Brilliant platinum light shrouded the entire Heavenly Mountain, and the deep star realm spread out like a vast black curtain of stars in the background. The Holy Seat in the sky seemed to be standing in the center of the star realm, like a flourishing star.

On the Holy Seat, Jiang You pushed Anatania's shoulder away with a look of disgust and said helplessly.

"Speak so hard that you spit on my face."

"You are already so powerful, why are you still"

Anatania's cheeks bulged visibly.

Jiang You asked quickly when he saw this.

"What do you mean by the angel of faith in your mouth?"

Hearing Jiang You's focus, Anatania immediately put aside her dissatisfaction and answered excitedly.

"Uril, do you know that in the wizarding civilization, there is detailed research on the soul control core. Among them, in the tower of truth in the center of the original Nolan continent, the research on the tower spirit gave me a lot of inspiration. Inspiration.”

"Of course, their research is not perfect, but I see a long-term path forward."


"Yes, they are called tower spirits. They are essentially special souls developed by wizards. They have the function of controlling the operation of their towers, manipulating energy, and casting spells on behalf of wizards."

"Special soul."

Jiang You sighed after hearing the words.

He has an understanding of the short-lived culture and history of wizards, and knows that the origin of this special soul is by no means the right path.

Anatania seemed to guess what he was thinking and continued quickly.

"This is not the point. The point is that I found a way to integrate the tower spirit technology by using the power of faith in the gods."

“Get rid of the dross and get the essence.”

"As we all know, believers provide the power of faith to the gods, and the power of faith is transformed into divine power by the gods combined with authority, and the gods can grant believers magical skills and power. This is a positive cycle."

"And my idea is to create a magical template that specifically targets the souls of believers."

"And this magical template must be eternal and constant on the believers, just like the professional system, distributed to believers in stages."

"This is difficult for gods to do, because no matter how believers use divine magic, it will consume their divine power."

"Unless believers can automatically extract the divine power of the gods."

"But if you do this, what's the difference between a god and a tool man?"

"Essentially, divine power is the powerful source of power for the gods."

"But we are different, Uriel, you do not need the power of faith to transform into divine power. Moreover, you have Heavenly Mountain as your foundation."

"First of all, you can use the authority of Heaven Mountain combined with the power of faith to simulate the godhead and create different types of divine power."

"Second, you can use the mark of Heavenly Mountain as the foundation of believers' magical templates, and set different traffic limits for believers of different levels."

"This kind of mark can automatically extract different divine powers that you transform with the power of faith, without requiring you to control them at all times."

"The only thing you have to do is use these divine powers to design the "magic" of this eternal template."

"Third, connect the pure white sun, where the power of faith gathers, with these "divine" marks to provide a steady stream of power."

Jiang You listened to Anatania's thoughts, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter!

"Ana, what you said is very good. By the way, do you have any suggestions about this eternal magic?"

"Suggestion? Isn't this all right in front of your eyes?"

Anna laughed and pointed at the angels in Heaven Mountain.

"The body of an angel is the best template. In essence, this system uses the power of faith to derive flesh and blood and cast it into the body of an angel, allowing devout souls to control it, giving them the feeling of being reborn!"

"That's what I'm talking about, believe in the angels!"

"As a prerequisite for being born with the body of an angel, winged people are more likely to become such faith-based angels!"

"Moreover, they can also abandon their faith and become angels who advance by relying on their own strength. I call this kind of angel a holy war angel!"

"The power of the Holy War Angel comes from itself, making it even more powerful."

"This is the unique advantage of winged people. Although creatures of other races also have the potential to become angels, it is difficult for them to become jihad-based angels, but it is easy to become faith-based angels."

"This is what I think. What do you think, Uriel?"

Anatania finished speaking in one breath and looked at Jiang You with bright eyes, expecting his reaction.

"That's great, Anna."

Jiang You suddenly stood up from the platinum throne, and his first glance was towards the deep sky star realm, looking at the endless world like stars.

There was divine light in his purple eyes, and he seemed to have seen the future. Billions of angels stood on his mountain of heaven, overlooking the magnificent scenery of the deep space and the world!

Then, he looked down at Anatania beside him and said softly.

"Anna, you are my lucky star. Letting you join me in Heaven Mountain is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life!"

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