What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 118: Impossible to lose

"What can casual players have a bad eye (

Said it was aside, it was actually a little too cautious.

Because strictly speaking, the distance between Chen Qian and the white paper is no more than the length of an index finger—the rhythm of almost hitting the young lady's arms.

If it is a normal girl, seeing a white light suddenly refreshing at this distance, and bursting into her arms, she might have screamed in fright a long time ago, or at least blushed and cursed a hooligan, right?

But the white paper's reaction within half a second was...smoothly put her [Aries] on Chen Qian's shoulders!

Da da da!

A big skill has come out!

This is a shield operation for firearms!

There are a variety of compound operations in the spirit cage, which require specific equipment or scenarios. For example, the use of the trajectory [Xianghan] is to use the characteristics of a large shield and cooperate with the energy-concentrating lightsaber to achieve a defensive posture. Interrupt the effect of F series lightsaber combos.

And the skill that the white paper opened is [Precision Shooting].

【Accurate shooting (early stage): Take the initiative. Within 15 seconds, the damage will be doubled to the target that has been attacking for more than 5 seconds, and the damage will be doubled for every 10% reduction in muzzle displacement for 15 seconds. Restriction: Main weapons and firearms. 】

Chen Qian is very familiar with this skill.

Because this is a very common small cooperation between the main output position on the field and the shielded profession.

It is also a cooperation that the PVP field must guard against.

Professionals with shields are generally of equal height. The uppermost part has a tactical big shield with a gap specially used to mount guns. Coupled with the defense skills of professions with shields, it can almost guarantee that the shooter will not be affected within 15 seconds. Any frontal harm.

Therefore, the highest record of precision shooting is that a heavy stereo is blown out within 15 seconds!

Da da da……

The gunfire became rapid but pleasant.

The white paper obviously doesn't need a big shield with gaps.

No need for so complicated and delicate cooperation!

Why are so many people from PVP background so particular? You can use whatever you pick up on the spot, and you can use whatever skills are suitable on the spot. After all, the enemy can't be so kind, and wait until you are finished transforming.

She just took it casually, and the explosive output spewed towards the calyx beast, and the bodies of her and Chen Qian also quivered rhythmically as the bullets flew out...

Under the dim light of Luyi Island, the two people faced each other, approached, shaking... Grapefruit blushed and covered his eyes.

Although the picture is embarrassing, the output is very effective!

For this metamorphosis calyx beast with only one health bar, within 15 seconds, the health bar was directly pulled to 50%!

The firepower of the white paper was completely hit, and he was extremely comfortable.

Since Chen Qian said "when it is a person to fight", she has completely entered the rhythm she is familiar with, and this rhythm is suddenly refreshed when Chen Qian shoots [precise shooting] with her handgun, reaching a climax.

"Pretty! Ready to deal with the big move." Chen Qian almost stopped turning around for 15 seconds.


Gun reversal!

The calyx beast's body floating in the air stopped briefly.

At the same time, he said to Xiaozhen: "Get away!"

Xiaoying held her watcher and rolled on the ground. Although she did not retreat very thoroughly, it was considered that when a laser cannon from Boss was ejected from her mouth, she retreated to the edge of the skill, and was only wiped off by more than sixty. Point of health.

If it hadn't been for the half-second when Chen Qian stopped the calyx beast with his spear, Xiao Yue, who had been fighting in close quarters, would definitely kneel!

When Chen Qian was in the clean wood source just now, he saw that the progress of the battle on the calyx beast was obviously accelerated under the state of white paper, and he immediately lost half of his blood.

As an alternative Boss with only one health bar, at 50% health, it is likely to be the critical point of the ultimate move!

Therefore, he must be there immediately!

Xiaozhen, of course, has absolutely no concept of imminent danger: "But why did my brother suddenly come in? Why can't everyone else come in?"

Chen Qian has no time to explain to her now.

One of the important factors why he let the white paper come to the farthest Green Island is that he can support at any time!

Because between him and the white paper, he is the "initial friend" with the highest authority in the spirit cage, and the props can be directly transmitted to the other party's side!

"Let's talk about it later, pay attention!!" Chen Qian reminded Xiao Zhen.

Although she was almost blasted on her face by the laser cannon from Boss's mouth just now, she didn't have the feeling that it was a prerequisite skill for the ultimate move...

Fortunately, she would not be the only one in the audience.

Chen Qian glanced at it, and the four full-level players, as well as Shuiyuzi, Xiaoyazi, and Luoluozi and Yaomozi who had just been pulled up by [Isoproterenol], all launched a defensive posture at the same time!

In an instant, in the entire area sealed by the metamorphosis calyx beast, only the farthest white paper was left, and the automatic rifle was still making a clicking sound...

But soon she closed her gun without looking back, and suddenly rolled forward.

Immediately afterwards, a 39-level pan-genetic polar eater slowly crawled out from behind her.

It’s [Sin Bone]!

This thing is like a shriveled human body, with only dark green skin wrapped in a layer of bones. The whole body is leaned back on all fours, and its eyes are looking at the sky. It has an extra hand-foot from the middle of the torso, but This opponent's foot is relatively short, hanging in the air.

The gun in the hand of the white paper immediately turned its direction!

"The epiphytic species?" a full-level player shouted.

Obviously, this one has also beaten the formed calyx beasts-the formed calyx beasts will all have pan-genetic polar-chewing beasts, and some like the thorn eel can reach the battlefield very quickly, but this calyx The epiphytic species of the beast is [Sin Bone]. When this kind of polar-chewer beast is not in a combat state, it moves very slowly. After entering a combat state, it suddenly rolls over its body and changes from leaning back to lying down. In posture, the speed of movement suddenly accelerates, and the middle hand will secrete extremely viscous mucus, once caught, it is difficult to break free!

White paper quickly killed the first one.

However, the second, third... quickly walked in slowly from the outside of this blocked area.

Chen Qian's fingers with the gun clenched!

Although he knew that the calyx beast had an epiphytic strain, he had never thought it would be [Sin Bones]!

Level 39 Polar Devourers are the highest-level pan-generic polar Devourers in the outer area of ​​Luyi Island. What's more important is that each of them is controlled!

In the boss battle, the most important thing is the ability to move!

Once controlled, with the ability of the boss in the spirit cage, you can directly kill with a wave of your hand!

"Kill kill kill!!" Xiaozhen still fearless, mentioning the watcher and rushing towards a [Sin Bone].

Level 39 [Sin Bone] is not stressful for the four full-level players, but it is still a very troublesome creature for Xiaozhen and the others. Even if Chen Qian repeatedly reminded his control skills, several were still charged. Up!

To control is to die.

Just when they killed about seven or eight [Sin Bones]...

The calyx beast, which has dropped to 50% of its health, has its floating body upside down, head down and tail up, swimming like a goldfish. Six tails are like petals, blooming, and there are several tentacles in the middle of the petals. The stamen trembles violently, and a faint golden light spreads with the air like pollen!

The killed [Sin Bones] raised their heads from the ground one by one...

"Kill...can't you kill?" Luo Luozi next to Shui Yuzi, a [Sin Bone] that had just dropped the knife, was like a spin on the ground, turned his head and grinned and stretched out his paw towards her. !

She is a calyx beast that has never been played.

As for the few players who had beaten Calyx Beast, they were all silent at this time.

Because they knew that the epiphytic strain of the calyx beast could indeed be repaired by it after being killed.

At this time, there is still a steady stream of [Sin Bones] entering this metamorphosis area, and the [Sin Bones] that have been killed inside are constantly looking up again.

Several full-level players have turned their heads at the same time, and directly attacked the floating calyx beast itself!

However, the calyx beast let out another piercing scream...

"Pulse resonance!" Several players who had beaten the forming calyx beast immediately recognized it.

Compared with the scream before it, this is the roar after forming!

The negative state of "chaos" is hung on everyone.

Those players who were attacking it, the skills they hit immediately changed their directions, and they all fell on themselves or their teammates!

The [Sin Bones] who got up from the ground also raised their heads~www.readwn.com~ and the calyx beast made a sharp neigh!

Four full-level players fell two in an instant.

The Luoluozi next to the water grapefruit fell along.

Once the skill is shot, it will fly to the teammates!

Calyx beast casually took another shot and swallowed a full-level player.

Spike, spit it out!

Moreover, more than twenty sin bones have been entered!

"Damn, how do you fight this?"

The scene was instantly overwhelmed by Boss’s ult, everyone’s ears couldn’t hear the voices of teammates, most of their hearing was occupied by Boss’s neighing, who was just pulled up by Xiaozheng and covered it. He squatted on the ground again with his ears closed, unable to lift the knife in his hand!

The chaos created by the boss not only affected the attack, but also their defensive posture was slowed down!

So, [Sin Bones] the limbs in the abdomen secreting mucus, one grasps one by one...


Be killed.

Boss made this big move, and the situation completely turned into a one-sided slaughter.

"Who can sing?" Chen Qian took a deep breath and asked.

"Me." Water grapefruit immediately raised his hand.

"Me!!" Two full-level players shouted loudly.

"Sing it." Chen Qian said.

"Huh?" Yuzi asked with a strange look, "Now?"

"Yes, war song, roar! Just sing it, don't you let us sing? Come on!!!"

"Uh... can you win this way?"

"This will make us die with a little dignity." Chen Qian smiled and raised his head and said, "You can lose the battle, but you can't lose the momentum!!"

"...Okay, sing!"

"Can play and sing!"

In desperation.

In this area blocked by the metamorphosis calyx beast.

The human singing sounded!

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