After the red-robed woman left, she spent a few days walking around the ice and snow plateau.

"There are no traces of human race on the plateau. Is it because they haven't set foot here since the restoration of civilization?"

She stood in mid-air and shook her head.

"Forget it, go to the mainland and have a look. I wonder if there are people who can come out of those shelters back then and restore human civilization!"

So the woman in red robe went south to the mainland.

She first passed through the vast sea-like Northern Desert, and looked puzzled when she saw the centaurs, trolls and other races living there.

"Has it been so long? So many new intelligent lives have been born on the continent! But the northern desert is desolate, and it doesn't matter if it is occupied by these alien races!"

Then she crossed the Northern Desert and continued south, arriving in the Goblin Empire.

When she came down from the plateau, she did not pass through the human Polek Territory in the northwest, but went south from the northeast.

Along the way, she saw a large number of troll clans, goblin clans, dwarf clans, etc., but the largest number were the short, green-skinned goblin clans.

And as we move toward the central region, the number of these short green goblins increases, and their level of civilization becomes higher and higher.

Seeing the goblin cities scattered everywhere, the goblins hold their heads high and their chests high, and the woman in red robe can't be seen anywhere. This is a symbol of the dominance of the continent!

But this was not important. What was important was that she saw traces of the familiar human civilization from the previous era in the goblin civilization.

Because the alchemy of the Goblin Empire has now developed to a very high level, there are already heavy traces of human technology from the previous era in alchemy.

So the red-robed woman became more and more frightened as she watched, and she felt a murderous intention towards these green-skinned dwarfs!

She is not afraid of the existence of alien races on the mainland, because as long as the humans in the shelter come out, they will develop sooner or later relying on the technology and technology of the previous era.

Even though she discovered that the extraordinary system of the previous era had collapsed, a new extraordinary system was not impossible to create.

What she fears is that the human race's refuge will be discovered by these alien races. Before the human race has developed, their technology and knowledge will be plundered, and the remaining human race will be killed.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, but went to check out the refuge locations she knew across the continent.

However, reality gave her a heavy blow!

Most of the shelters did not even last long before they collapsed on their own, and all the humans inside died.

There was no one in the shelter until later, and it was suspected that it had suffered huge damage!

Finally, she heads north to the refuge she is most familiar with!

Because that was where her sister used to be in charge.

She looked forward to this shelter being intact and she could see her betrayed sister again.

However, the reality is always extremely cruel.

This shelter named No. 490 is guarded by a large group of green dwarves called goblins.

This made her feel completely cold, and the anger in her heart was completely ignited!

This shelter was filled with goblins, not a single human being, coming in and out. Furthermore, it seemed that the goblins' residences had been built for some years.

she reasoned.

My sister and the compatriots in the shelter may be in danger!

So the woman in red robe took action.

A sky of blood instantly enveloped the entire Vault 490, and all the goblins inside died almost simultaneously.

The goblin legend who stayed behind was seriously injured without any precautions. After fighting for a while, he was captured by the red-robed woman.

The powerful goblin legend was surprised that the person who defeated him was a human.

"The human race, which has always been humble, actually has a strong man like you!"

"Human race? Humble?"

She sensed the meaning behind the goblin's legendary words.

asked quickly.

"Are there still humans in the world today?"

Goblin Legend must have still not wanted to die, so under the red-robed woman's questioning, he told everything about what happened to the human race after the shelter was discovered.

The red-robed woman listened indifferently for a long time, then she broke the legendary goblin's neck.

"It turns out that my sister and the others have been kept in captivity and used as learning tools for goblins since they woke up."

"This group of despicable goblins won't even let the descendants of the human race accept the inheritance of the sanctuary!"

"My sister was even forced to marry that damn goblin emperor!"

Her bright red eyes suddenly became as red as blood under the intense emotion!

"Despicable goblins, I will make you pay the price!"

She originally wanted to attack the goblin imperial capital in one go, kill their emperor, and then destroy the entire goblin empire.

But her injuries were not healed, and there were some auras in the Goblin Imperial Capital that she was extremely afraid of, so she probably couldn't defeat them.

As the True Ancestor of Blood in Sequence 3, he is comparable to a demigod, has unlimited lifespan, and his combat effectiveness is actually average.

But she has an ability that is very suitable for killing large areas.

She can use her own true blood as a source to create a highly contagious blood poison!

She is ready to take revenge on the goblins with blood poison!

She didn't care whether it would affect the humans currently living in the Polek Territory in the north.

A human race without human heritage, a human race without her sister, what does it have to do with her?

In addition, she learned from Goblin Legend that all the humans in the refuge had long since died, so she had no worries.

However, even so, she still eliminated the fatal characteristics of the human race in the blood poison. Although the blood poison would still make her sick, at least it would not cause death.

This person has passed away, but the love is still there!

So in the next few months.

After the red-robed woman conducted some experiments and confirmed that the damage to the goblins was lethal, she chose a large goblin city in the north and released the blood poison!

The blood poison was highly contagious. In less than seven days, the entire city was infected and spread to the surrounding areas.

Then this plague called blood poison became more and more severe, completely affecting all races on the entire continent!

Even the winged people on the east coast were infected with this plague!

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