Anatania nodded with satisfaction after hearing Jiang You's words.

"So, Uriel, when will you start doing this? This time, I can't help you."

She herself also has things to do to improve the job system.

"Without further delay, I decided to start the Faith Angel Project immediately!"

Jiang You smiled.

"In addition, Anna, regarding the types of angels of faith, I don't think it needs to be divided into multiple types. Instead, one type of divine power can be the main one, and other types of divine power can be used as supplements."

The angels of faith born in this way all have something in common and have distinct images.

"Uril, this is okay. So, which type of divine power do you think is most suitable as the main power of the Angel of Faith?"

"I decided to use the divine power of light as the main body."

Jiang You said firmly.

"Heaven Mountain is destined to set foot in all the realms of deep space in the future, aiming at the endless abyss! Moreover, we are different from the abyss. We started late. Even if we conquer the realms, we do not have such a strong intention to destroy and devour."

"And the conquest I think should be the conquest of thought and belief."

"Then it is very important to create an image of light and justice. And light is inherently synonymous with kindness and justice."

At this point, Jiang You's tone paused and he spoke with expectation.

"I want all the creatures in the world to have hope and dawn in this light as soon as they see the angel coming!"

"Angels, living with light, Uriel, what a great idea."

Anatania agreed.

Elf Dynasty Calendar Year 1549

After more than ten years of thinking and designing, Jiang You designed the Angel of Faith system based on light, and loaded it with eight abilities of different attributes, which he called holy energy, but they were actually skills.

The promoted Angels of Faith can choose the corresponding abilities on their own.

Faith-based angels basically have legendary strength, but their combat power is much weaker than that of holy war-based angels.

The original system of belief in angels was thus established.

After the system is established.

Jiang You ordered Sophia to go to the Kingdom of Winged People first to select 100,000 winged people with pious faith and good moral character, who were willing to be promoted to believe in angels.

The quota of one hundred thousand people is determined according to the source of faith contained in the pure white sun.

Sophia takes the command to the lower realm.

After many years.

She came to Uriel City again and walked into the White Stone Castle.

At this time, Michael, the wingman's deputy, was probably more than 1,500 years old. He had been on the path of legend for a long time and had already reached a state comparable to that of a demigod.

When Sophia quietly walked into the White Stone Castle and arrived at the deputy prince's office, Michael, the deputy prince of the kingdom who was handling government affairs, quickly stood up to greet her.

"Ms. Sophia, why have you come to the lower world?"

Sofia has been in a good mood since she saw Michael's diligent appearance.

"Michael, thank you for all the hard work you've done over the years. You've done a great job."

Michael shook his head quickly.

"No, Lady Sophia, this is not because I have done a good job, but because the foundation of the kingdom established by my lord and you is too good, I am just a mediocre person who maintains the foundation."

"There is no need to be modest, Michael. My Lord and I are both aware of what you have done. This time, there is a task for you in the lower world."

Sofia paused here, looked at Michael, the heir she personally selected, seriously, and said.

"Michael, this task is extremely important to my Lord, you must do it well!"

"Yes, Lady Sophia, please give me your instructions."

Michael immediately knelt on one knee and listened to God's decree.

There was never a trace of undue hesitation in what he did.

"Okay, my Lord has an order to select wingmen from the entire kingdom who have pious beliefs and high moral character to ascend to Heaven Mountain and become angels. Remember, we must screen out those with excellent talents and give priority to those who are clergy."

Sophia declared solemnly.

"Sir, why not give the opportunity to become angels to those children with extraordinary talents?"

Michael asked doubtfully.

"I know you have this question. In that case, I will tell you the difference between climbing to Heaven Mountain and becoming an angel this time, and becoming a legend yourself, and being promoted to an angel by blood."

Sofia smiled.

Looking at Michael's look, she remembered that she had asked Jiang You the same question.

"Heaven Mountain, from now on, there will be two categories of angels."

"One is still the previous system. The winged people break through the legend, enter the fourth heaven mountain, enter the angel reincarnation pool, and are promoted to angels by blood. The master is called: Holy War Angel!"

"The other type is what I asked you to choose this time. Those who are difficult to reach the legend with their own strength, but also have devout faith and firm will, can be baptized by our Lord with divine power and wear the clothes of faith. Wings of light, the Lord says: Believe in the angels!”

"So, do you understand, Michael?"

"That's it. Michael has no doubts anymore. I will strictly follow the will of the Lord and Your Excellency and execute it!"

Michael knelt on the ground and nodded heavily.

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