"What can casual players have a bad eye (

Against the scream of the calyx beast, the human singing sounded!

What about metamorphosis?

What about blockade?

Even if you fight for the last breath, you have to fight to the end!

To die, you must die with dignity!



The scene was very out of control for a while.

It cannot be said to be different from Chen Qian's "dignity", it can only be said to be indifferent!

When I listen to singing, this is exciting!

All kinds of ghosts, ghosts and snakes are here!

"Come on, be happy, anyway, there is a lot of time... hey, sister Yuzi, why are you hitting me?"

"I and my motherland can't be separated for a moment, no matter where I go...Huh? Isn't this right?"

"...I feel cute and cute, I want to be with you, so happy...Don't fight, don't fight, I'm dead."

In the end, singing to boost your spirits still has to be professional.

The only water pomelo present who has learned vocal music, followed Chen Qian's voice of "Unity is strength", and pulled up an octave, and without fear, drove in the direction of the calyx beast. Others Join one by one...

"Unity is strength, unity is strength!"

"This power is iron, this power is steel!!"

"It's harder than iron and stronger than steel..."

At first, there were only ten people who were locked in the metamorphosis area, and amidst the neighing sound of the calyx beast that seemed to penetrate the eardrum, they sang like a shout.

But then, outside the metamorphosis area, those full-level players who couldn't get in, and those reserve players like the dragon hunting group came to support, all sang!

In a short while, the singing of so many people gradually became louder than the neighing of the calyx beasts and sin bones...

Moreover, it hasn't stopped yet!

Right in front of the Calyx beast, in the voice of such a song, the water grapefruit shuttled under the attack of the Calyx beast's laser cannon, using isoproterenol to pull up one teammate after another.

The singing continued.

Life goes on.

The sin bones got up from the ground time and time again, and so did the players!

Isn't it a resurrection? Who doesn't seem to be anymore?

The calyx beast floats in mid-air, with six petals floating up and down, the neighing sound is obviously weakened, and the laser cannon also slows down. The red eyes on its waist are staring in a triangular shape, and its body is tight and looks very tight. Doubt, vigilance.

Those eyes seem to be asking, why?

Why can you resurrect your teammates with a roar?

"Ha, the player laughs as soon as the Boss thinks about it. You keep up with your output." Chen Qian laughed. This newly transformed polar eater is the most fun, because the metamorphic polar eater is a creature that has just appeared wisdom. Incomplete wisdom will often cause them to have a short delay when facing some things they don't understand.

Chen Qian decisively named his sister, "Xiao Yan! It bursts!!"

"Waiting!!" So Xiaozhen said.

However, as soon as Chen Qian looked back, she saw that she was right in front of the calyx beast.


Why is her stance always such a stubborn face?

Moreover, the calyx beast's next long-charged laser cannon had just been shot, and she didn't even know how to dodge it.

She listened to Chen Qian's instructions to burst her, and started a doomsday dispute!

The Doomsday Dispute can differentiate into two energy bodies. The energy body has 50% of the body's health and 50% of the attack power, and acts in concert with the body.


The watchman's battle axe bursting with blue and purple electric lights burst out from the hands of two energy bodies of one body at the same time.

As for the calyx beast's laser cannon, of course it is also the little girl in front of the boss!


Magnetic pole reversal!

On Xiaoyin's watchman, the second inherent characteristic.

Every time you receive an attack, you have a 5% chance of triggering. All the damage received within 1.5 seconds before and after the trigger is reversed to the target that caused the highest damage to you within 1.5 seconds.

Don’t trigger early, don’t trigger late, but trigger at this time...

Although Chen Qian had this preparation in his heart when he saw Xiao Jue's position, he still shivered as he watched the calyx beast's blood bar pulled down a lot.


This is the Boss!

Does a person make the Boss's health bar change visible to the naked eye within a second?

"I rely on..."

"Hundred rivers are mighty!"

"The big sister's head really is the big sister's head!!"

The two full-level players who have just been resurrected are all in a trance!

Their level has overwhelmed this metamorphosis calyx beast at level 11. However, they couldn't achieve a skill and saw such an obvious change in the calyx beast's blood bar.

The light effect of the magnetic pole reversal is something they have not seen before, so, without knowing the effect of the skill, they certainly don’t know that the large amount of output is actually produced by the calyx beast itself, but it is reversed back to itself. On his body, coupled with Xiao Yan's Doomsday Dispute skill, the combined eruption broke out in one drag, and the amount of damage was naturally astonishing.

The Watcher's battle axe shining with dark golden light in Xiao Ying's hand, in this difficult situation where people are constantly dying, is like a light of hope!


Every player who is resurrected immediately replenishes the blood blue, and then immediately joins the battle!

Chen Qian also contributed his... one shot, two shots.

And constant reminders from the audience.

"The Boss blood bar is down 40%... Come on."

"Pay attention to the skills. There should be no sin bones in the skill route that have not yet entered the battle. If the sin bones are not attacked, they will not be too aggressive!"


There are not many people in the metamorphosis field. The disadvantage is that the output is much harder than the normal Boss of the Calyx. All the styles Chen Qian knows require at least three full teams. Such a team configuration, he has never been Never played!

But the advantage is that they have plenty of space to move!

Everyone's firepower gradually concentrated on the calyx beast's body. If the sin bone was accidentally hit, it would be quickly cleared by two full-level players. Normally, everyone's skill route would try not to touch the ghost.

The sin bones that have not been attacked are in the direction with their backs to the ground, with their hands and feet folded back on the ground, moving slowly towards the sky...

Seeing that the situation inside has basically stabilized, Chen Qian turned his head and shouted to the players outside singing cantata: "Is there a commanding position outside?"

The transformation is about to be completed, and the fog of transformation is gradually dissipating...

Outside the blocked metamorphosis area, three or four players raised their hands: "Yes."

"Four people, standing in all directions. Be sure to stop the sin bones that continue to arrive outside the transformation zone!"

"Received..." Several players outside replied.

But what seems to be wrong?

Who is the person talking inside?


Not only the people outside were thinking about this question, but the four full-level players who played Calyx beast next to Xiao Yan also had the same doubts in their hearts.

He didn't make a lot of shots, but it could be said that the gun was turned back. The Boss has been turned back by him at least four times. A bullet is the rhythm to save another person!

The mood is stable and very stable, and the hatred of the calyx beast is not at all.

But at the right time, he will definitely appear in the right place.

For example... The high-speed chain saw in Shuiyuzi's hand flew out with one skill, and a sin bone just climbed into the skill range, and it was about to be attracted. Chen Qian's hand [After Hui] hit the sin bone with a single shot. On his forehead, it was brought over, so that Yuzi's skills reached the Boss smoothly.

The prediction of each step is as if you have seen what will happen in ten seconds.

"20%..." The blood bar of the calyx beast has been pulled to the bottom, and the color has changed to black and red.

With four full-level players, plus a blank sheet of the main output, plus a little girl who can make a big explosion, the output is quite sufficient for such a calyx beast in the metamorphosis stage.

However, the calyx beasts also have sufficient output for them!

The two sides are banging, which is to see who is the first to die.

"10%!! Come on!" Inside and outside the transformation domain, there were voices of cheering each other.

Players are constantly dying.

The sin bones are also constantly dying.

The call of the calyx beast and the call of the sin bone are intertwined with the continuous singing inside and outside the metamorphosis area.

"5%!" Shui Yuzi has directly retracted the high-speed chain saw into the backpack.

Full-time rescue.

From the very beginning, she saw that the person was dead and ran to the rescue. By the time the person was not dead, the [isoproteren] in her hand was ready!

Seamless connection ~www.readwn.com~ The last bit of red and black of the calyx beast's health is already invisible.

"It's empty, it's empty!!" Those full-level players were already cheering in advance.

However, just as the calyx beast pounced on the ground and planted on the ground from mid-air, its tail seemed to be blooming petals, with dark green light shining...

Everyone stood there, staring blankly at the last performance of the empty-blooded Boss.

Is it time to burst out?

On the dead calyx beast, something like plant rhizomes bulged!

Suddenly, the two eyes on the top of its head and the two eyes on its waist opened again at the same time, bursting out a fiery light.

"It... is growing up?" Shuiyuzi saw its body undergoing changes.

When no one had any reaction, a figure rushed directly to the side of the dead calyx beast, and then dived in!

Several girls covered their mouths and called out.

Of course it was Chen Qian who rushed in. At this time, he had quickly opened the toolbox, and then a [single twenty years] opened...

Twenty years of being single can make his next ability time-consuming and accelerate to the limit speed.

And what was accelerated by him was just a collection action!

"Huh..." Only five seconds later, he rushed out of the calyx beast's body again, but what other people didn't know was that the two green gleaming [Calyx lingual Stamens] were in such a short period of time. In time, fell into his backpack.

He just came out in less than three seconds, the calyx beast that has been killed has already swelled to six meters...

A new blood bar is slowly forming on its head.

"No?" The players who finally killed this metamorphosis calyx beast knelt down on the spot.

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