This plague actually has a source.

One year before this catastrophe-like plague appeared.

In the north of the Goblin Empire, the Northern Ice Plateau.

This place is actually outside the control of the Goblin Empire.

Although the Goblin Empire is known as the master of the continent, it does not actually completely occupy the entire Ferland.

In the north of the Goblin Empire, there is a river that flows almost into the entire north, dividing the north of the Ferland continent into two zones.

The south is the relatively warm and resource-rich northern border of the empire.

Some border lords and a large number of races affiliated with the Goblin Empire live and reproduce here, including the human race.

In the north, there is a vast desert grassland, on which the centaur clan and the troll clan mainly live, and dog-headed people, pig-headed people, tiger-headed people, sheep-headed people, minotaurs, etc. also live here.

These are nomadic races who have lived in the north for generations, surviving in the vast northern desert.

The troll Frost Clan, which once moved south and surrendered to the empire, is one of them, but it is not the most powerful clan.

Of course, they have been driven back to the desert, and no one knows how they are doing now.

And further north of the desert is a towering plateau.

A tall mountain range stretching for thousands of miles separates the desert and the plateau.

In the desert, some legendary creatures have traveled to the plateau, but left soon.

It is because the climate on the plateau is even colder, and it is not possible for normal people to live.

Of course, there are creatures living here. Many ice races reproduce on the plateau, and they are all very tall.

It seems that the plateau is the cradle of giant creatures.

The historians of various races in the fifth chapter also speculated that the ancestors of the Titans might have walked out of the plateau and came to Proadas in the middle of the continent, and then grew and developed a supernatural system to rule the world!

There are many giant creatures on the plateau.

The Frost Giants are one of them.

However, their size is not comparable to that of the Titans. Adult giants can grow to about 7 or 8 meters, but they are also huge.

A tribe of frost giants has about dozens of people, which is a combination of several families.

Almost all frost giant tribes raise mammoths and ride on them in battle. They are the overlords of the Ice Region Plateau.

Of course, they are not invincible. There is also an intelligent race called "Behemoth" living on the plateau.

This race is divided into two categories: golden behemoths and behemoth beasts.

Golden behemoths are intelligent and small in size, about three meters.

Behemoth beasts are nearly ten meters tall, like wild beasts.

Among them, only golden behemoths can reproduce, and the offspring are either golden behemoths or behemoth beasts.

The two are often born from the same mother, so golden behemoths can also dominate the Ice Region Plateau by riding behemoth beasts.

In fact, the frost giants raise mammoths, which is also influenced by them.

But due to food restrictions, they also live in small tribes.

In addition, there are plateau giant bears, ice and snow giant wolves, plateau giant deer, plateau ice cows, and blue sea giant Kuns living in the central ice sea, which is as huge as the ocean.

On this ice and snow plateau that is difficult for outsiders to enter, these large races in the ice and snow world struggle for survival day after day.

In their world, there is probably no other place to go.

The plateau is really big, enough for them to survive.

But in the year 694 of the Goblin Empire, one year before the outbreak of the plague.

The peace on the plateau was broken.

When a frost giant was hunting big fish in the shallow sea of ​​the central ice sea, he dug out an ice coffin from the bottom of the sea!

In the ice coffin, there was a beautiful woman with a very beautiful appearance and bright red all over her body sleeping!

The frost giant found that the woman in the ice coffin was petite and was very curious, so he brought the heavy ice coffin back to the shore.

Who knew that once he got ashore, the ice coffin melted like water!

The beautiful red-robed woman with a bright red color woke up!

She had a pair of blood-red eyes and bright lips.

But her face was extremely pale, as if she was seriously ill.

Looking at the frost giant who had salvaged her, the red-robed woman smiled slightly, revealing her amazing beauty.

"Did you wake me up, giant?"

The frost giant actually felt the pressure coming from the red-robed woman.

Facing the red-robed woman's question, he did not dare to move rashly and nodded honestly.

Although the woman's words were not in the same language as his, he could understand them for some reason.

"Although I woke up a little early and my injuries were not healed, I felt the rebirth of the world. Is this a new era?"

She sighed slightly and looked around.

"Ice and snow cover, the edge of the sea of ​​​​sky, I am still on the northern plateau."

She stood up, with a slender figure and charming curves.

Then facing the vast sea of ​​​​sky, she pointed with her hand.

Countless bright red threads pierced into the sea. In just a few seconds, she caught countless fish, all of which were big fish, including a giant fish that was 30 meters long.

With the sound of "bang bang" of fish falling to the ground, the frost giant looked down and saw a large number of fish under his feet.

However, these fish looked a little shriveled, as if a lot of blood had been sucked out.

"Big guy, you woke me up, you can take these fish away!"

Then, without waiting for the frost giant to react, he turned into a red light and left here.

The frost giant was stunned for more than ten minutes, and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the red-robed woman had really left.

He looked at the big fish under his feet, a look of joy appeared on his face, and then he dragged the biggest one away and walked towards the tribe.

For him, today's harvest was not bad.

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