Calendar year six hundred and ninety-seven of the Goblin Empire.

January 6th!

Vivian, the true ancestor of the Vampire Clan, led thousands of infected and mutated humans to establish themselves as the Vampire Clan, left the Polek Territory, and headed to the northwest.

They detoured all the way through the desert, through forests and swamps, and arrived at the west coast of northern Flanders.

This place is still far away from the territory of the Goblin Empire, so Vivian took them to establish a foothold here.

She taught them how to use the power of blood, and then adopted the professional system of today's world to create two professions: blood knight and blood rager, both of which can reach the hero level!

As for the legends, they still need to break through on their own.

After Vivian established her two professions, she went into seclusion to recover from her injuries.

There are a large number of creatures on the west coast, and Vivian absorbs their blood power at all costs to restore her own strength.

So that in the future, the lives of all the creatures on the west coast will change their colors!

And in the middle of the continent of Ferrand.

Inside the city of Proadas.

After years of research, a goblin alchemist finally discovered a substance that could curb the plague.

In fact, he discovered this accidentally.

At that time, the clueless alchemist, with the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse, prepared to experiment with some unrelated things in a random way.

One of those times.

In a dark cave, he found a wolf-like creature, extracted a toxic substance in its body, mixed it with an alchemical material called moongrass, and obtained a potion.

Then he injected this medicine into the infected and dying goblin.

Originally he didn't care about the results, but the experimental results surprised him.

Because a few days after the injection of the medicine, the deadly plague was actually contained!

The infected goblin survived!

This result shocked the entire Goblin Empire and made them ecstatic!

The alchemist Demecca was also regarded as the savior of the plague, and received the emperor's commendation, title, and territory!

At the same time, the great sage Azeba ordered that this potion be copied and used on all infected goblins.

That's it, within three months.

The plague in the Goblin Empire has been completely contained!

Thirty million goblins survived, and another million infected people recovered!

After hearing about it, all ethnic groups in the mainland also purchased this medicine and returned it to the infected people for use.


This was supposed to be a national carnival!

However, not long after their happiness, another extremely bad situation occurred.

Those goblins who were cured by this potion experienced tremendous physical changes within three months!

Their IQs have become low, their skin has changed from green to dark green, and their appearance has become extremely ugly!

Their facial features changed, with pointed ears, large oval eyes, flat noses, broad faces, and dull eyes ranging from red to yellow.

In addition, it also has sharp fangs!

Their stature became shorter, with an inverted triangular body, and thick arms and legs.

They are in estrus all year round and like to live and gather in dark burrows.

When their numbers gather together, they will attack all creatures they encounter regardless of life and death, and use female creatures to reproduce endlessly!

In just these days, a large number of female goblins have been killed, and they were dying when they were rescued.

Compared with the civilized goblins, they are almost another race!

The Great Sage sent alchemists many times to study the causes and methods of change, but found that it was difficult to change in a short period of time.

Treating the plague has drained their resources.

In desperation, the goblin emperor ordered that these infected goblins who had been cured be expelled from goblin cities and villages, exiled to the wild, and named: Goblins!

Although the plague has been contained, its impact has never been eliminated!

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