east coast.

When the Goblin Empire's Demecca potion appeared, the wingmen at the Proadas Wingman Embassy also received the news.

They immediately reported the news back to the Winged Human Race. Jiang You, who still didn't know the truth at this time, went to Proadas City in person, found the Goblin Emperor, and exchanged 100,000 Demeca potions.

Then bring it back and use it on the infected wingmen.

Like goblins and trolls.

The infected Wingers did initially contain the contagiousness of the plague, allowing them to begin to recover.

But it was also three months later.

A large number of infected people not only failed to grow feathers, but also experienced huge changes in body shape.

Their faces became hideous and ugly, their bald heads became rounded, and their mouths were filled with fangs!

Their hands and feet appeared in an atavistic state, growing sharp claws and claws!

Their bodies became taller and stronger, and the wings on their backs forever became fleshy wings with all their feathers stripped off!

Under the dual influence of the medicine and the plague, their spirits languished during the day, their habits changed, and they preferred to avoid the sun and sleep like a stone statue.

But at night, that's when they are most active.

They like to fly in the moonlit city sky in search of prey.

Sometimes they are like wild beasts, sometimes they are wise.

But every winged person knows that these recovered infected people are no longer winged people.

Fortunately, although they have undergone huge changes, they do not harm the Winged Humans.

Precisely because there is no harm.

The Wings have nothing but sympathy and pity for them.

This time.

The news of the appearance of goblins in the Goblin Empire spread to the Winged Humans.

Jiang You was extremely surprised by the ins and outs of the goblin.

He sometimes felt that the formation of Felander's race was indeed a bit hasty!

Jiang You asked himself how difficult it was for the Goblin Empire to banish Goblins into the wild.

The infected people of the Winged Race are relatively normal and are truly pitiful people.

At the same time.

Among the trolls, Jiang You also knew the ins and outs of those werewolves who were also expelled to the wild.

Only then did he realize that the side effects of this medicine were not just an isolated case, but affected all continental races.

It is different from the other two tribes.

After Jiang You thought carefully.

After being infected, these winged people, whose body shape and temperament changed drastically, were moved to a vacant mountain city in Lomanda.

He still regarded them as members of the medical tribe, but he still gave them a new name: gargoyles!

that's all.

Nearly one hundred thousand gargoyles sleep in the mountain city during the day and go out to be active at night.

And those gargoyles that lack food and motivation can even turn into stone statues without eating or drinking for a long time.

Gargoyles also have extraordinary advanced abilities.

In order to maintain a close attitude towards the gargoyles, Jiang You placed two of the stronger gargoyles in the White Stone Castle to guard the castle at night.

At the same time, a late-night army composed entirely of gargoyles was established to protect the winged people at night!

After the plague was resolved, Jiang You began to forge a sword that could be used as a carrier of the law of suppression.

Once upon a time, the goblin clan defeated the Thunder Titan and established the goblin empire.

Among the trophies assigned to him was a femur of the Thunder Titan Yatri.

Over the years, this thigh bone has been placed in the treasure house.

When he wanted to forge the divine sword, he took out the Titan's thigh bone and went to the dwarf kingdom before the mountains to exchange some precious metal materials with them and exchange some forging experiences.

Goblin Empire Calendar 700.


Jiang You begins to forge the Thunder Sword!

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