As Amigel finished speaking, a warm cheer broke out between heaven and earth!

Everyone was excited!

They defeated the former god!

The various races in the Goblin camp were jubilant, and they remembered the promise of the Goblin King Amigel.

The races in the Titan camp were ashen, and they felt that they had bet on the wrong horse.

In the sky, Jiang You naturally would not spoil the fun. He also flapped his wings and raised his bronze sword, cheering for the arrival of a new era.

He and the Winged People were not strong enough, and now was not his era.

The Goblin King Amigel, who was enjoying the cheers of all races in the air, looked at the cheers of the various races on the earth, and the Winged People soaring in the sky excitedly, and happily announced loudly.

"My people, allies of the goblins, today, we have defeated the Titans who have ruled Ferland for countless years and become the masters of the earth!"

"From now on, no one of our people will be recruited to participate in those long-lasting wars, and no one will become a slave to the Titans and dragons. Our people will live in peace!"

"Thinking back to the past..."

The Goblin King might be really happy. He was so tired that he talked a lot in the sky.

At the end of the words, he finally talked about some arrangements for the future.

"I will abide by my oath and build the Goblin King City in Proadas. I will be crowned as the Goblin Emperor after the city is completed. At that time, I will divide the land for each tribe!"

"In addition, the Goblins are willing to share the Titans' legacy with all tribes!"

As soon as these words came out, the cheers of the tribes on the continent became even more enthusiastic.

They followed the Goblins to fight against the Titans. Isn't it because they want these things!


The continental coalition forces of the goblin camp will try to capture the coalition forces of various tribes under the command of the Titans who participated in this battle.

These captives will become the spoils of the victors and will be distributed as slaves to various tribes on the continent.

At night.

The goblin king distributed a large amount of beef and mutton, fine wine and delicious food in the military camp and held a grand victory banquet.

The kings and leaders of various tribes were invited to the outside of Amigel's camp to hold a more sumptuous night banquet in front of the grand bonfire.

When Jiang You brought a few guards here, he happened to see an extremely large palm roasting on the huge bonfire.

A group of goblin chefs were busy sprinkling various spices on this palm.

Jiang You saw at a glance that this was the hand of the Thunder Titan Atre.

"This Thunder Titan Atre is really unlucky. He was roasted and eaten by the goblins after his death!"

He whispered to the little turtle on his shoulder.

The little turtle nodded and also felt that it was inappropriate.

Leave a way for others so that we can meet again in the future.

Jiang You did not comment on the goblin's behavior.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the goblin empire is in such a miserable state after its fall.

Before taking his seat.

Jiang You first came to the throne of the goblin king Amigel to pay his respects.

Amigel is now full of pride, followed by eight goblin maids, and the loyal yellow-robed guards stand far away.

And the white spear that shocked the continent was inserted next to the throne, proclaiming the authority of the goblin king.

Jiang You was very envious of this white spear.

On the throne, seeing Jiang You coming to pay his respects, Amigel was very happy.

The Winged People are a rare race that came with all their clans to support him.

"Jiang You is here, take a seat quickly, the banquet is about to begin!"

Good guy, he was called the Winged King before, and now he is Jiang You.

But Jiang You didn't care and directly stated his purpose.

"Your Majesty, now that the Titans have been destroyed, I wonder what arrangements Your Majesty will make for those races that have turned to the Titans!"

"Of course, they will conquer and destroy them. The establishment of an empire requires a large number of slaves!"

"What if they surrender and voluntarily submit?"

Jiang You continued to ask.

"If they are not die-hard Titans, then they can be allowed to survive. I am not a cruel person!"

Amiguel frowned and thought for a while, then said.

There are too many races on the continent affiliated with the Titans, and the living area is too wide. If they really want to be wiped out, it will take a lot of time and energy. It is naturally best if they can surrender and submit.

And his current role is the emperor of the continent, so naturally the more races he rules, the better!

Although he defeated the Titans, he yearned for the prestige and status of the Titan King, and considered the issues more comprehensively.

After hearing what Amiguel said, Jiang You thought that people really change, and the goblins are the same.

He said quickly.

"Your Majesty. The Winged Clan and the Eagle King Court have an irreconcilable blood feud. If the Eagle King Court submits a letter of surrender, please do not agree to it!"

"The Eagle King Court actually has a blood feud with the Winged Clan?"

Amiguel was very surprised!

However, compared to the Winged Clan, who was close to him, he had no good feelings towards the Eagles who were against him!

"Your Majesty, my ancestors and fathers all died because of the Eagle King Court and Titan!"

Jiang You said frankly.

"I understand that the Eagle King Court is not qualified to live on the same continent as us. However, if you go to destroy the Eagle King Court, you need the help of our legend. I heard that the Eagle King of the Eagle Clan is also a legendary strongman."

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. The old king is not to be feared. I can deal with it!"


Just after Jiang You left, a white-haired goblin old man hurried over from behind.

"Your Majesty, what you just said is not right!"

Amiguel frowned.

"What's wrong?"

The white-haired old goblin seemed not to notice the dissatisfaction of the goblin king Amiguel, and continued.

"The eagle people cannot be completely wiped out. If the tribe is completely wiped out, the winged people will become the only sky race in Ferland, and no one can control them!"

Griffins, horned eagles, and two-headed flying dragons are all monsters, and they can't become a big deal.

Of course, this is also because, at this stage, the profession of griffin knight has not been developed.

"But I just promised him!"

Amiguel was shaken.

"What you promised is that he would flatten Tianshan Mountain and wipe out the Eagle King's Court. If one or two Eagle Princes escaped from the Eagle King's Court, it would be normal."

"There are so many Eagles scattered on the continent, it is not difficult to rebuild an Eagle King's Court!"

"But in this way, will it seem like you are going back on your word!"

"How can it be going back on your word? Your Majesty is now the supreme monarch of the entire continent and the king of all kings. You should consider things from this perspective!"

Hearing this, Amigel felt that it touched his heart, and he was convinced.

"That's what the great sage said! Let's do it!"

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