What Can Casual Players Be Bad-hearted

Chapter 149: 89 o'clock sun

What is the impact of double bursts?

Their task is to arrest Mr. Mo, not to kill Mr. Mo.

Of course it should be crazy and trajectory for money, one control and one output lead the team to rush first...

Therefore, after Chen Qian kicked his life like tea, he said to Xiaozhen: "I have said it, stay away from him. People who don't have a vision of the overall situation..."

"Yeah." Xiaozheng covered her mouth and smiled and nodded.

Life is like tea and I'm not happy anymore!

Who doesn't have a big picture anymore?

It's not that he didn't know that the arresting action usually does not start the occupation and let the control go first, but isn't it that Baichuan wants to go?

Can't let Baichuan charge alone, right?

"Brother, I know you are strong, but no matter how strong you are, you can't bully men and women like this. You have to know, you can enter Rulong, or because of the quota I specially reserved for you..." Shengsheng Rucha tried to break with him Break this truth.


"Attention!" Chen Qian suddenly interrupted the protest of Life Like Tea, "Have you heard the sound?"

The ten people running at high speed all stopped and held their breath.

The words of life like tea are in my throat, and I suffocates it abruptly, almost choking myself to death!


The sound is really not small!

Even the sound they could hear when they were running quickly became more obvious after they stopped.

That is the sound of pulling the bolt!

The poor mechanical structure in the old weapon made a struggling noise with a mottled sound.

There were several crashes, not neat.

As expected by Chen Qian, this place is not large, there is no complicated route, and one tunnel can run to the end. It should be an air-raid shelter built a long time ago. Later, after the outbreak of the end times, it was opened for a short period of time, but it was very It is almost abandoned again, so there is no trace of human maintenance.

"Hmm... Judging by the environment, combined with the number of bolts..." Chen Qian calculated silently in his heart, "The number of people who are here to protect Mr. Mo is at most five, which is much less than I thought."

Because the whole environment is dilapidated and unmaintained, it means that Mr. Mo does not have much manpower.

Moreover, the sound of pulling the bolt sounded only three to four times. It sounded like a novice, otherwise it would not make such a loud noise.

If this is a kill battle, it should be easy to fight.

Unfortunately, it is not.

In this battle with Mr. Mo, the biggest difficulty is not to kill her, but not to kill.

Fight without killing.

Chen Qian has never done such a task.

As the candlelight said, this requires good control of the battle rhythm!

But how easy is it to control the battle rhythm? Especially when there is a certain factor of instability...

As soon as they exited the passage, a dense bullet came up towards them, Xiao Ying picked up her dark golden light-shining Warden's axe, and rushed in the direction of the attack without reducing her speed.

Fortunately, Chen Qian hurriedly pulled her back to his side.

If he is one second late, it is possible that Xiaozhen will even have the skill of "Doomsday Dispute"!

"Pay attention to the skills of your teammates!" After Chen Qian grabbed Xiao Yan, he pointed to her crazy for money.

Fingers mad about money just hit the last note.

He had just heard the sound of the bolt at the exit of the passage, and at this time, an [Elegy of Battle Angel] had sounded.

This skill is generally considered to be a great skill for players of full level. A two-person high and five-person wide wall of sound waves can be erected in front of the wall. All objects passing through this wall will change its shape and speed. Or run the route.

However, this is a skill that does not distinguish between enemy and me.

If Xiao Yan had just rushed out, then she had hit this sound wave interference wall head-on!

A layer of translucent light effect like a crystal wall appeared in the air, still shaking with the flow of air.

Ding Ding Ding...

The first round of bullets spread from the opposite side of them, when they touched [Battle Angel’s Elegy], it was like a headless fly, some suddenly accelerated, some suddenly split into two, and some I twisted the curve in the air, and some bounced back.

Amidst the sonorous music of the guitar mad for money, the trajectory led the team around the edge of his skills.

In front of them are four NPCs holding old world assault rifles.

Two of them were wearing worn-out combat uniforms that looked like waste hunters from where they were picked up. The battle uniforms were already covered with blood, their weapons were outdated, their armors were outdated, and their eyes were dull. They just turned around when they watched the track. In a direction, toward the trajectory, a row of bullets suppressed the past!

"...It's too slow." The track was a little surprised for a while.

He played two hundred PK games with the players of the Rulong Hunting Group. Seeing these two NPCs raised their hands, he almost knew what they were going to do next...

He almost instinctively rolled quickly on the ground, close!

Then he got up and raised his hand to catch one of them.

The lightsaber in his hand hits and knocks it to the ground!

Next to him, two teammates rushed to another NPC wearing a wilderness hunter's combat uniform.

And in the corner not far from these two NPCs wearing combat uniforms, there are two other NPCs not wearing combat uniforms, one of them is short and thin with a cloak, and they don’t know where the muzzle is. Chen Qian saw her hand trembling constantly. After that, in this room full of gunshots, she collapsed directly, and simply threw the gun to the ground, squatting on the ground with her head over her ears...

Next to her was a tall man, but he seemed to be someone who couldn't use a gun. He held the gun and fired wildly, but in fact, no one hit him.

The two NPCs wearing the hunter’s combat uniforms are not very effective. One has been brought down by the track in minutes, and the other is almost the same. The two in the corner are even more of a non-combatant sense of sight. Although he had a gun in his hand, the five scumbags were not counted.

and so……

It's not the master!

Where is Mr. Mo?

"The two NPCs in the corner are not right," Life Rucha also found the problem, "the female can't see the face, the male...a bit familiar."

Chen Qian's gaze also fell on the man's face.

At the same time, he was searching and comparing quickly in his mind...

He said: "In the resume of the pedagogical science, there is a communication expert, Fogo."

Mr. Mo is the contact person of the Scientology. It is quite normal for him to have members of the Scientology. However, if he puts guns on the two and lets them fight, Mr. Mo is not afraid of their deaths. ?

Anyway, Chen Qian didn't dare to imagine what it would be like to let Dao Ye and Old Man Mi go out for a fight.

"Well, your team will grab them and don't hurt them. They may know where Mr. Mo is." Chen Qian said.

He and Xiao Yan, as well as the remaining two players, continued to stay at the entrance and exit of the passage.

There is only this route to get out from here.

Even if Mr. Mo is going to throw away the scientists she contacted to escape, she must pass through here. Although the candlelight predicts that she has invisibility skills, the invisibility is only visual invisibility. It is impossible to be invisible in physical form, unless she gives herself to Decomposed on the spot...

As long as Chen Qian and the others are stuck here, Mr. Mo can't get out.

But Chen Qian has a feeling.

Mr. Mo didn't want to go out.

She is waiting for the opportunity...

Stealth, waiting, of course, to kill!

Chen Qian's position unconsciously moved a few steps closer to Xiao Yan.

But at this time when it was necessary to concentrate, two pieces of news suddenly lit up on Chen Qian's watch.

One is from the purple sweet potato dumplings above!

The metamorphosis double-headed rattletail has already come out of its second form, so I ask if I want to continue pulling it? They have destroyed the regiment too many times, and the casualties are too heavy. If they continue to fight, I am afraid that many people will not be able to fight.

And the other news came from Lin Yu.

It is the same thing as the purple sweet potato dumpling said!

"I just had a dream. I dreamed that you encountered a little trouble with your large-scale mission." Lin Yu sent a very sincere smile, "A metamorphosis-type Polar Devourer. With the current strength of your hunting group, it can't be eaten. ."

Chen Qian confirmed the time.

It shouldn't be the time when Rin Yu should be awake, right?

"What's the matter? Rin God is going to come and help?" Chen Qian actually knew that to the current Rulong Wilderness Hunting Group, the double-headed rattletail above was an existence that could not be dealt with.

"No, no, Qianshen misunderstood. Of course I don't have this time, but others may have this time... So, do you need it?"

Chen Qian's eyes narrowed.

do you need?

Of course he needs it.

"Just say ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Qian said.

"I can send someone to your place, but if you think about it carefully, if they are here, you may not be able to drink any soup with this polar-chewer beast." Lin Yu said, "However, I think the main purpose of your mission is. It’s a large-scale wilderness hunting mission, not this metamorphosis-type polar-chewing beast, so it shouldn’t be a big problem to drink no soup.

"Um..." Chen Qian certainly hoped. When they captured Mr. Mo and left the sunset swamp, the double-headed rattletail outside was already dead. "What do you want to do?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it." Lin Yu said.

"Okay. What do you want?" Chen Qian asked again.

"Mr. Mo should have a remote control. I want the remote control." Lin Yu said, "To be precise, I want the [K99 chip] material in the remote control."

Chen Qian thought about it, and said, "Okay."

Lin Yu didn't reply again.

He went offline and called KK Ada: "Ada. Do you want to see the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning?"

KK Ada, who was awakened twice in a row this morning, suddenly became ill!

"What's the matter with you?" KK Ada saw Lin Yu, squeezing her anger, but she could still hear the extreme anger in her voice.

"I have an important news."


"The whereabouts of the contact person of Net Muyuan Original Science Education."

"You say?" KK Ada rolled over and sat up.

"There is a metamorphosis polar-chewing beast in the sunset swamp..." Lin Yu said.

"Kill it, can you drop Mr. Mo?" KK Ada asked.

"..." Lin Yu felt that his IQ was insulted.


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