizards won. The Goddess of Dark Night disappeared, the God of the Sun was suppressed, and the God of the Sky was killed!"

"The rest of the gods were either killed, suppressed, or refined into wizard weapons."

"The Sky Scepter in Lord Alande's hand was made from the kingdom and body of the God of the Sky."

"The wizard has become the master of the world!"

At this point, the third-level wizard laughed.

"So, you must cherish the opportunity to become a wizard, it is not easy."

He was very confident of his identity as a wizard.

But only by becoming a formal wizard can he be regarded as a "human" by him.

Except for a few of these wizard apprentices who can go ashore, most of the others are consumables.

There are more than one such wizard class in the tower, but the wizards' teachings are extremely mysterious, and even this tower exudes the aura of magic.

Just as they were immersed in the glorious history of the rise of wizard civilization.

Suddenly, above the sky, a "click" sound of a world barrier being broken suddenly resounded throughout the world.


In the sight of all the creatures in the wizard world, a huge and glorious sky city broke through the boundary!

Through the window of the tower, the apprentices were surprised, and the third-level wizard walked to the window, looking at the city in the sky, sneering.

"The Wizard Council is preparing to open up other worlds, but unexpectedly, someone is coming to our side."

He is very confident.


The center of Nolan's world.

The Tower of Endless Truth surrounded by an infinite sea of ​​flowers seems to connect the sky and the earth.

On the top floor of the Tower of Truth, there is a wide courtyard.

A wizard in a simple white robe stood with his hands behind his back and his eyes closed.

The founder of wizard civilization, the great truth wizard Alande, opened his deep eyes when the Sky City appeared on the edge of the world.

He looked up at the Sky City and felt the breath of the gods, but did not feel the existence of the gods.

Moreover, there was a sense of threat to him in the Sky City.

But he did not attack immediately. As a wizard who had worked hard in the Age of Gods and quietly advanced to the truth, he was never lacking in caution.

Just as he hesitated.

This Sky City actually entered the Nolan World directly, which made him laugh.

If you don't come in, I can treat you as passing by.

You dare to come in, is it because my witchcraft is not strong enough?

So he called out softly to the door.

"Merlin, come with me and see what kind of guys are these guys who broke into our world?"

A young and handsome rule wizard walked into the door and said respectfully.

"Yes, teacher."


When the two wizards turned into two streams of light and flew to the sky.

The edge of the broken world.

In the sky city emitting pure white light.

A quarrel was also going on.

Angel demigod Raphael looked at the elf demigod Carols angrily and questioned.

"Carols, how dare you order to break into this big world without authorization."

"This is a world like Ferland, and there may be gods in it."

However, Carlos said calmly.

"Calm down, Raphael."

"We all saw that the world barrier of this world is broken, and there is no kingdom of God. How could there be gods?"

Raphael frowned and questioned.

"What if there are other powerful beings?"

"Other beings, can you give examples?"

Carlos smiled lightly.

"Raphael, we have been on this journey for so many years. Have you ever seen any powerful existence other than gods and demons?"

At this point, he sighed.

"Raphael, our mission is to find a big world suitable for living, but how many years have we been traveling?"

"A thousand years! Raphael, we are not iron men, warriors, we all want to go home!"

Raphael looked at the leaders of various races of elves, angels and demigods on the side, and saw that their eyes were full of deep fatigue. Finally, he took a deep breath and said.

"Even if the world barrier of this world is broken and there is no trace of the gods and kingdoms, we should send people in to investigate before making a decision!"

"Carlos, you are too reckless."

"Sorry, Raphael, if there is any fault, I will take full responsibility!"

Carlos smiled bitterly.

"Take responsibility?"

Raphael laughed.

"Now that things have come to this, I will not say much. I hope this world meets our requirements."

"All space magicians, leave a few more time and space beacons and trigger emergency signals. In case we really encounter irresistible forces, we must at least let our families know."

"Yes, Lord Raphael!"

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