When Jiang You's winged army joined the battlefield on the ground, facing the rain of arrows from the sky, the morale of the soldiers of various tribes in the Titan camp suddenly dropped!

The commanders of the goblins laughed at this.

"Stupid Titan slaves, your defeat has entered the countdown!"

But the tribes of the Titan camp did not collapse after all. They looked at the center of the battlefield, where the Thunder Titan Atre was suppressing the Goblin King Amigel, gritted their teeth, and persisted in the rain of arrows from the sky!

The leader of the more civilized troll clan shouted.

"Raise the shield, raise the shield!"

The less civilized mud monsters raised the enemy's corpse above their heads.

As for the wild boars, ogres, and half-blood giants, after being hit by the arrows in the sky, they launched an even more violent attack.

On the other side of the sky.

Jiang You led a few hundred extraordinary winged troops to a young-looking Titan giant.

This is an underage Titan, but it also has legendary strength. With its tyrannical body and huge magic power, it is wielding a long whip of unknown material and fighting with a dwarf legend!

So Jiang You led his army to them.

"Winged people, listen to my orders, aim at the vital points, and shoot light armor-piercing arrows together!"

This is the development and utilization of the power of light by the Winged People.

"First round! Eyes!"

Suddenly, hundreds of specially made bronze long arrows wrapped in scorching light shot towards the vital parts of this underage Titan!

After the launch, Jiang You didn't care whether it worked or not, and flew behind the Titan with the extraordinary winged people.

"Second round! Neck!"


"Tenth round! Valley Gate!"

After ten rounds of extraordinary arrow rain, the underage Titan let out a weak wail!

He was covered with wounds!

The angry Titan vented the torrent of sand and dust in the direction of Jiang You and others!

But the winged people who had been prepared for a long time avoided it!

The dwarf legend took this opportunity to swing the iron axe given by the goblins and beheaded him.

The head of the underage Sand Titan fell to the ground.

The entire battlefield suddenly fell silent.

This was the first Titan to die at the hands of a mortal race other than the Titans and dragons!

It turns out that mortals can really defeat the gods!

On the entire battlefield, soldiers of all races belonging to the goblin camp burst into earth-shaking cheers.

In the center of the battlefield, the Thunder Titan Atre watched the underage Titan's head being tied up with ropes by a group of mortal slaves, and then hung in the air by the Winged People to promote the power of the mortal race, and finally became furious!

Thunder and blood burst out of his golden eyes! A vast power suddenly rose up, and the originally clear sky was instantly covered by black clouds!

"Ants! Ants! How dare you blaspheme the gods, I will kill you all on this land!"


Eighteen lightning bolts connected to the sky were like eighteen pillars hanging down from the sky!

With just this one strike, tens of thousands of people died under the thunder!

At the same time, the law of thunder began to riot! A crisis of world destruction emerged in everyone's heart.

However, at this moment, the mighty Thunder Titan suddenly felt a palpitation!

The white gun originally held in Amigel's hand suddenly burst out with an unparalleled silver brilliance, and the sense of crisis as if the blood was locked could no longer be shaken off!

At the last moment of his life, he only heard the damn ant goblin king sighing like pity!

"Holy spear, penetrate him!"

Then a strange mechanical sound sounded softly around Atre!

"The law of thunder sequence riots! Space disorder! Lock the blood of the human race! Lock the source of its extraordinary! Judgment: penetrate!"

Clang ~!

The dazzling light swept across the entire battlefield, and everyone's eyes turned white and they were temporarily blinded!


When they opened their eyes again, they felt a chill in their hearts.

They saw that the once powerful and invincible Thunder Titan had fallen down, and was about to die!

The dying Titan looked at the equally surprised Goblin King Amigel in front of him, and there was no longer any arrogance in his eyes. At the last moment of his life.

He forced himself to stand up and shouted at the two adult Titans not far away.

"Badex, Emex, take the children away!"


The eyes of the two adult Titans were red

"Go! Remember, you must find my king Ashmis! Revenge for us and revive the Titan clan!"



The stars lit up on the bodies of the remaining Titans!

In a flash!

The remaining six Titans disappeared on the spot without a trace!

At this time, the Goblin King Amigel, who seemed to have just reacted, shouted angrily!

"Will the proud Titan flee in despair? Atari, I will chop off your head and use your skull as the gate of my future Goblin Capital!"

"I will make you live forever and ever, guarding the gate of the capital for my Goblin clan!"


In the center of the battlefield, Atari, the Thunder Titan, who was only breathing a breath, heard this.

In his heart, a huge amount of resentment and anger overflowed again, and the last breath he had held on to was quickly removed, and he finally fell down again and died completely!

Seeing that the Thunder Titan was completely dead, and looking at the six Titans who were teleported through the unknown star realm, Amiguel was greatly relieved!

No one knew that he was already at the end of his strength.

Relying on the full-body equipment that restrained Titans obtained in the human refuge, he was only beaten from beginning to end but not to death!

And half of the twenty or so Goblin Legends he brought were killed or injured in the battle.

Although the Spear of Amigel killed the Thunder Titan Atre with one blow, he was not sure to defeat the remaining two Titan Demigods!

Because the energy in the Spear of Amigel was only enough to be used once!

He underestimated the strength of the Titans!

Fortunately, the Spear of Amigel frightened the Titans and let them escape.

Amigel stood in the air, looking at the mountains and rivers under his feet and the awe-inspiring eyes of all races, and he couldn't help but feel intoxicated!

When there was silence between heaven and earth, and the empty Pro Plain seemed to only hear the sound of the wind, he called back the Spear of Amigel, raised it high, and shouted loudly.

"We! Victory!"

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