What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 148: Make monsters with monsters!

The purple sweet potato dumpling team, after a "radioactive source" attack and a sonic attack from the metamorphosis double-headed rattletail, the whole army was wiped out!

Of course, this was Chen Qian's expected result.

In this kind of Boss battle, the burst of occupation is generally to prevent other players who want to grab monsters.

Few of them go directly to the boss like this!

It can only be said that the current Rulong is not easy to pick up a few that can be played, and there is no way to achieve a completely clear division of labor.

Fortunately, this time Xiaozhen picked...

Although she didn't know the work and rest of Da Tuan, she really avoided the possibility of being robbed by Da Tuan perfectly.

"Let's go." After the purple sweet potato dumplings and the others destroyed the team, several players from the reserve team stood up.

Concubine Yun's team was also half dead.

The two-headed rattletail is about to find life like tea...

The reserve team cuts in!

The three teams led by Chen Qian, Crazy for Money, and Xiaoyue continued to stand by - they were the main force going down to capture Mr. Mo, but the faces of the players in their team were a bit unpleasant.

"Is this a large team task?"

Ninety-nine percent of the players in the Rulong Hunting Group have not been exposed to this kind of mission. They were very excited when they got the clue card, but they didn't expect that they hadn't even seen the face of Mr. Mo before, so they were already. The reserve team is used.

"Um... this is still when we have designed the strategy in advance."

"Yes, if there is no strategy, it is estimated that they have been sent back to the station in a wave."

"But dragging on like this is no way, I feel like I'm going to fail..."

"No way, be prepared for failure."

It is said to be ready, but who can make this preparation? They are not a large group of players, and they have that psychological quality that can be wiped out in front of a Boss for a month.

It was the first large-scale team mission and returned home. It must have been a major blow to this newly established wilderness hunting group that has not been through the storms.

What's more, they also got up early for this task.

We gathered at half past six!

"How to fight?" The candlelight splattered here, and there was no idea. He still couldn't do it when designing the strategy on the spot.

"I found the monster, but couldn't fight it. I found the entrance, but couldn't get in." The player from the other Raiders group next to him also kept scratching his head.

Their eyes focused on Chen Qian.

And Chen Qian hasn't moved.

He looked like a sunflower, staring at the Concubine Yun and the reserve team fighting the double-headed rattletail, as well as the purple sweet potato dumplings, glutinous rice dumplings and Xiao Mi Jiao Rooster Dumplings who had just returned to the battlefield.

Output, burst...

Death, rebirth...

Chen Qian's eyes kept moving on everyone.

The scene was basically a unilateral attack by the double-headed rattletail. The player who killed it had already reached double digits, but its own HP hadn't lost much.

Except for the first wave of violent mass explosions that worked, as long as the two-headed rattletail beast saw the strange light on one of the purple potato dumplings' knives, it would immediately dive into the mud.

Then, getting out is a spike!

The main purpose of the Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling is to draw it away from here, so it's normal to not lose much blood, but as Chen Qian expected, the double-headed rattletail always surrounds the underground entrance where life is like tea. Swimming nearby will not leave this range.

Chen Qian continued to watch...

He knew every skill of the double-headed rattletail, but he was still watching, watching more seriously.

Ten minutes passed.

Chen Qian took out his pistol: "Come on, try it."

"Does Zimu already know how to fight?" Candlelight asked.

"I don't know." Chen Qian shook his head.


"I just knew it after hitting it."

With that said, Chen Qian stepped back a few steps, and when the double-headed rattletail was the closest to him, he jumped directly from the shore in three steps, and then jumped in two steps, leaping towards it in a spindle shape!

In mid-air, Chen Qian shouted: "Dumplings, burst out!"

The purple sweet potato dumplings and the others have been holding the burst skills for a long time, because as long as they have this sign, the double-headed rattletail will plunge into the mud...

But now that Chen Qian said so.

The main weapon of each of them suddenly flashed with the pre-reading light of skills.

Of course the two-headed rattletail bowed its head immediately...

As a very wise beast, he has learned how to avoid an outbreak in a short time!

However, it was at the moment of bowing its head.

Chen Qian just fell on his head!

What he holds in his hand is not his pistol, but the scalpel of [Hengxin].


The double-headed rattletail was like a hard epidermis that had been smeared with mud, and it hit a sharp scalpel with a sound that did not sound like a skin cutting.

But I saw a flash of light on his blade.

Go in!

"Uh, it's the'Shi Abandoned Era'?" A duster present recognized Chen Qian's skills!

"what is that……"

"A pair of dustmen limited skills, one is called Grass Picking Creature, and the other is called Shiqi Era. The former cuts 100% of plants, such as some hard vines that have been polluted by the Mana ecology... The latter is for non-life. Yes, such as cement board...100% cut."

The trace was stunned.

When he was leveling with Chen Qian, he saw the light effect of this skill countless times.

At that time, he even complained, what other skills does this guy need to practice?

And he really did.

Chen Qian's scalpel steadily pierced into the head of the double-headed rattletail without any damage, but helped him hang on this metamorphosis polar-chewing beast!

When the two-headed rattletail plunged into the mud, he sank along with it.

"Dead?" Xiao Yan ran to the edge of the swamp nervously.


Chen Qian was not shot into the mud by the monster, and did not suffer any harm.

But you can't stay in the mud for long...

The double-headed rattletail also didn't want to stay for long. There was a target on top of the head that could pierce in with a knife. It began to struggle violently, and then emerged from the mud in a blink of an eye.

"Fight again." Chen Qian said to the purple sweet potato dumplings and the others.

Before, the double-headed rattletail came out of the mud, and it was it attacking the purple sweet potato dumplings and others, but this time the initiative was not in its hands. Chen Qian knew all about the timing and location of its emergence.

A round of outbreaks, make a straight shot!

"Pretty." Chen Qian continued, "Taking advantage of the stability of the hatred, lead it to Uncle Cha."

"Huh?" Life is like tea thinking that Chen Qian was wrong.

Who knows, Chen Qian immediately said: "Uncle Cha is ready to explode!"

Life is like tea at any time, but the question is... it can't burst, will you follow them soon after you burst the mud?

But Chen Qian did not explain too much.

As the double-headed rattletail jumped up and down, his body was constantly patted on its hard skin, and his eyes shot gold stars and said, "Quick... well, now!"

Two-headed rattletail saw life as tea!

Looking in the right direction, Chen Qian shouted: "Any sniper rifle, hit its red eyes."

On the big head of the two-headed rattletail, there are two eyes, one is red and the other is blue.

Bang bang bang!

There were several gunshots in a row.

What made Chen Qian almost uncomfortable was that the first player to shoot turned off.

But fortunately, the last few hits right.

I saw the eyes of the double-headed rattletail flashed red!

Energy burst.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this!" The candlelight splashed around and understood Chen Qian's style of play for a moment.

Just now, Chen Qian told them that the two eyes of this double-headed rattletail burst out. What are the two effects? The red eyes burst with energy, which will produce a solidification effect, allowing the mud in a certain range to solidify, blue The eyes are sunken and the player will be swallowed by the swamp.

In the previous battle, the red energy was triggered three times, and the blue energy was triggered four times.

What Chen Qian has been reading is the condition of energy trigger!

Weakness damage!

Both eyes are the weakness of this double-headed rattletail. The weak spots in different positions cause different energies to trigger.

And now, this two-headed rattletail is facing life like tea!

The mud solidifies!

"Thank you!" Life is like a tea with bright eyes, waiting for this moment for a long time, immediately detonated the entrance!

After opening the entrance, Life Like Tea first pushed the trajectory next to him, and then pushed the white paper forward, beckoning to the other players in his team who were just in charge of guarding.


As much as you can get in.

"Go in, go in." Chen Qian pulled out the scalpel directly, jumped from the double-headed rattletail, and jumped into the entrance of life like tea!

"Haha, how about it, is my technique okay?" Life is like tea and smiled at Xiaozhen.

The team led by Chen Qian, Crazy for Money, and Xiao Yue were all about halfway in. The remaining players were screamed by the double-headed rattletail, and they all stayed outside.

The candlelight is already very satisfied with this result.

In any case, it can be regarded as the completion of a group of players dragging the polar eater as a barrier, a group of players to catch Mr. Mo's established goal.

Although this process... is indeed a bit complicated.

"Oh, it's so pretty."

"Zhu Mu actually broke the game with the dustman's skills."

"It's mainly because he snatched the main attack right from the Extreme Devouring Beast~www.readwn.com~ Tuanzi and the others can play that wave of explosions, and then hatred is enough to be able to move."

Chen Qian looked at the news in the team’s channel, shook his head and smiled, and said, “However, one of the four shots that finally killed the monster was missed. Who is it? Turn around and stand up and accept the ridicule. ."

77N7 brushed out a row of ellipsis in shame.

Chen Qian smiled and turned off his watch.

From now on, their battlefield is officially divided into two parts. Their main target is Mr. Mo. The metamorphosis-type polar-chewing beast above can only be completely handed over to the candlelight!

"What about us? How do I get in?" Life is like a tea asked.

Now, they have reached Mr. Mo’s hiding place. There are four teams in total. Life is like tea, trajectory, and white paper. Chen Qian has led a team. Crazy for money and Xiaoyue each have a team, but Each of these four teams has only half of them.

But Chen Qian did not regroup.

He just said: "There is nothing to touch in. This place can't be very big. A raid will look like a raid."

"That's right, we've been on it for too long." Xiaozhen still missed their brainless intrusion when they found the wrong mission location before.

And Chen Qian smiled and nodded: "Come on. You can fight the hostages for another five minutes."

"..." Xiao Yan didn't blush, and she stunned back smoothly, "I mocked me before the war? Do you still treat me as my sister?"

"It wasn't originally." Life is like tea and comforted her with a smile, "Let's go, let's both break out, rush!"

"You leave me alone." Chen Qian kicked him away.


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