The war outside was still going on, but the violent shaking of the earth caused by the great war was slowly fading away.

The Thunder Titan and the Ancient Blue Dragon King had obviously moved away from this area in the fight.

Jiang You poked his head out of the small lake and observed the surrounding battle situation.

Because the two kings had just fought here, although the ground was in a mess, no living creatures came.

This gave Jiang You time to look at the water surface.

The reflection of a different eagle man was reflected on the water surface.

His beak had fallen off, replaced by a delicate and beautiful nose and mouth like the human in his previous life. The gray and black hair on his face also fell off a little, showing a delicate outline.

On the top of his head, the originally gray hair became silver and gray, more shiny.

The most conspicuous thing was his eyes. The original vertical eyes of the eagle man disappeared, replaced by a pair of purple eyes as bright as stars.

In addition, a lot of feathers on his body fell off, and his claws and feet were not like the eagle claws before, but began to feel fleshy.

This is approaching the direction of the hands and feet.

The wings on the back have changed from the original gray-black to some white feathers.

These white feathers are newly grown and look very fresh.

He has evolved, just like his ancestors.

He opened the panel and the data was completely different.

[Name]: Jiang You

[Race]: Eagle Man (bloodline mutation)

[Age]: 16

[Attributes]: Strength 10, Constitution 10, Spirit 13, Agility 11, Charm 5.

[Level]: Unlocked (sealed, to be opened after the game is launched)

[Skills]: Throwing (mastery), Spear (mastery), Thunder Power (supernormal)

[Skill points]: Unlocked (sealed, to be opened after the game is launched)

[Talent]: Champion Will (You have super insight and reaction ability, and your combat awareness is the best.)

[Task system]: Unlocked (sealed, to be opened after the game is launched)

[Countdown to game launch]: 3650136 days 5 hours 35 minutes.

Jiang You looked at the panel and found that his full attributes had improved a lot, and he was full of strength.

His eyes looked further away.

Although his level did not appear on the panel, he knew that he had entered the supernormal!

Titan and Dragon Blood gave him the opportunity to enter the supernormal, and he seized it.

Next, he was ready to return safely from this war.

He picked up the bronze sword, and the supernormal power surged, and a thread of lightning lingered on the sword.

When he faces the two-headed flying dragon again, he will have the strength to fight head-on.

He walked out of the small lake, looking at the little turtle on the bluestone that had begun to show wisdom, and prepared to take the turtle and the stone away after the battle.

When he came to the shore, he flapped his wings and was about to take off when he heard an extremely miserable cry between heaven and earth.

"Atari, you dare to kill me!"

"Alelotos, today, you are dead!"

The voice of the Thunder Titan was like thunder from the sky, hitting all living beings.


Jiang You raised his eyes and his heart skipped a beat!

In the forest not far away, the tall Thunder Titan struggled to grab the head and neck of the blue dragon, and his hands seemed to have a billion volts.


The entire head of the blue dragon was torn off by him, bloody and terrifying!

With a "boom", the headless body of the blue dragon collapsed, and blood flowed into the forest like a river.

The victorious Thunder Titan raised the head of the Blue Dragon King, causing the creatures in the Dragon King's camp to flee.

The entire Hanhai Forest, the intelligent races belonging to the Titan camp, all cheered.

"The war is over, we won."

Seeing this scene, Jiang You's heart was like a volcanic eruption!

"This battle is actually the fuse battle! The death of Ailetos, the son of the Dragon King, caused the Titans and the dragons to start a war that spread throughout the world!"

"The sky and the earth have collapsed! The losses of all races are heavy!"

"I have to find my people first. After this battle, I have to consider saving my race, just like in this war."

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