In the Goblin Empire.

In the west.

The Valley of the Dark Forest.

Here lives the largest troll clan in the Goblin Empire, the Dark Forest Clan.

The Dark Forest Clan was a troll clan that followed Amigel to fight against the Titans in the early years. Because of their contributions to the establishment of the Goblin Empire, they were granted the Dark Forest Valley.

The patriarch of that generation was granted the title of Marquis of the Dark Forest of the Goblin Empire.

To this day.

Although its patriarch has passed away, his successor is still a legendary professional.

After several generations of development, the Dark Forest Clan has become a large clan with a population of hundreds of thousands.

Even in the center of the Valley of the Dark Forest, a large city and several small towns were built!

In the Goblin Empire, the Dark Forest Clan also occupies a pivotal position.

The troll clans are independent and live in different places. Although they are scattered, those with strong strength have more say.

This is the case with the Dark Forest Clan. The nearby troll tribes have always been dominated by the Dark Forest Clan.

Year 696 of the Goblin Empire.

Affected by the super plague blood poison that spread across the continent.

The Youlin Clan was also affected.

Although they had received the news long ago, they also suffered heavy losses.

Although not as dead as the goblins, the infection period of the trolls was longer, the mortality rate was not low, and there were a large number of people who recovered after infection.

These trolls also changed their faces and bodies, and were very weak.

Their fangs became longer, their bodies became thinner, and their eyes were extremely red.

Like all the tribes on the continent, the Youlin Clan actively sought solutions.

However, their cultural level was limited, and the alchemists in the tribe were not talented, so they had no solution at all.

Fortunately, the Youlin Clan and the goblins had been friendly for generations. When Proadas successfully developed a potion to curb the plague.

The Youlin Clan asked the goblins for tens of thousands of Demega potions.

When the potion was injected into the bodies of the infected trolls, the infected people recovered in a short time and no longer showed symptoms of infection.

This made the trolls of the Youlin clan extremely happy.

They sent people to Proadas to thank the goblin emperor and held a grand recovery banquet in the clan.

But just like the sequelae of the goblins.

The trolls who were cured after the injection of the potion did not change at the beginning.

But three months later, as time passed.

These infected people began to change dramatically.

They grew lush wolf-like hair on their bodies, their fangs were covered with toxins, their eyes became as fierce as beasts, and their bodies shrank, but not thin.

In the eyes of the tribe, it was like a wild wolf walking upright.

The trolls could accept these changes.

But what made them want to expel them were those who were cured after the injection of Demeca potion.

Every time the moon was full, they would be wild and completely transformed into human wolves, killing the trolls around them regardless of friend or foe.

When they first appeared, the troll leader of the Youlin clan wanted to save them.

After research, the troll alchemists found that the moon grass in the potion was the source of the moon-induced illness of these infected people.

But their abilities were limited. After trying various methods, these infected people would still become beastly every time the moon was full, so many of their tribesmen died!

As for asking for help from the goblins, the goblins at this time were also having a headache because of the appearance of goblins, so how could they have the energy to take care of them?

So within a few months, the resentment in the tribe increased greatly. In the chaos of every full moon night, the last trace of family warmth disappeared, and they were no longer regarded as trolls.

In desperation.

The troll leader of the Youlin clan could only learn from the goblin empire and drive these infected people out of the Youlin Valley, exile them to the wild, and contemptuously call them: werewolves!

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