Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 6 Bathing in the Blood of Titans and Dragons

Bringing some pickled meat, he asked the surrounding eaglemen who had already performed the mission.

Jiang You held a bone spear, put on a bear skin coat, pretended to be a royal guard, led his family members to fly up, and flew out of the camp in broad daylight.

There were many such teams, and no eaglemen cared about them.

One by one, the royal eaglemen led fifty eaglemen tribe warriors out, and another one returned with more than a dozen tribal eaglemen.

Often before the war, the scouts suffered the greatest losses.

In this sky, the warriors of the eagle tribe were the weakest. Not to mention the giant dragon hybrids, various flying sub-dragons, two-legged dragons, etc. that crisscrossed the sky, even griffins could tie with a team of fifty eaglemen scouts.

Just as Jiang You was about to fly out of the edge of the camp, a royal eagle guard guarding the edge of the camp suddenly frowned and flew in front of him, asking expressionlessly.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?"

"I'm new here today."

Jiang You replied calmly.

His expression was so natural that the Wangting Eagleman guarding the camp could not see anything wrong, so he nodded and let him go.

Behind him, the tribesmen's heartbeats were about to start, and when they saw the guards let them go, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Jiang You's actions, they raised their hearts again.

Jiang You did not leave, but quietly stepped forward, put a piece of gold in his hand, and asked.

"Big brother, I just came here, may I ask which place has the most intense battle for the sky?"

Gold was a hard currency even in the ancient times, and this piece of gold was also obtained when the snake tribe was wiped out.

The guarding Eagleman nodded with satisfaction and smiled.

"I understand. The battle in the east has been the most intense in the past few days. Even several extraordinary eagle nobles have fallen. Little brother, you just arrived, so it's best to fly west."

"Thank you, big brother."

Jiang You smiled and nodded, and then flew west with his people.

Next to the eagle camp is the goblin camp. This ruined race of the future era is one of the major clans under the Titans in the current ancient times.

They have a population of tens of millions, spread throughout the Ferland world, and even under the command of the ancient dragons.

The goblins are very smart. At least Jiang You saw that many huge catapults were built in the goblin camp. In addition to these, there are also wooden arrow towers and low tents, which are much more orderly than the messy eagle camp.

Next to the goblins are the trolls. The trolls are similar to the eagles. The camp is very sloppy and a mess.

Jiang You knows that the ancestors of the elegant and beautiful elves in the future may be among them.

Further ahead, there are centaurs, dwarves, orcs, etc.

All these are the epitome of the intelligent races in this world.

Flying out of the camp, Jiang You led his people to the west, searching for small lakes, small pools, and small streams along the way.

As for the big river that runs through the forest, the old turtle's memories describe it as definitely not the place where he lived in his childhood.

At night, he led his people back in batches.

In this way, he would go out early and return late, so that no one would find that his people had not decreased much.

After searching in the west for a few days, Jiang You did not find the old turtle's habitat.

On the fifth day, when he went out, the eagle guard at the gate stopped him and told him that he could not go to the safest west all the time.

In desperation, Jiang You had to lead his people to the south.

They carefully avoided the dragons and griffins on the dragon's side, but still ran into a two-legged dragon.

After losing several people, Jiang You threw a spear and accurately pierced the eyeball of the two-legged dragon.

The wyvern howled in pain, but this injury was not enough to make it lose its mobility, but it became even more ferocious.

It went crazy.

Jiang You made a prompt decision, left everyone behind, and led the wyvern away alone.

They fled frantically over the forest, disturbing some creatures fighting in the sky from time to time. Fortunately, Jiang You's flying skills were good, and the injured wyvern was a one-eyed dragon, so he was not caught for a while.

Just as the eagle and the dragon were wrestling.

Suddenly, Jiang You saw the sky suddenly turned black.

He looked up and saw a blue dragon with a wingspan of 500 meters flying over his head.

The ancient blue dragon king was also surrounded by blue thunder that could destroy the world! The huge body was covered with pieces of steel-like scales, which looked extraordinary.

Behind Jiang You, the wyvern chasing him saw this and let out a loud roar.

This is its dragon master!

However, before it could finish its joy.

In the far north, a roar that shook the world suddenly came!

"Arieltos, I haven't bothered you yet, how dare you take the initiative to die?!"

The huge roar made Jiang You turn his head and look to the north.

I saw a two-hundred-meter-tall giant emitting purple lightning all over his body, with a piece of unknown material wrapped around his waist, holding a silver-shining spear, which was surrounded by thunder that could destroy the world. He strode towards this direction, and the earth was shaking.

The blue dragon was not to be outdone and roared loudly.

"Atri, stupid and arrogant Titan barbarian, today, let Lord Arieltos grant you eternal annihilation!"

The distance between them seemed very far, but in fact, between such a behemoth, it was a matter of seconds.


The two strongest men of the ancient times began to fight in close combat!

The earth trembled in their battle, the sky was torn apart, the forest was trampled flat by them, and the strong wind wrapped in endless sand and dust, venting between heaven and earth.

As the battle between the masters began.

In the earth and sky, countless races of both camps began to fight together.

On the earth, the tauren carried big trees and swept across, the goblins carried backpacks and threw stone bullets, the trolls waved stone axes, the stone men smashed the ground with their bodies, the goat-horned men attacked with their heads, the centaurs galloped on the earth, the snake-bodied people held wooden bows, the dwarves raised stone hammers to kill the enemies, and the dragon people killed with their fists...

In the sky, the eagle-bodied people fought in groups, the two-headed flying dragons roared in the sky, the flamingos burned the sky, the griffins had sharp teeth and claws, and the dragon eagles flapped their wings like knives....

This is an epic mythical battlefield!

And Jiang You was actually the closest place to the two behemoths.

It is still unknown whether you can get chestnuts from the fire!

Almost in an instant, Jiang You made up his mind.

Behind him, the wyvern was infected by the atmosphere of the battlefield and rushed towards Jiang You with more excitement.

There were battles all around, and flames were burning in the sky. Jiang You no longer dodged, but took out a bronze dagger from his arms, and rushed up to the wyvern the moment it pounced, stood on its head, and thrust a sword into its forehead, stirring it violently.

[You killed a wyvern, experience +100]

After the wyvern was killed, its huge body fell down.

Jiang You lay on its back and fell with it, pretending to die together.

Because he had already seen that there was a small half-moon-shaped lake below.

He thought of the old turtle's future residence, which was also a huge half-moon-shaped lake, and he was sure that it must be this place.

As he and the wyvern fell into the water with a plop.

The wyvern floated on the water, and under its shadow, Jiang You quickly dived into the water.

After swimming for a few times, he soon found a cute little pink turtle lying on a smooth raw stone that was shining with green light at the bottom of the lake.

Jiang You was delighted, it must be this thing!

He swam hard and came to the little turtle, touched its little head, picked it up and put it in the corner of the bluestone, and sat on it himself.

Suddenly, a very cool rhythm spread throughout his body.


In the vast sea forest, the 200-meter-tall Titan giant had a tall and strong body with scars, and his shining golden eyes contained a coldness.

"Humph, everything in the world belongs to the Titan God Clan! You dragons are just a bunch of damn thieves!"

"You call yourself a God Clan, how arrogant, there are few races like you in the star realm, you are really damned!"

The blue lightning dragon laughed angrily and fought again.

He swung his tail that was dozens of meters long, and the lightning burst on it.

The Titan laughed loudly, holding a 300-meter-long spear, and rushed forward.

"We Titans have the power to move mountains and fill the sea, and we can turn the world upside down. Why can't we be called gods!"


As soon as the voice fell, the two powerful beings collided again, stirring up dust all over the sky, and thunder and thunder fought each other, and their fight became more and more tragic.

Golden blood flew in the fight and fell everywhere in the forest battlefield.

They had long become demigods, and their blood turned into gold!

During the fight, at a certain moment, the dragon claws of the blue lightning dragon Alelotos scratched the Titan's shoulder, and a large amount of golden blood suddenly fell into the half-moon-shaped lake where Jiang You was.

Almost the next moment, the entire half-moon lake was filled with golden blood, and he and the little turtle were also wrapped in golden Titan blood at the same moment!

In an instant, a feeling of burning like a raging fire and burning all over the body was painful!

It was like being in the sun, baked by a hundred thousand degree flame!

At the same time, the system voice also sounded in real time.

[You bathed in the blood of the Titan, and all attributes are improved! ]

It hurts so much!

Even though his will was as strong as iron, he was burned to the point of wanting to die.

Beside him, the pink little turtle had been burned red and was flopping on the bluestone.

But the next moment, an extremely cool feeling surged into his body.

Jiang You looked down and saw that on the bluestone, a bright green light was shining, covering him and the little turtle.

However, the good times did not last long. After a moment of coolness, the blood of the Titan in the lake continued to flow.

Not only that, because it was too close to the battle site of the two demigods, the blood of the ancient blue dragon king also fell into the lake.

So, waves of burning sensations came again.

[You bathed in the blood of the Titan and the Dragon King, and all attributes are improved! ]

At this moment, Jiang You realized that it was no wonder that the old turtle was reluctant to mention too much about the details of awakening. It was too painful. It was simply a torture-like repeated torture!

I don't know how long it took.

[You bathed in the blood of Titans and dragons, and all attributes were improved! ]

[You bathed in the blood of Titans and dragons, and awakened the power of thunder! ]

[You bathed in the blood of Titans and dragons, and your bloodline changed! ]

Until the battle outside was over.

The golden blood essence in the lake was absorbed by the man and the turtle, and the painful torture stopped.

At this time, the man and the turtle changed drastically.

The shell of the little turtle turned purple-blue, with a trace of electric light lingering, and the small eyes the size of mung beans were full of wisdom.

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